Chapter 77

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After about an hour I've made the girls some dinner. "Girls!! Dinner!" I shout to them and about ten seconds later they appear at the table. "I made chicken nuggets and fries. Your mummy told me that you love that Rosey!" I say to her and she nods a little. I pass her the ketchup before grabbing my portion and sitting with Rox and Rose. "What do you want to do after?" I ask them both. "We could watch more movies!" Rose suggests. "Rox?" I ask and she shrugs. "Okay that sounds good then! We can watch a movie then get ready for bed time" I say. The girls eat their dinner nicely chatting about random things. Rose mostly talks about how she took her doll to the zoo in a game with Scar she played earlier which is super cute! I cant help but notice that Rox looks upset or disappointed so I make a mental note to speak to her about it later when Rose's in bed. After we finish eating I tell Rose y oho and grab blankets and things to have whilst we watch the movie, Rox grabs sweets and popcorn and I wash up the plates from dinner. I'll probably regret giving Rose sugar before bed but she's been good for me this evening so a little treat cant do any harm.

"What are we watching?" I ask sitting with mum and Rose on the sofa. "Sing!" Rose says pressing play. She's watching it because as she says lots her mummy is ash. It must comfort her because by the time the movie ends Rose is almost back to her normal happy self. Either it was the movie or all the sugar she had! "Right Rosey! Time for bed I think" mum says picking Rose up. Rose doesn't say anything but motions for me to go too so I do. We go to the guest bedroom and mum sits Rose on the bed. "What pjs do you want to wear? I packed you three pairs just in case" mum tells Rose. She chooses some pink horse ones and I change in my room whilst mum helps Rose change. After we brush our teeth together and then go to the spare room again. "Hop in then missy" mum says placing Rose in the bed. "I cant sleep without mummy saying night" Rose mumbles. "Shall we phone mummy then?" mum asks climbing in the bed too. She facetimes Scarlett who says night to me, her and Rose but Rose still doesn't go to sleep. "What do you need? Do you want milk?" mum asks but Rose shakes her head and starts crying. "I need mummy cuddles" Rose whimpers. "Will Aunty Lizzie cuddles be okay?" mum asks worriedly as Rose wont stop crying. "No" Rose sobs. "How about Roxie hugs?" I ask lying down, wrapping the covers around us and cuddling her into me. We stay like this for about ten minutes before Rose's sobs turn into little snores. "Good job baby" mum says kissing the top of my head. "I meant to tell you something before you went to bed. You cant blame yourself for this okay? I wont let you. You weren't driving the car that crashed therefore you couldn't have caused this." She tells me and I nod. "I know" I mumble sadly. "You know?" she asks shocked I don't fully blame myself for once. "Yeah I know. I didn't have control over that situation" I say and she nods. "Exactly. You didn't so you cant blame yourself" mum says before carefully getting in bed with us. "Night my baby girl" she whispers to me. "Love you" I say before falling asleep with Rose and mum.


Word count- 625 

Hope you're all okay! Happy friday!! Any suggestions? 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep! 

Love you all 3000 <3

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