Chapter 7

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We get to the park and after walking around for a bit I realize it has gotten cold. We sit on a bench and she plays with her fingers awkwardly. "What's on your mind sweetheart?" I ask her and she looks me in the eyes before saying "This is where you found me." I look around and realize she's right! That's the coffee shop I got her the drink from. I smile at her "I was very lucky to find you that day." I say to her and she moves a little closer to me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. I start thinking about what I would be doing right now if I hadn't found Roxie and my mind starts to wander until I hear a little voice. "Lizzie?" Roxie says "What do you do for a job?" Should I tell her I'm an actor? I mean I'm quite surprised I haven't had photos taken of us already! "Come on let's go home. It's starting to get chilly out here!" I say standing up and pulling Roxie with me avoiding the question. I think about it as we walk home in silence. Should I tell her that I'm in the Marvel movies with Scar and Chris or do I make a job up until she knows me better? She already tried to run away today! We keep walking and I see Roxie keeps looking over her shoulder at something. I glance at where she's looking and see an elderly-looking woman trying to attach a leash to an over-excited dog. Roxie smiles as the dog comes running over followed by the woman. "Buster! Naughty!" The woman says as the dog starts attacking Roxie with kisses. She laughs and pats the dog's head. "He's very cute," Roxie says as the dog's tail wags happily. I never knew she was a dog person. "Thank you. He doesn't half scare me though. He's always running off to meet people!" The woman responds while clipping the leash on whilst Roxie plays with him. "Well, I and Buster better be getting home. Nice to meet you" The woman says before walking off with the dog. I smile thinking about how she'll react to Chris' dog, Dodger!

We get back inside and I make us both a hot chocolate and we sit on the sofa. Scar comes and sits with us taking control of the TV. "So what shall we watch?" She asks us and Roxie shrugs. "I don't get to watch TV much so I haven't really seen anything." Me and Scar look at each other with the same expression on our faces. How can she have not seen any movies!? "Okay calm down you both look as if you're gonna have a heart attack!" Roxie laughs. Scar looks at me and I can see all over her face she's about to put a marvel movie on. I shake my head but she clicks on Age Of Ultron.

Roxie seems oblivious at first until Chris says his 'Language' line and her eyes open wide. I notice but she doesn't mention anything and we keep watching for a couple more minutes. "Hold on! Scarlett is that you!?" She asks staring at the TV. Scarlett laughs a little but doesn't answer and we keep watching. I glance at Roxie and see her sitting with her mouth slightly open watching the TV. It's getting closer to my part and I really hope she isn't mad. I see my face on the screen but Roxie doesn't pick up on it. We watch a little more until Wanda says her first speaking line and Roxie opens her mouth wide. "Is that you Lizzie!?" She asks sitting up on the sofa and facing me. I nod "I would have...." I start but she interrupts me "So you know Jeremy Renner!?" she asks and I laugh a little and nod. "I love his music so much! Oh my god, I can not believe you've worked with him!! What's he like?" Roxie rambles and me and Scar just sit and laugh at her. She looks down at her hands and mumbles "Sorry I didn't mean to be rude." I lift her chin with my finger so she's looking at me "You weren't rude honey just excited. You wanna keep watching the movie?" I ask her and she nods eagerly. Scar presses play and we keep watching.


We keep watching and it's getting to the bit where Pietro gets killed by Ultron. I'm not sure how Roxie is going to react so I half watch her and half watch the movie. As soon as Pietro drops to the floor, I hear Roxie trying to hide her sobs. Scar laughs at her and I pull her into a hug and stroke her hair. "Why did they kill him!?" Roxie says through her sobs and I just laugh and rub her back. "I'm okay now. I'm okay" she says wiping her eyes and sitting up to continue watching the movie. I can't wait to show her infinity war! Now Roxie knows about my job maybe I could bring her to set with me and she can meet Jeremy. Obviously, I won't tell her she can meet him so it can be a surprise but I know that her and Mackie are gonna get on so well!

We finish the movie and Scar goes to the bathroom. I get a text from Joe Russo saying he needs us all at set tomorrow so I decide to ask Roxie if she would want to come to set with me as we have to go in tomorrow anyway. We aren't filming anything so maybe Roxie can get to know some of the cast. "Roxie, would you like to come to work with me and Scar tomorrow?" I ask her and she looks up shocked. "Really?!" I nod and she jumps onto me hugging me "You don't have to if you don't want to" I say as a joke but she looks up from the hug "I do! I want to come!" She says desperately making me laugh. I love this girl so much! 

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