Chapter 85

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I really miss Rox right now and Rose is chatting with Scar so I decide to text Rox and see if she wants to talk to me. I understand why she wouldn't, I was an awful mother and I felt so so awful when she left upset last night but at least I know she was safe with Flo.

Lizzie- Hey Rox! How are you? I'm so very sorry about last night xxx

Roxie- I'm fine and okay

Lizzie- Are you doing anything today honey? Xx

Roxie- No just on set with Flo

Lizzie- Well Colin is taking Rose out today so I wanted to know if you wanted to come and do something with me x

Roxie- Sure but I'll need to tell Flo first

Lizzie- Of course x

Roxie- Okay

I put my phone down happy that she's agreed to coming back today at least for some time. She might want to go back to Flo afterwards which is fine if that's what she wants to do but I really missed her in bed yesterday. It felt strange not having someone to cuddle or hold. I look back at my phone as it pings showing Rox's profile. 'Flo says she can take me home so I can get changed and then we can go' I smile at the message as I know I'll soon be able to give Rox a big hug. "Okay I better get going. Love you Scar" is say and she nods. "Okay love you too" she says as I grab my bag and head to the car.

I arrive at home after waiting for ever in traffic. There was an accident that backed lots of roads. By the time I go to unlock the door it's already unlocked so I guess Rox and Flo must be here. I open the door and get greeted by Sparky. "Hey there!" I say bending down and fussing him. He licks at my hand before running around in circles and jumping back up at me knocking me back a little. "Well somebody is getting big!" I say patting his head as I go to the living room. I feel two arms wrap around me and I turn and see Flo. "I've missed you so much" she says kissing my neck. "I've missed you too" I say resting my head on her shoulder. "So... We have about half an hour before I have to be back on set" she teases. "I know but I really cant say no to Rox this time. Not after last night" I tell her and she nods. "Yeah that's fine" she says kissing my forehead. "I love you so much" she says. I breathe deeply as her arms hold me protectively and I realise I really have found the one I'm meant to be with. Flo is perfect. She has the same sense of humour as me, the same love for cooking, the same love for Roxie and most of all we are both very affectionate people. "What are you thinking about?" Flo asks bringing me back to the living room. "You" I say smiling. "And Rox" I add. "She's in her room if you want to talk to her. She's more calm then yesterday" she tells me. "I'll see if she wants to talk" I say but before I leave Flo grabs my hand "Just don't ask her about yesterday. Ask her what she wants to do today" she says and I nod before heading off to Rox's room.


Word count- 586 

Have you guys seen the Marvel things on Pandora!? Omg i'm gonna be broke by the end of the week but do i care..... no!! 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you deserve it!
I love you all 3000! ❤

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