Book 2- Chapter 3

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Roxie's pov:
"Hey" I say to momma as she walks over to me. "Hey honey" she hugs me. "Do you wanna do a cooking with Flo this weekend?" she asks patting Lottie's back. "Sure I guess" I say to her. "What's up?" she asks me. "Nothing" I lie. "Hmm well I don't believe you" she says walking to the kitchen. As she opens the door the smell of cooking hits us and it smells so good. "What is that?" I ask looking into a pan. "Spaghetti bolognaise" mum says pushing me back a little so she can add something to the pan. "Mm it smells good" I say sitting on the counter. "It really does" momma says leaning against the table with Lottie still asleep in her arms. "Well it'll be ready soon so scoot and let me finish" she says. "Noooo I don't wanna leave!" me and momma say not moving. "Fine then stay just move out the way honey" she says grabbing a spoon from behind me. "Urgh fine but I better get more food!" I say jumping down off the counter top and sitting on the table next to momma. "Do you have to sit on everything except chairs?" momma asks me re-adjusting Lottie. "Yep" I say swinging my legs back and forth. Sparky comes running in as I swing my legs and I accidently kick him. "Oh shit Sparky I'm so sorry!" I say jumping down and pulling Sparky into a cuddle. He licks my face sadly. "I'm sorry baby" I say to him rubbing his favourite spot behind his ears. "As sad as it is that you kicked him you have to watch your language! Charly is picking up words now and I don't want her saying something like that" mum says to me. "Oops" I say standing up and opening the back door so Sparky can go outside. "Not oops just watch what you say or I'll bring in a swear jar" she tells me. "A swear jar? God you sound like such a grandma" I say rolling my eyes. "Oh shut up" mum says shoving me. "Grab some bowls and you make Charly up Flo" mum says. I grab two bowl whilst Flo tries to stop Lottie from crying because she didn't want to be woken up. "When are we going to Scarletts?" I ask mum whilst Flo takes Lottie to another room to calm her down. "We can either go after dinner or tomorrow" she says plating up the pasta. "Okay. I just wanna play with Cosmo!" I say carrying two plates over to the table. "Yeah?" she says bringing the other two plates over. "So I was thinking, Flo's taking Charly to set with her this weekend so I wondered if you and me wanted to do something together" mum says sitting next to me at the table as we wait for momma and Lottie to come back. "Yeah sure that sounds nice" I say to her and she smiles at me. "Come on then missy" momma says carrying Lottie into the kitchen and sitting her in her high-chair.

Charlottes pov:
After I stop crying momma carries me to the kitchen and sits me in my high-chair but I want cuddles. "No momma no high chair!" I say kicking my legs. "Honey you have to sit in there to eat dinner" mummy says to me. "I no care!" I say still kicking my legs. "Okay lets eat some dinner and then we can cuddle and then you can have a bath!" mummy says. "I no want bath" I whine hitting my hands on the highchair tray thing. "Ow!!" I shout as my hands start throbbing. "Well that wasn't very clever was it?" momma asks lifting me out the highchair and rocking me on her hip. "How about you come sit on mommas lap?" she says sitting me down on her lap. Rox passes my dinner over and momma feeds me some food and eats her own. I sit still so she can eat as I can tell she's hungry! "You done baby girl?" mummy asks me and I nod. "Pwase have tocolate?" I ask her. "I think you've had enough sugar for one day!" mummy tells me. "No I need more!" I say climbing off momma's lap and running over to mummy. She picks me up and sits me on her hip. "Do you want to go see Aunty Scarlett, Uncle Colin, Rose and Cosmo!?" mummy asks me. "Yesss!" I squeal. "Come on then let's go and get some shoes on you" she says taking me to the front door. She puts some pink trainers on me and a fluffy coat before Rox and momma come through. "I done first!" I say. "You are!?" momma says lifting me up. "Mhm and me want bunny!" I tell her. "Okay you stay here with Rox and I'll grab your bunny. Do you want anything else?" momma asks me. I shake my head and sit on the floor with Rox who's doing something with some string on her shoes. "You okay Lott?" she asks me and I nod. She stands up and lifts me up. "Do you know who we're going to see?" she asks me and I nod. "Rose and Cosmo!" I say. "And Aunty Scar and Uncle Colin" she adds on. "Yeah but they no pway" I say crossing my arms. "No but we cant forget them!" Rox says tickling my tummy. "Here's bunny" momma says passing me my bunny. Rox puts me down whilst I watch everyone put their shoes and coat on. I then get carried to the car and put into the horrible car seat. I whine but I know that if I want to see my cousins I have to go in it.


Word count- 965 

Hope you're all doing okay! 
Remember to eat, sleep and get enough sleep because you all deserve it. 

I love you all 3000 ❤

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