Chapter 28

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After Rox and I eat lunch we say bye to Robert and grab Dodger's leash. "Hey Rox you wanna go on a walk with me and Dodger?" I ask and she nods. "Sure!" she says jumping up from the sofa, putting her phone in her pocket. She walks up to me and puts her white trainers on. "Here" I say passing her the leash "Really? You trust me to walk Dodger?" she asks and I nod. "I trust you!" I say and it's true. I trust her so much even with my baby boy. I make sure I lock all the doors before we leave. "Where to?" she asks and I shrug. "Where our legs take us I guess" I say. She thinks for a second before laughing "My legs are thinking ice cream!" I nod and laugh too. "Looks like we're looking for ice cream then" I say as we start walking.

We grab ice cream and go to the park so Dodger and Roxie can play. She runs around trying to catch him and throwing him a ball. I yet again take some photos and videos to send to Liz as I know she'll be missing Roxie.

Chris- *PHOTO* Look at this! Rox is playing with Dodger in the park

Liz- Aw that's adorable. Is she okay? Did she eat lunch?

Chris- She's fine Liz don't worry. Are you okay?

Liz- Yeah I'm just disappointed she didn't want to stay with me that's all

Chris- She has missed you. I know she has. She's coming back tomorrow or at least she hasn't said she doesn't want to

Liz- I know it's just I cant think of what I did before I had Roxie in my life! I know I have Marley now but still... She's going to hate me when she finds out Marley's gone

Chris- What? Marley went to Australia?

Liz- These men came over with the parents who want to adopt her and said that I don't have a choice as Marley doesn't have a legal foster parent or some rubbish like that. I know Roxie is going to be so mad at me. I couldn't stop them. They took her and I got to say goodbye but Marley didn't. She's going to hate me so much

Chris- She wont. You want me to tell her?

Liz- No because then she wont want to come back

Chris- She's coming over now. I'll talk to you later. Love you Liz x

I put my phone down as Roxie sits on the bench next to me and smiled at how happy Roxie looked. "Who ya texting?" she teases. "Lizzie" I say and Roxie looks at the ground. "Don't worry it's nothing bad. She just said how cute you looked playing with Dodger" I tell her and she nods. I clip Dodger back on his leash and stand up. Roxie stands up to and I hold out my hand. She takes it smiling at me as we walk back to my house. I love that she's so happy with Dodger and maybe even me too. I love that she's so calm with me.

I look up and see Chris texting on his phone. He looks a little worried so I call Dodger to follow and I go and sit next to him on the bench. He tells me it's nothing serious and he was just speaking to Lizzie. We go back to his house and I go to the room I'm staying at. Maybe I should phone Lizzie. Chris did say she was missing me. I grab my phone and click on her name. I wait a second before clicking the ring button. It rings for a moment and I hear her voice at the other end of the line. "Roxie! Hey. How are you?" she asks. "I'm fine" I say. She waits a moment but I'm not saying anything else. "Are you liking staying with Chris?" she asks me. "Yeah it's nice here. He's so much fun. We just took Dodger on a walk." I tell her and I can practically feel her smiling through the phone. "Yeah Chris sent some photos. You look very happy" she says. "I am. I've always wanted a dog" I say. She waits a moment before I ask about Marley. I don't get a response. "Hey Lizzie you still there?" I ask. "Y-yeah I'm still here" she says. "Why didn't you answer my question? Is Marley hurt?" I ask worriedly. "Oh no honey she isn't hurt. She's fine. She's out with Scarlett and Rose. I just wanted some time to myself" I hear her say. "Thank god! I don't think I could cope without Marley" I say. We chat for a little longer before I hang up.


Word count- 798 

I have an exam tomorrow so this is a short one but i hope you like it :) 

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