B2- Chapter 16

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I felt motivated today so here's a small update :) 

Roxie's pov:
"Hi is this Roxie by any chance?" a familiar voice asks me. I know that voice from somewhere I just cant think where.

"Holy shit! Oh my god! You're..... Holy shit!" I say getting way to excited and she just laughs from the other end of the call. "I guess you know who I am then?" she asks. "Yes I do know you!" I answer excitedly. "Okay so no introduction needed" THE CHLOE BENNET chuckles from the other end of the line. "Your mum told me you aren't feeling great and I bumped into her on a walk so she gave me your number. She said you like me stuff I've been in" she says. "Yep me and my mums are currently watching Agents Of Shield and its so good!" I say to her. "Are you enjoying it?" she asks. "Yes I really am!" I say I then start rambling on about it before realising I've been speaking about AOS for about five minutes. "I'm so sorry Chloe you have much better things than me telling you about a show you were on" I apologise. "Don't be silly I love hearing from fans, especially fans who's parents are in the MCU!" she says to me and I smile to myself. "So I do actually have to go now because Wally is whining. I'll make sure we meet each other once all this COVID stuff is over okay?" she says. "Okay" I answer her. I'm disappointed that we couldn't talk for longer but my throat is really hurting. "Okay bye Roxie!" she says. "Bye" I respond hanging up. What just happened!? I shut my phone off and turn my TV on flicking through stuff to watch when I get a text from Maise. I open it and see a text that says 'Ew why do you look like that in your profile pic!?' I stare at it a little confused as Maise has never texted me anything like this before. I'm about to chuck my phone down on my bed when I get another text saying 'That was my dumb ass little sister sorry x' I smile a little and reply with a quick 'okay lol' and then lie down. I watch 'The Hating Game' (I watched it recently and it's really good you should give it a watch!) and snuggle into my blankets. I'm about half way though the movie when I get a text from momma.

Momma 💕- Hey sweetie. I'm heading off to the store real quick is there anything you fancy? X

Roxie- Maybe some skittles or sweets like that and then a pot noodle x

Momma 💕- Of course honey. I'll leave the sweets on your door step and you can grab them x

Roxie- Okay love you x

Momma 💕- Oh and I'm taking your sister too

Roxie- Okay x

I put my phone down again and resume the movie. It's really good! Once the movie finishes I hear a knock on my door so that means momma has left my food outside. I get up out of bed and instantly go faint and dizzy. I grab onto my little cupboard to balance myself as I start seeing clearly and the world stops spinning. I continue to the door and open it seeing a few bags of skittles, starbursts, M&Ms (The nut ones because they're superior :)) and a cola. There's a little note too saying 'I bought you your fav ice cream but that's in the freezer and you're pot noodle is in the cupboard. Text when u want it. Luv momma xxx' I smile and pick everything up heading back into my bed to watch another movie. I don't feel as sick as I did this morning which I'm very grateful for but I'm still not feeling too great so I stick on a comfort movie, Avengers Age of Ultron.

Flo's pov:
"Come on then trouble!" I say lifting Lottie up and carrying her out the front door. We're heading to the little corner store as Rox and Liz want something from there.

"Tag momma!" Lott giggles tapping my leg as we walk down the street. "Oh you're on missy" I say pretending to chase after her. She squeals and runs ahead a little but not too far. I obviously catch up with her quickly and tap her on the back "Tag" I say she squeals again and tries to run after me. We head towards the large road so I call her back but she doesn't hear me. "Lottie!" I say grabbing her hand. "You have to listen to momma when we head to roads okay?" I ask her. She nods but tags me again. "Lottie, honey, we cant play whilst waiting to cross a road. It's dangerous" I tell her seriously. "But I wan pway" she whines tagging me again. "We can once we are over the road. Look we have to wait for the man to turn green before we walk" I say lifting her up so she can see the man. "Oh" is all she says. I place her on the floor and take her hand as the lights beep and the man changes colour to green. "We go now!" Lott says. "Yep now we can go but we cant play yet" I say as she skips next to me across the road. I wait until we get a little further away before tagging her. "Momma!!" she yells running after me. We play until we get to the corner shop and I let her tag me so she wins. "Good job baby" I say as I put my mask on and head inside. "Let momma pick you up" I say to her. Me and Liz agreed that we'll carry her to try and prevent her touching items and getting too close to people. "I wan walk" she whines. "I know but we want you to stay safe so you don't get sicky" I tell her. "But I wan walk" she whines again sadly. "If you let momma carry you, you can have some sweeties?" I offer. That does the trick and she lifts her arms up. I pick her up and carry her around collecting all the items we need.

"Momma do cook?" Lott asks me pointing to the eggs, flour and sugar in the basket. "Yeah momma's gonna cook later. Maybe you could help me?" I suggest pulling some chocolate chips off the shelf. "Yesss! It go on you Tintergwam?" she asks me and I laugh at her miss-pronunciation of Instagram. "Yeah we can put it on Instagram if you'd like" I say. She giggle and nods as we grab the cookies Liz wanted and some break and pasta. I look down in the basket as we head to the till and see we have a very strange collection of food in here! "Pwease get toy?" Lott asks me pulling a puppy-dog eyes. "I cant say no to that face!" I say kissing her with my mask on. She laughs and wiggles out my arms and runs to a stuffed duck and pulls it off the shelf. "You want him?" I ask and she nods running back over to me. I lift her up again, pay for the stuff, get a bag and then walk home with Lott in my arms.

Once I get home Lott charges off to show Liz her new duck toy named Ducky and I take Rox her items she wanted leaving her a little note to hopefully cheer her up. I set everything down before knocking on the door and heading downstairs. I open the living room door and see Lott sat on Liz's lap making the duck kiss Liz. I chuckle and take a photo which is adorable and post it on my Instagram story. "So this missy says you're going to cook with her?" Liz asks as I flop on the sofa next to them. "Yeah we are. I'm not sure if we'll do it today but in the next couple of days" I answer her as Lott dives onto me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head. "Okay well as long as you save me something I don't mind." Liz teases. Me and Rox ate all our baking last time and Liz wasn't happy. She was upstairs feeding Lott as she was still a little baby then and me and Rox didn't mean to but we ate all of the brownies we made. Liz wasn't very happy but it made a funny Instagram video! "I'll leave you some" I say "Maybe" I add on the end to tease her. "Oh shut up" she says shoving me. "Shall we watch something?" Liz suggests and we agree on watching Sing which is Lott's favourite movie at the moment.


Word count- 1477

Hope everyone is okay! 

I found an apprenticeship at a Nursery that i'm applying for :) 

My mental health has improved a little since the note so i'll try and update but i've just gone back to 6th form today so i'm not promising regular updates. 

Thanks for almost 90K reads it's mad! When i started i didnt think i'd get 10k and now i'm almost at 90k which is CRAZY!!! 

'What? This is crazyyyy'- Yelena Belova  

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep and also to take care of yourself! It's important and you deserve it :) 

I love every single one of you 3000 ❤

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