B2- Chapter 8

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(I know it didn't work like this but lets just go with it okay <3)

Lizzie's pov:
"Ice cream!!" Flo says walking out with Rox who looks afraid when she sees the paparazzi outside. She walks over and stands close by me and it makes me smile. She's my big girl but she still needs her mamma for protection. I take her hand as Flo grabs the handles of the stroller and we start heading on home. We chat a little bit but not much as we're all eating our ice cream.

When we get inside Flo takes Charly off to play, Rox goes to draw and I go to the living room and flop onto the sofa. I grab my phone and see some news notifications and messages from the Marvel team. I frown a little and open up the texts. One is from Joe Russo saying that he hopes we all stay well during these hard times and keep ourselves and our families safe. I frown and open the text from Scar which says pretty much the same thing. I'm very confused now. I open my news app and see that the county has gone into lockdown due to a virus called Covid-19. So nobody can leave the house unless you go for one walk a day. Schools will be online and nobody can go to work. Wow. I shout Flo and Rox through and they both come in looking very confused. Flo passes Charly to me who plays with the rings on my fingers. "Okay so I've just seen on the news that we're in a lockdown. That means nobody can leave the house, no school...." I say "Oh thank god" Rox mumbles. "..... And we cant work Flo. We can go on one walk a day so we can still walk Spark and grocery shopping will have to be once a week so no little dashes out. And no ice cream" I say. "I wan it" Charly whines. "We can still have it honey just from home" I say. I hope this isn't freaking Rox out. "This is amazing! No school, staying home all day, cooking with momma and not having to speak to anyone I don't want to. I love this!" Rox says. I laugh a little. "That wasn't the reaction I thought you were going to have!" I say as she comes over and hugs me. "Flo? You okay?" I ask her. "So we cant see anybody?" she asks. "No we have to stay with our households" I say to her. "Oh" is all she says in reply. "Well seen as we're not going to be able to do anything at all shall we go to the store?" she asks. "We don't need to Flo. We got the stuff yesterday" I say. "Right we did. What shall we do then?" she asks coming over so all four of us are squeezed onto the sofa. "We could watch a movie and then cook lunch?" I suggest. "Sounds good" Rox and Flo agree as we all decide on Sing for Charly.

Roxie's pov:
I'm so glad that we're in lockdown or whatever it's called because I don't have to go outside or to school. I can stay home where it's safe. We watch Sing before me and momma go to cook lunch for us all. "What shall we make Chef Rox?" momma asks as I jump onto the counter. "I don't know. Pasta?" I ask. "Yeah if that's what you want" she says and I nod. "Tuna pasta" I say grabbing the stuff we'll need out the cupboards. "Okay I'm sure Lott will eat that" momma jokes as we start cooking it. Sparky keeps begging for bits of food so gets banished to the hallway. "Tell your mum and Lott it's ready" Flo says serving the food up. "It's ready!" I yell through the house. "Well I could have done that!" Flo says making me laugh as I carry the jug of water to the table. Mum and Lottie arrive seconds later and sit at the table. "Tuna pasta made by me and momma" I say placing the food on the table. "This smells so good girls" mum says as she starts eating. It is really good! "Mmm I'm gonna cook so much during this lockdown" I say and Flo agrees. "Not too much though! I still have to film!" I say making them laugh. "We don't even have a gym! How am I gonna keep in great superhero shape with all this cooking huh?" mum says starting to tickle me. "Okay stop stop!" I laugh shoving her off me.


Word count- 773 

Hope you're all okay!! I'm 17 now woooo!! I drove the car today and nailed it if i dont say so myself 😂

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it! 

I love you all 3000 ❤

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