Chapter 34

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After I help Rox clean up her wounds I carefully wrap a bandage around her belly and lead her over to my room. "Now then missy. You need sleep and cuddles and I'm going to make sure you get both. In bed now" I say pointing to my bed. She smiles a little and crawls into my bed. "Why do you take such good care of me?" she asks me as I get into bed with her. "Because you are my everything" I tell her. She doesn't say anything just smiles and cuddles up to me as much as she can without it hurting her. I stroke her hair as she falls asleep on me. I love her so much and as much as this isn't how I wanted tonight to go, it's still been nice to have her cuddled and we can just order a take-away after she wakes up. I decide to text Scar again whilst Rox sleeps.

Lizzie- Scar? Are you busy?

Scarlett- No why is something wrong?

Lizzie- She did it again Scar

Scarlett- Oh honey

Lizzie- Maybe I pushed her too hard to spend time out the house. I know she's scared that Mr Richards will find her

Scarlett- Or maybe she was so overwhelmed with all the feelings of happiness she thought she didn't deserve to feel that was the only thing she could think of doing

Lizzie- She did say she didn't deserve to live with me

Scarlett- What's she doing now?

Lizzie- Hugging me sleeping in my bed

Scarlett- Order her favourite take away wake her up and then watch movies together. Try to take her mind of it. Okay I have to go now love you Liz and you too Rox! Xxxxxxxxxx

Lizzie- Love you too x 

I order pizza take away and then move a little so I can wake Roxie up. I kiss her head and move her hair out her face. "Roxie" I say gently shaking her. She groans and moves her face away from me. I laugh a little "Roxie it isn't morning so you can get up" I tell her. She shakes her head "Well then I guess me and Sparky will just have to eat all the pizza we've ordered to ourselves!" I say getting out the bed. She jumps up and grabs my arm "No you don't! I can help you don't worry!" we both laugh and go to the living room. Whilst we wait Roxie plays with Sparky whilst I go on my phone and read some very sad articles about my beautiful baby girl. The pizza guy drops off the pizza and I give him a tip before putting it out on the table and grabbing plates. "All served" I say passing her a plate.



We eat pizza on the sofa and Lizzie opens Disney+. "What movie?" she asks. I think for a second "Hmm how about Avengers Endgame?" I ask. Lizzie laughs and clicks play. After we finish eating we are about half way through the movie and I'm loving it! We pause it so we can clean up and so Sparky can go wee in the garden then we grab blankets and pillows and we continue watching. We watch for a little longer and Lizzie keeps glancing at me so I'm pretty sure a death is about to happen. As soon as I see Nat falling from that cliff I burst into uncontrollable tears. Lizzie laughs at me and pulls me into a hug as I sob onto her. "W-Why did she die!?" I sob on her. After I calm down we continue watching to the final battle. We keep watching and I cheer when Wanda comes back! She starts fighting Thanos and it's so cool! "You're so talented!" I say. Lizzie smiles "Aw thanks hone...." "Oh no I was speaking about Wanda" I tease and she shoves me playfully. We keep watching and I start crying again when Tony dies too. I just sob again. Lizzie laughs at me and pulls me into another hug. "Why i-is everyone d-dying!?" I sob onto her again. She just laughs and carefully rubs my back.


After Roxie stops crying about Tony and Nat's death she starts laughing at herself. I join in as she is very emotional when it comes to movies. I make her a warm glass of milk and check the time. It's half past ten. "Hey Rox maybe you should hop on off to bed" I tell her and she nods. "Okay night Lizzie" she says before standing up and going off to her room. I smile to myself about how successful tonight has been and text Scar updating her. She responds with 'Great. So happy you had a nice time x' I smile again and go off to my room after putting Sparky on his dog bed. I climb into bed and fall asleep.

I feel movement in my bed and look next to me and see Roxie climbing in. "You okay Rox?" I mumble sleepily. "Mm I cant sleep" she says pulling the overs over me. "Okay well close your eyes and try to get to sleep now" I tell her and she does. She snuggles up to me and I hold her in my arms so grateful that she is mine.

Word count- 875

Hope you all like this so far :)  

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