Chapter 36

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I grab Sparky's leash and we walk back to the house. Lizzie keeps hold of my hand because there are still a few Paparazzi people around. We get back to the house and as soon as I take Sparky of the leash he runs over to his dog bed. Good it means we can decorate without a puppy under our feet. "Okay honey. What do you want to do first? Tree or lights?" Lizzie asks me. "Tree? Why are you putting a tree in the house?" I ask really confused. "Don't tell me you don't know what a Christmas tree is!" Lizzie says. I look down and say "Well it's not like you get Christmas when you get beaten up every night." Lizzie hugs me tightly "I'm sorry baby I forgot" she says. I smile "It's fine" I mumble. I hate thinking about being back there and now Lizzie said that it's all I can think about. I wonder if the little ones are getting a Christmas with their new families. It's Marley's first Christmas this year and I wish more than anything I could be having it with her. But I cant because she has a new family now. She's happy and their happy and that's all I could ever want. I feel Lizzie hug me and then realise I'm crying. I wipe my eyes quickly "Why are you crying honey?" Lizzie asks me. "Just thinking about the kids that's all" I mumble and sniff. "Oh honey I'm sorry I wasn't thinking" she says giving me a very tight hug. I laugh a little "Hey Liz. I know you want christams and stuff but I have to be alive for it. You cant squeeze me to death!" I say and she loosens her grip. "Oh Scar said that she's going to come over later if that's okay with you. She said she'll bring Rose too" I nod and look down. It's not that I don't like Rose because I do it's just I always feel like the nasty horrible person when she cries and things. I'm not saying Rose is a bad kid she's just little and.... Sensitive I guess. "You're great around Roes" Lizzie says reading my mind. "She doesn't like me though" I say. "She loves you! She looks up to you too. Scar said the other day Rose threw a big strop just like you do when I get you up early" she teases. "Hey! That's mean!" I say shoving at her. "Right- let's do this decorating!" Lizzie says pulling me over to the massive pile of boxes. "We can start with the other small decorations and then Scar and Rose can help us decorate the tree like they do most years." Lizzie tells me. I nod and watch as she gets out all the decorations.

We've been decorating for an hour and I have to say I'm very hot right now! I went and changed into a cropped top and thin legging. Turns out jumping up and down to hang lights is tiring! Lizzie took her hoodie off and is still decorating but I'm having a well earned break sitting on the floor rolling a ball to Sparky who's only attacked the decorations box twice. I'm about to get up and help again when someone knocks on the door. Sparky barks and runs to the door. I open it and get enveloped in a massive hug. "Hey Rox!" Scarlett says when she finally lets me go. "You okay Sparky?" she asks bending down to pat Sparky's head. Rose comes running up the stairs and sees Sparky. "It's a doggy!" she squeals and shoves past me into the house. I'm about to walk off when Scar grabs my wrist. She shuts the door and pulls me into another hug. "Listen Rox. Liz told me about what happened a little while ago and I just want to say that if you ever ever feel like that you can always message or call me. It's not like I get any sleep anyway" she says. "Thanks Scar" I say trying out the name Lizzie always uses. She smiles for a second before saying "It's Aunty Scar to you!" I laugh and we walk into the living room together. "Looking good girls!" Scarlett says as she walks into the decorated living room. "Thanks" Lizzie says out of breath. She's been putting up tinsel around the banister along the stairs and she's very red and hot. "Maybe you should both have a drink" Scarlett says walking off into the already decorated kitchen.

She comes back with four cold glasses of orange juice and sets it on the table. Rose grabs a glass and chugs it whilst me, Lizzie and Scarlett drink it slowly whilst chatting. I see Rose trying to get Sparky to play fetch and it isn't going very well. I laugh as Sparky runs for the ball but trips over the little box and lands sprawled out on the floor. Rose comes over grumpily after that and sighs as she sits on Scarlett's lap. "What's wrong with you missy?" Lizzie says poking Rose's belly. "Sparky isn't playing" she says. "I haven't taught him anything yet Rose but when I do I'll let you know so you can play with him" I tell her. She looks at me for a second and I think she's going to say something mean but instead she smiles and says "Thanks Roxie!" she gets up and runs off outside with Sparky following behind her. "See Rose does love you lots" Lizzie says to me. "Yeah maybe she does" I say standing up and grabbing some more little decorations.

After another three hours it's finally time to do the tree. Lizzie sorts it all out so all we have to do is wrap it in lights, tinsel and add these baubles on. We all work together for a little whilst Rose defends it from an excited Sparky who is obsessed with trying to knock it down. When we finish we step back and admire our work. "One last thing we need to do" Lizzie says passing me a little heart. I look at it and see it says 'Lizzie + Roxie'. I smile at it. "This is lovely!" I say to Lizzie who side hugs me. "Yep and it's going on the top of the tree so everyone can see it!" Lizzie says. I smile again as she lifts me up by the waist so I can put it on the top. Once she helps me down she kisses me head and we all go and sit on the sofa. "Can we watch a movie now please mummy?" Rose asks sitting down with us. "Of course we can!" Scarlett says and we all agree on watching 'Elf'. I've never seen it before but it's good! I like it. We watch another Christmas movie but my eyes start getting heavy. I rest my head on Lizzie's shoulder and fall asleep.

After we finish watching 'Elf' we put on 'Arthur Christmas' which is a really cute cartoon. We're all really enjoying it and then I feel Roxie's head on my shoulder. I look at her and see she's fallen asleep. I smile to myself as I wrap my arms around her. I feel how cold her skin is and see she's wearing a cropped top. This girl! It's winter and she's chosen fashion over temperature! "Hey Scar can you pass me the blanket?" I whisper not wanting to disturb Rox. Scar nods and throws it over to me. I wrap it around us both and Rox cuddles into me more. I rest my head on Roxie's and then look down when I feel paws on my leg. Sparky is whimpering clearly wanting to come onto the sofa with us all. I pat the space next to me and he jumps up and lies down with his little doggy head resting on my lap. I move one arm from around Rox and stroke Sparky's head. His tail wags happily. Today has just been an amazing day. I couldn't wish for more. My best friend, niece, daughter and dog all together in a beautifully decorated house. It's going to be the perfect Christmas this year.


Word count- 1380 

Hope you're all liking this so far! Only 8 days till xmas! 🎄 

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