Chapter 49

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After we finish opening some gifts I open a new phone. "Lizzie you don't have to get me a phone!" I tell her. "Have you seen the state of yours? It's smashed and it hardly works. Plus I wanted to honey" she told me. "Thank you" I said putting it to one side.

After another half an hour I open my last gift. I lift it up and look at the tag 'To Rox, lots of love, the marvel cast x' "It's from everyone?" I ask and Lizzie nods. "What is it?" I ask her. "Open it an find out" she says. I lift it up and open the case "It's a necklace?" I ask. "Look inside it honey" Scarlett tells me. I open the locket and see the picture we took when I first met everyone. Me, Scarlett, Lizzie and Chris E are all smiling and Brie, Anthony, Robert, Sebastian and Jeremy are all pulling faces. I look at it with a smile on my face "I love it" I say putting it carefully back in the box. Lizzie comes over and hugs me as I cant really move. "Oh guys I just thought I'd say I have a friend coming over" Scarlett tells us putting her phone down and picking Rose up. "Okay that's fine" Lizzie says as Scarlett goes away. "You okay baby?" Lizzie asks me but I'm in my own world. I'm just thinking about what I would be doing this time last year. I would probably be wishing I was with somebody who loved me whilst trying to get all the kids to feel better from Mr Richards yelling with his mates. "Honey?" Lizzie says touching my arm gently. I flinch and look up at her "I;m sorry" I mumble. "Its okay. Scarlett wanted to know if you want anything. Water?" Lizzie asks me and I shake my head. "No I'm fine... who's coming over?" I ask. "I'm not sure. Just a friend of Scars" Lizzie tells me and I nod as she helps me onto the sofa.

Me and Lizzie set up my phone for a while until someone knocks at the door. "I'm coming!" Scarlett calls coming to the front door with Rose on her hip. "Hey Flo!" Scarlett says as she opens the door. A nice looking (Not in that way) woman walks in smiling. "Hey Rosebud!" she says tickling Rose's sides. "Hey Aunty Flo!" Rose chimes happily. "You okay?" Scarlett asks the woman giving her a hug. "You're squishing me!!" Rose giggles and they pull apart and come to the living room. As soon as the woman sees me she smiles at me "Hi. I'm Florence but you can call me Flo if you want" Florence says. I nod, I don't know why I've gone so shy. I look down at my hands. I want to say hi to her but I cant my words just aren't coming out. Lizzie notices something and she puts her arm around me.

Florence says hello to Rox and for some reason Rox goes shy. I don't know why because she doesn't normally go very shy. Despite what's happened in her life she's a very confident person so it's a little strange that she's gone so quiet. "I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie" I say reaching my hand out. Florence shakes it and smiles at me. "And this is Roxie. She's my daughter" I tell her and Florence smiles at Roxie again. "Hi" Roxie mumbles quietly before hiding herself behind me. I keep my arm around her and as soon as Scarlett and Florence go to the kitchen I turn to face Rox. "What's up? You don't normally go shy" I say to her. "I-I it's nothing" she says. "If it's nothing then why don't you speak to her?" I see her thinking for a minute. "It's not nothing" she mumbles. "No?" she shakes her head and looks at me. "I don't know what's wrong with me but I just cant speak" she tells me. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "I want to talk to her, she seems so nice, but when I want to speak the words get lost in my throat and nothing comes out" she tells me. She looks very shaken up so this has clearly panicked her. "Okay okay. What can we do to help you? Do you want to sit in the room by yourself or or maybe I could start a conversation" I ask her. "Erm yeah I guess that might help" she answers. "Okay so I'll just go into the kitchen with you, start a conversation and then tell Scar I have to speak to her leaving you two alone" I tell her. She nods a little so I pass her the crutches and help her to the kitchen. "Hey Florence! You know Rox really likes cooking and baking!" I say. "You do?" Florence asks looking towards Rox who nods a little. I sit Rox on a chair then say "Hey Scar can I speak to you a second? Alone?" I say. Scar nods and follows me into the living room leaving Rox alone with Florence.


I watch as Lizzie and Scarlett walk out the room leaving me alone with Florence. "So what do you like cooking?" she asks me. "Lots of things I guess" I mumble. Florence smiles and sits next to me. "Do you love cooking?" she asks me. "Yeah I used to cook every night for the kids at the old home" I tell her trying not to reveal too much to her as I've only just met her. "Well I have an Instagram cooking story you could come on it if you want to... if your leg isn't too bad that is" she tells me. "I-I've seen your stories" I tell her and she smiles. "You have?" "Yeah I like your beany fart salad" I say laughing. She laughs too and says "Well then how about tomorrow I come to your house and we can make something. If Lizzie says we can that is" Florence says. "Wait- really!? I can do that with you!?" I ask and she nods. "Of course you can honey! You're part of our family" she says hugging me.


Word count- 1048 

Sorry i didn't update this yesterday i just didn't feel right and couldn't think about what to write. I decided given that it's Florence Pughs birthday (Happy birthday Florence) that I'd add her into the story. 

Hope you're all doing well :)

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