B2- Chapter 11

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Charlotte's pov:
After I get pushed outside in my stroller we walk around the block a little before I start getting bored. I don't understand why momma and mummy love outside so much. It's boring and chilly! "Mummmmyy" I whine trying to get her attention but she's speaking to Roxie so I put my head backwards and look at momma. I giggle as she's upside down! "What are you giggling at missy?" she asks ticking me with one hand. "You side down!" I tell her and she laughs a little too. "I boredddd" I whine putting my head back normally and kicking my legs. "Well we're almost home" momma tells me as we keep walking. "Shall we go this way home? Sparky has lots of energy and I don't think this walk has been long enough for him" Roxie says to mummy. "Yeah it's warmed up a little so lets keep walking" she says as we go in the other direction to where momma said was home. "Noooo!" I cry flailing my arms. "What's wrong?" mummy asks stopping talking to Roxie. "I bored and no wan wong walk!" I shout at her. "How about we get you out this stroller then?" she suggests and I nod. I cant walk on the path because I don't have shoes on so mummy places me on her hip. It's fun up here because I'm not being held in place by the straps only mummy's arm that's around my tummy and under my butt. "Who dey?" I ask pointing at some people with a camera that's pointing at us. "Annoying people" mummy sighs before muttering something to momma. "Baby can you put this hat on?" she asks me sticking a hat on my head. "No!" I say pulling it off. "It's just so those people don't get photos of your face" she says but I don't like hats. "No wanna!" I say hitting the hat out her hands. "Okay how about some sunglasses then?" momma suggests. "No fing on face" I say crossing my arms. "Please honey. Just until we go past the people?" mummy asks me but I shake my head.

Roxie's pov:
"Just put the damn glasses on Lottie!" I snap at her. I just wanted a nice walk with mum without Lottie having to ruin it. I mean don't get me wrong I love her and she's the little sister I wanted I just didn't think the aging through. She's in her terrible two's and when they say terrible, they mean terrible! "Hey don't be mean!" Lottie snaps back at me. "Then put them on it isn't hard" I say walking ahead of everyone. Me and Sparky have a nice little walk together until we look back and see momma, mum and Lottie are still far back. "We need to go on walks alone from now on" I say to Sparky who licks my hand as I pet him. "You're my best friend" I say kissing the top of his head. He licks my face so I'm guessing he agrees about being best friends! "Roxanne! Roxanne Olsen what's it like being the daughter of Elizabeth Olsen?" one man asks "Does she treat you well?" a random woman asks. "How often are you left behind because Elizabeth and Florence are working?" another asks. "Is Lottie your daughter and the others are coving it up?" a man asks me. "What?" I ask. I know I'm not supposed to speak to them but I cant help it. "There's a theory that Lottie is yours and that Elizabeth and Florence are pretending to raise her" they answer back. "I'm sorry why would you think that? I'm fourteen! We literally lived with the woman who gave birth to Lottie" I say getting really confused. "What is your feelings towards this then?" they ask me. "Well I'm annoyed at you for asking such a stupid question and I'm annoyed at whoever believed it was true!" I say. "Has Elizabeth ever h-" one man at the back starts. "I swear to fucking god if you are here to ask me if my own mother hurts me then you can just fuck off because I've just about had enough of you asking me all that shit! No she does not hurt me but I will hurt you if you keep asking me that! Why don't you fuck off and leave me to walk my dog in peace! All of you fuck off!" I yell at them as mum, momma and Lott come up to me. Momma pulls me away from the crowd of cameras that have formed around me whilst mum speaks to them.

As soon as we get back home I storm off to my room again and slam the door, leaving mum or momma to take Sparky's leash off. I flop onto my bed and open Instagram and what do I see? The video of me yelling at the men with the cameras. Wow I look so mad in this. I open the comments and regret it instantly....

User_1- Wow she gets adopted and thinks she's famous all of a sudden :/

User_2- How can someone be adopted by such a beautiful person and look so ugly!?

User_3- Hang on this is #ElizabethOlsen 's daughter!? Ew

User_4- I heard that @RoxieOlsen is pregnant!? Is this true....

Reply to User_4- User_2- No she isn't I don't think!? Tho people think Lottie is her kid soooo.... Plus she hates her sister. They're always arguing or so I've heard

User_5- Slut 😳
User_6- Anger issues much!?

I'm about to load more comments when I hear momma say "Stop tormenting yourself with those comments Rox. Those people aren't worth it. They aren't worth your time. They're called trolls for a reason" she says taking my phone off me and having a quick read. "Yeah none of this is true" she adds on. "Well I'm starting to believe it" I mumble. "Hey no you shouldn't believe it! It's rubbish I promise. None of this is true" she says. "And I know you don't hate Lott either" I shrug my shoulders at her. "Well not being funny but she isn't exactly a good sister to me" I say. "Don't start that Roxie" Momma warns me. "It's a big age gap, twelve years it's a big age gap. I know it can be hard sometimes to get along with siblings but you'll grow closer the more time you spend together. Think how close you were when she was a baby. You even changed her diapers!" momma teases me. I laugh a little but I know that she is right. I just need to let Lottie be a toddler and cry and things without me yelling at her. "I'll let you have some space to think but don't go on social media" she says standing up. "Please can you stay with me?" I ask her. She smiles before climbing under the covers with me. "Well do you want to chat or watch something?" she asks me. "Lets watch..... some YouTube videos" I suggest and momma agrees. So that's what we do. We spend the next two hours watching funny clips together and wetting ourselves over them. It's great and it makes me realise how lucky I am to have a great relationship with momma. 


Word count- 1218

I kinda want to start a new book (As well as this one dont worry 😂) but i'm not sure if i should. What do you guys think???
Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep as you deserve it!
I love you all 3000 ❤

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