B2- Chapter 26

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Lizzie's pov:

It's now half past seven and Rox and Izzy are still upstairs. I tidy up the kitchen and then I head to the living room where Flo is trying to calm down a very over-excited Lottie who's running around and jumping on the sofa. Sparky is lying in his dog bed looking very un-amused whilst Flo is trying to catch Lottie. "Okay goodness me!" I say lifting Lottie up and placing her on my hip. "Oh you're so big!" I say kissing her button nose. "I not that big! I still a itty bitty baby" she giggle kissing my cheek. "Well you're also very hyper so I think we have a bath, watch some TV and then put you to bed" I say given that it's almost her bedtime. "I don't need a bath" she tells me. "I think you do" I say taking her up to the bathroom. "I'm going to hide!" she shouts running off into her bedroom and shutting the door. "Missy! Don't be cheeky!" I call through from the bathroom. I fill the bath tub with warm water and then go to fetch Lottie. I've decided if she's good and lets me get her in the bath I'll let her have a bath bomb as she hasn't stopped going on about having them since Flo bought her some. "Lottie honey?" I say walking into her bedroom. Lottie's 'hiding' under the covers on her bed but I decide to play along. "Oh dear Lottie isn't here. Maybe I'll have to use her bath bomb instead...." I start and that gets her out. "NO!!" she shouts jumping at me. I catch her and carry her into the bathroom. "Yeah I knew that'd get you out" I chuckle as she sticks her tongue out at me. "Right which one do you want? The sheep, bear, dog or cat?" I ask her getting out the box. "Doggy!" she squeals. "Okay right you pop it in then and then you'll hop on in" I say pulling her top off her. "I do it now?" she asks still holding onto the bath bomb. "Not just yet" I tell her as I slip her leggings and underwear off. "Okay now you can but you need to take the plastic wrap off it first" I tell her. "Why?" she asks as she hands it to me. "Otherwise it wont fizz" I say handing it back. I lift her up so she can reach and she drops the bath bomb into the water and squeals and giggles as it fizzes. "That smells good doesn't it!" I say placing her into the bath. She nods and plays with the water, running it through her fingers.

Lottie loves her bath and even sits still letting me wash her hair which is a first! She always whines and wiggles around and never lets you wash her hair. She's been like that since being a little baby though. She doesn't seem to like the water on her head but it's okay because we try our best to find things for her to do like covering her eyes and such. "Okay time to get out" I say grabbing the few toys I put in, out. "Aw no yet mummy!" she whines splashing around. "Honey the water isn't nice anymore. You can have a bath tomorrow if you stay in bed tonight" I offer her. Since sleeping in her own room she wont stop playing and getting up hundreds of times during the night so we have to try find ways to reward her for staying in bed. "But I wike it" she mumbles as I lift her up wrapping her in the towel that I put on the radiator. "Do you want mummy to plait your hair so it's all wavy in the morning?" I ask her. She nods a little and lets me dry her before putting her in some fluffy pyjamas. "Right then lets go watch some TV and calm down whilst mummy does your hair" I say to her carrying her into the living room with a hair brush and some bobbles.

Lottie's pov:

After my bath mummy says she's going to make it all wavy for tomorrow! I love it when mummy does my hair even if I don't always sit still for her but I still like it when she does it. Mummy sits me down on the floor and puts on the TV. It's CBeebies bedtime story! I love it when the blue thing with the blankey falls over it's so funny! (I haven't watched in the night garden for so long and that's the only thing I can remember about it 😂😭) "Right sit still for mummy then" mummy says as she starts to brush my hair. I try my best to sit still but I keep turning around to see what mummy is doing. "Honey I cant do your hair if you're facing me" mummy laughs moving my head back to the TV. "I sorry" I mumble still watching the TV. My hair isn't that long so it doesn't take too long. "I think you need a hair cut!" momma says as she walks into the living room and sits next to mummy on the sofa. "No I don't" I say climbing onto her lap. "I think you do. Look how in your face it is" momma says tickling me with the end of my plait. "It no that long!" I say again. I HATE the hairdressers so much! I don't like it when the use the scissors. I went before we weren't allowed to leave the house for a long time and they scared me! "They aren't scary people baby" mummy says kissing the side of my head. I nod my head "They hurt your hair" I tell her crossing my arms. They are not cutting my hair! Nuh uh! "Right I think we need to brush our teethies and then get you into your snuggly warm bed" mummy says standing up. She lifts me up and takes me to the bathroom, sits me on the counter and then gets the yucky toothpaste on my Elsa toothbrush. "Open wide. Say Ahhh" mummy says and I reluctantly open my mouth and let her brush my teeth. "All gone good girl" mummy says washing my toothbrush and then my face with a cloth. "Now then go for a wee and we can go to sleepies" mummy says leaving the bathroom. I go to the toilet and stand on my stool and wash my hands all by myself and then walk out the bathroom. Mummy picks me up and puts me in my bed with all my stuffies. "Okay then missy. I want you to stay in bed tonight please. No silly messing around and no playing!" mummy tells me sitting on my bed. "But I no wanna go sleepies" I whine. "Nuh uh it's your bed time and you're tired you need to go sleepies. Momma will be up in a minute to say night night. I love you baby" mummy says kissing my head, tucking me in, turning my night light on and then walking out my room. Momma comes in a few minutes later and does the same as mummy did, kissing me, tucking me in and then leaving keeping my door open. I try my best to go to sleep but I'm not sleepy any more! I wiggle out of bed and head downstairs with Bunny. "Ah excuses me madam! What are you doing up?" momma asks me. "I wan milky" I whine dropping to the floor. "Okay we'll get you some milky you don't need to throw yourself around" momma says picking me up and taking me to the kitchen. "Warm or cold?" she asks grabbing my cup. "Warm!" I say as I know it means I can stay awake longer. "Okay coming right up" she says sitting me on the counter and warming up my milk. Once it beeps she gets it out and instead of taking me to the living room she takes me back to bed! "Where we go?" I ask her. "Its sleepy time so we go to our bedroom" momma tells me sitting me on my bed. "But I wan sit in living room!" I whine. "Well you watch TV when you're in the living room and now isn't TV time it's sleepy time" momma says. I sigh, finish my milk and pass momma the cup. She tucks me into bed and leaves the room again.

After getting out of bed a lot I finally decide to give up and stay in my bed snuggled with Bunny and Froggy. After a minute or two I close my eyes and fall asleep all wrapped up in my blankeys.


Word count- 1464

Hope everyone is okay! 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it!

I love you all 3000 ❤

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