Chapter 35

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*Time skip to our current date (16th December) sorry for huge time skip I just had an idea lol)

Lizzie says we're going to put up our Christmas decorations. I know what Christmas is and all that but I've never had gifts or decorations. I always dread Christmas because it's when Mr Richards always got the most drunk.

I go downstairs in my pjs because I'm really tired today. I had another nightmare last night but I don't want to worry Lizzie as she seems so happy. I head down and see Lizzie feeding Sparky. "Hi" I mumble whilst yawning. Lizzie turns around and smiles before hugging me. "Is someone still sleepy?" she asks and I nod. "You can go back to bed if you want to" she tells me but I yawn and shake my head. "I want to eat with you" I tell her whilst grabbing some bread to shove in the toaster. "Okay but you better not be grumpy today!" Lizzie says poking my side. "Ha ha I'm never grumpy" I tell her whilst I butter my toast. "Oh yeah? You literally had a hissy fit over the TV not having the show you wanted to watch yesterday" Lizzie teases me. I laugh and go and sit next to her. "But I do love you very much. Even your grumpy side" she tells me. I laugh and eat my toast. Whilst I eat I think about my nightmare. I was on set with Scarlett, Jeremy and Robert and then Lizzie comes up saying she's pregnant so is sending me back. I know it's stupid but it's scared me. "Lizzie? Can I ask you something?" I ask whilst washing up my plate. "Of course you can honey" she says. "Are you pregnant?" I ask. She looks at me confused "Why would I be pregnant?" she asks. "No reason it's just... I... Never mind" I say going to walk out the room. She catches my hand and pulls me into a hug. "Tell me sweetheart" she whispers. "I had a nightmare that you got pregnant and sent me back" I tell her. She waits a moment before kissing my head. "Even if I was pregnant I wouldn't send you back because I'd know you'd make the best big sister in the whole wide world!" Lizzie tells me. My eyes fill with tears. Happy tears. I finally have a home where I am wanted and will never be sent back. "Aw honey don't cry it's okay" Lizzie says rubbing my back. "I love you.... Mum" I say. Lizzie stops rubbing my back for a second so I look up. Lizzie has tears in my eyes. Just as I start to panic she squeals and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around her and she spins me around. "You called me mum!" She screams. I laugh as she spins me around. She kisses me but instead of kissing the top of my head she kisses my forehead. It feels nice. I hug her tightly and she does the same.

ROXIE JUST CALLED ME MUM!!! I'm so happy I could just..... EXPLODE! I put Roxie back on the floor and she says she's going for a shower before we decorate so I decide to text Scar.


Scarlett- What's up Liz!?!?!

Lizzie- You'll never ever guess!

Scarlett- Rox called you mum?

Lizzie- Oh you did guess... well YEAH!!!

Scarlett- Oh Liz! That's so amazing!! Congratulations!!

Lizzie- She's in the shower now but we're about to decorate for xmas

Scarlett- I'm so happy you finally have someone. I have to go Rose is crying because I didn't let her put her pink mermaid on our xmas tree. Speak to you later x

I put my phone down and decide to get all the boxes out from the attic as I have so much happy energy! I cant believe I have a daughter who can call me mum. I'm so happy!! I grab the boxes with Sparky barking underneath me. I put them all down and realise I have so much stuff! I don't normally put much out as it's just me but now everything is down here I see how much I really do have! "Woah! There's so much stuff!" Rox says coming up behind me. Her hair is in a bun so i'm guessing she didn't wash it. She comes and stands next to me and I smell my grapefruit body wash. "You used my body wash!" I say tickling her. "Well given that I'd just called you mum I guessed I might as well smell like you!" she says giggling. "Hmm fair enough. Now! You wanna help me decorate?" I ask. "Actually will you come with me to walk Sparky before so he isn't charging around as much?" she says. That is a good idea. "Yeah let's walk Sparky and then decorate" I say taking Rox's hand. We get Sparky on the leash and start walking down the street when I see the Paparazzi. I don't care for tehm right now as I'm too happy but I know Rox really doesn't like them. I take her hand so she knows she's okay as we keep walking towards them. The cameras start flashing. Rox moves a little closer to me. Sparky starts barking and jumping up at some of them as they take photos of us. Sparky growls at this one man making Rox hold onto his leash even tighter.
We keep walking but I end up with Sparky's leash as all the cameras are stressing him out. He's growling and jumping at everyone so I can tell he's stressed. Rox looks alright but I keep hold of her hand that is now a little sweaty.

We finally get to the park but decide to keep Sparky on the leash as he is stressed and we don't want him hurting somebody. We sit on a bench together and just watch ducks swimming on the pond. Sparky sits in between me and Rox as we try and calm him down. Poor little dog. "Hey look at this" Rox says showing me her phone. I take it and see a photo of me holding Sparky's leash and Rox's hand with the caption 'Elizabeth Olsen-Secret family?' I laugh as I hand my phone back to Rox. "Well you're now a mystery celebrity!" she tells me. I laugh as my phone pings. I look down and see a message from Scar. '*Photo attached* This photo of you, Rox and Sparky is just the cutest!' I open it and see me holding onto Rox and Sparky's leash. Rox is smiling a little and so am I. The sun is in the right spot and both our hair is shining. Sparky is looking adorable. I save the photo and decide to print it out and frame it. It's photos like that that almost make me like some Paparazzi.


Word count- 1151 

We put our decorations up and it gave me 🌟inspiration🌟

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