Chapter 52

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(Sorry but another time skip- it's now new years eve and Scarlett, Rose, Florence, Robbie, Chris E and Colin are all at yours and Lizzies house)

It's now 5pm and everyone except Mary-Kate and Ashley are here. I'm looking forwards to Rox meeting them as well as my other siblings but they were busy so only the twins could come tonight. I haven't told her as I don't want to panic her as I know how anxious she can get over meeting new people.

I go into the living room and see everyone in the living room except for Rox. "Any of you seen Rox?" I ask them. "I think she went to her room" Scarlett tells me. "Thanks" I say as I walk off to her room. I knock on the door and hear a sniff and then a little "Yeah?" "Honey it's mamma. Are you okay?" I ask. Her door opens and she walks back over to her bed. She's doing well walking with her brace thing she got given yesterday. She's definitely enjoying not having to use the crutches as much now. "Hey what's up?" I ask sitting next to her on her bed. "I don't know I just.... My chest" she mumbles. I pull her into me. "What's wrong with your chest?" I ask. "It's really tight and I don't know why" she tells me. "As in anxiety tight or pain?" I ask her. "Anxiety but I don't know why. Nobody I don't know is coming here so I shouldn't be anxious right?" she asks me. "Honey its okay to be anxious. There are quite a few people here today and it can become overwhelming and given you have had bad experiences with adults its understandable" I tell her. She nods and wipes her tears away.

"I came to tell you something but now you've said what you have I feel bad" mum says, yes I call her mum now. "Is it bad?" I ask her getting worried. "No honey it isn't bad. It's just I invited my sisters. Only two of them. The twins. Mary-Kate and Ashley" she tells me. Great complete strangers to make today even worse.

It's been half an hour and mum has come back to my room to tell me that the twins are here. She takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. "Mary-Kate and Ashley this is Roxie, Roxie this is Mary-Kate and Ashley" mum says to me. "Hey Roxie!" one of them says. "Hi" I mumble back. "So! Lizzie here said that she adopted you a little while back and even though it was a little while back we still wanted to get you a gift" the other says. "You don't have to! Honestly I'm not worth it" I say to them. One of the twins, I think it was Ashley frowns whilst the other pulls out a little box. I stare at it unsure of what it is. I don't realise how long I'm standing there but I feel mum put a hand on my back and whisper "It's okay you can open it" I look at the box and lift the lid. I look at a beautiful ring. "Look inside! Look inside!" Mary-Kate says. I lift the rings and see 'Lizzie and Rox always' engraved on the inside. "Thank you guys so much! I mean you really...." But I'm cut off by a massive hug from the twins. After chatting a little I realise they don't know about my past and just think I'm a foster kid who happened to be adopted by Elizabeth Olsen. They're really nice and me and Ashley get along pretty well. After chatting for a little mum and I walk through to the living room to collect orders for pizza. We're having a massive pizza party whilst watching a movie, then we're playing party games till half eleven and then we're gonna do the countdown. I've never celebrated New Years eve so I'm unsure about why its so special but after some chatting I start to understand why. It's a time for fresh starts. A new year, a new you or me or whatever. Maybe this year, this 2022 I can finally let go of my past. Finally live with someone who loves me and once and for all forget about all the wretched things that have happened to me. I'm with Lizzie now and I already know how much better my life is going to be.


Word count- 751 

Hope you all like this. I know it's a bit late for a new years eve part but i couldn't think of anything else! Hope you're all doing okay. If not then you can always message me :) 

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