B2- Chapter 22

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(I have nobody to share the excitement with, sad times for me, so you guys get all my excitement!) 

Lizzie's pov:
After we all eat, except Rox, me and Flo clear up and then Flo takes Lottie upstairs to the playroom to keep her distracted whilst we talk to Rox. I'm just praying that we aren't having a repeat of when she first met me and was so insecure about her body she stopped eating properly.

"Okay honey you don't have to eat that" I say to her sitting back down at the table. "Thank god" she says shoving the plate away from her. "But you have to eat something else, not pasta" I tell her. "Why?" she asks. "Talk to me" I say to her as she stares at her fingers before chewing on them. "I guess it's just people being mean" she mumbles. "Being mean how?" I ask her. "I don't know like on Insta and stuff" she says chewing more on her fingers. "Okay and what stuff are they saying baby?" I ask her feeling really angry at the people on Instagram. "I don't know but I don't know why it's always me" she says tearing up. "I'm just starting to get happy and then boom I get teased on a random Instagram thing and then next thing I know everyone is being horrible. Even some girls at my school are doing it!" she says the tears falling down her face. "And you thought that if you stopped eating it would...." I ask. "Give them one less thing to complain about me" she finishes. "But you shouldn't have to change!" I say to her. "Yeah but if I get more skinny then.... Well I don't know but everyone says I'm overweight so I better start doing something about it!" she snaps getting more annoyed. "But you'll not see any of them for a while because of COVID so you don't have to worry about what they say" I tell her opening my arms. She gets up and sits on my lap cuddling into me. "And you haven't done anything else have you?" I ask her. "What?" "You know... you haven't hurt yourself have you?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "No" she says quickly. "Okay that's fine but you have chewed your fingers and your index finger is bleeding" I tell her lifting her hand up to show her. "Oh well it'll be fine" she mumbles chewing at it again. "Honey don't chew your fingers like that. It'll hurt and it bleeds" I tell her rubbing her hands. "Well theres nothing else to do" she says biting her thumb. "We can find something" I say rubbing her back. "Like what?" she asks cuddling into me more. "You can buy things you chew instead of your lips or fingers" I explain because I had noticed her biting habit with her fingers so researched some things to help. "Oh" is all she says before sighing. "Can I have some grapes?" she asks me. "Of course you can! Do you want them with anything else?" I ask her as she gets off my lap. "No thanks" she says sitting on the table whilst I grab a bowl and wash some grapes. "I'm proud of you, you know" I say washing the grapes gently in the water. "Why? I'm all messed up" she asks. "Because you're telling me about it and you're explaining it all to me and what will help" I say placing the grapes in the bowl. "Oh well thanks I guess" she says getting off the table. "Are you sure you don't want anything else?" I ask. "Maybe some of the sugar free orange juice?" she asks. "Of course! You pop to the living room and put something on the TV. It can be anything because momma is with Charly upstairs." I say to her handing the grapes over and then pouring her some orange juice, not the sugar free one, and heading to the living room with her. We watch 'Harry Potter and the philosophers stone' cuddled up to each other.


Word count- 667

Hope everyone is okay! 

I'm currently revising for exams in June sooooo i'm very stressed 😂

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it. 

I love you all 3000 ❤

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