Chapter 90

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"One.... Two.... Three" Scarlett says before flipping the test over. "It's positive" she says. "Fuck!" I say before bursting into tears. Mum lifts me up and holds me as I bawl onto her shoulder. "Okay okay we have another test... do you wanna take it?" mum asks me but I cant think about anything right now. This cant be happening right now. "Honey?" mum says patting my back a little. "What?" I ask through my tears. "Why don't you take the other test and depending on what that one says depends on what we do" she says placing me on the floor. "Sure" I say as Scarlett passes me the box but my hands are shaking too much to open it. "Here honey" Scarlett says opening the box and passing it back to me as I disappear off into the bathroom to take another test.

I cant believe it. I cant believe my fourteen year old daughter is having her own baby. I take a deep shaky breath as I sit on my bed with my head in my hands. "She's a strong kid you know" Scar says rubbing my back. "That doesn't change the fact that she's pregnant Scar" I say and she nods. "I know that but it means she'll get through it. We'll help her get through it and then whatever she decides to do we can support her" she says and I nod. "I thought she was just sick" I say. "We all did Liz. We thought she had a stomach bug or something" she says and I nod. "How is she pregnant? I mean I know how but with who?" Scar asks. "Who do you think?" I say looking into Scar's eyes. "Not him" she says but I nod. "Yeah that fucker" I say and she knows that I mean Mr Richards. "How? Like why would he do that to her because I bet that she didn't want him to do that" I say "So he... he..." Scar says as Rox opens the door. "Come here baby" I say patting my lap. Rox comes over and sits on my lap like a little kid. "I love you so much" I say to her. "You aren't disgusted?" she asks. "No baby! Not at all. Why would you think that?" I ask her. "You know because I didn't... you know I didn't think I could hate myself anymore and now I do. Huh you never know how much you can hate yourself until you find out that your pregnant" she says. "Oh honey don't say that!" I say as the timer goes off. "I'll get it" Scar says getting up and going to the bathroom. "Now that's confusing" I hear her say. "Why what did it say?" I ask standing up with Rox. "This one says negative but the other is positive" she says showing me the test. "Oh yeah that isn't right. One of them has to be wrong" I say looking at it at a few angles but there isn't a second line. "Do I have to go to the doctor now?" Rox whispers to me. "Yeah it does honey. We need to know if there is something in that tummy of yours" I tell her. "Okay" Rox says before biting her lip. "Hey don't cry its all gonna be okay" Scar says pulling Rox into a big hug. "We will support you no matter what any tests or ultrasounds say. You understand?" I say making Rox face me. "I understand" she mumbles. "What if I am having a baby?" she adds on. "Then I will come with you to all the appointments if you want and I can help you through it. I can buy baby things for you and help you raise the baby or put them up for adoption but whatever it is I will support you" I say and Rox nods. "And you will accept the help" I add on. She smiles a little before nodding. "Because..." I start "Because your my mother and you care" she finishes for me. "Well at least its starting to stick!" I say kissing Roxs head.


Word count- 695 

Can i just say some of the comments yesterday about the cliff hanger cracked me up 😂😭 

Hope you're all okay! Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it! 
I love you all 3000! ❤

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