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Its been about six hours since Chris picked up Rox and I've had some very cute photos of Dodger and Sparky on a walk together and some more photos of Rox that Chris took whilst she wasn't looking. There's one of her making them both lunch, one of her drawing Dodger, one of her half way through falling over and the final one I'm going to be getting printed. Its her laughing at something Chris said but her smile is amazing and her eyes are twinkling. I showed Flo that photo and then set it as my lock screen.

Anyway I'm mid way through cooking Lu, Flo and I some dinner when Lu shouts through to us. "Holy shit guys! I think my waters broke!" Lu yells. "Okay okay okay!" I shout back running to the living room. "This isn't a prank is it?" Flo asks. "No it isn't a fucking prank!" Lu groans. "Sorry but I'm just making sure" Flo says smiling a little. "Okay well what do we do?" I ask her. "Hospital?" she asks. "Yeah that's a good idea. I'll grab the bag, text Chris and lock up whilst you two get in the car" I tell them both rushing off around the house grabbing the things we will need. I walk into the Squirts room and smile. The next time we come in here Squirt will be with us. "Hurry up Liz!" Flo calls through. I grab the teddy, baby bag and carrier before rushing through the house. I shove my shoes on, grab my coat and phone before locking up and going to the car. "Oh- goodness this isn't easy" Lu whines holding her belly. I get in the back with her and hold out my hand. Lu grabs it tightly and Flo starts the car. Whilst Flo drives I message Chris.

Lizzie- Hey Chris! Lu's waters have broken so we're taking her to the hospital. I'm not sure how long we'll be but Squirt might be born today seen as its only half past six. Don't tell Rox though xx

Chris- That's so exciting!! Hope everything goes well! I wont tell Rox. She's having a great time she's currently rolling balls to Dodge and Spark. We're about to order dinner xx

Lizzie- Sounds great. Give her a BIG kiss from me. We're almost there. Love you xxx

Chris- Good luck!! Xx

I put my phone in my pocket as Flo parks in the car park. "You ready?" I ask Lu who looks very scared. "I don't think I can do this" she says to me. "Yes you can! You can do this you know why? You know why? Because you are such a strong brave girl! You hear me? You can do this and you will do this and if you want to see Squirt when they're born then you can and if you want them taken to a different room then that's what we will do but you can do this!" I say and she hugs me as another contraction comes on. She groans and I rub her back. After it passes I help her out the car as a midwife comes to us with a wheelchair. "Hey darling. I'm Nurse Wallace and I'll help you get this little baby out!" she says smiling at Lu. "It's complicated about the baby" Lu says before gritting her teeth as a contraction comes on. "We can explain that later honey" I say taking Lu's hand.


It's been three hours and is now half past nine and Lu is six cm dilated so she's getting there. Me and Liz are sitting on the mini armchairs next to Lu's bed. Liz is texting Rox and I'm chatting to Lu but her hormones are all over the shop and she's getting upset easily. Its hard not to laugh. "Remember to tell them" Lu says for the tenth time. "We will honey. Don't worry" I tell her. "You want me to talk to them now?" I ask. "Okay yeah" Lu says. "Okay then" I say getting up and going to speak to Nurse Wallace. "Hello Florence! How can I help you?" she asks me. "Erm we just wanted to go over the plans when Squirt is born." I say. "Yeah I heard Luisa saying something about that" Nurse Wallace says to me. "Shall we go in here?" she asks gesturing to an open room. "Sure!" I say following her. "So... we'll try and do whatever is best for Luisa but you have to remember what you suggest now may not work in the birth" she explains to me. "That's fine but we want to do this as much as we can. Basically...." I explain to Nurse Wallace the plan to take Squirt into another room after the birth so she doesn't really hear them cry and she does not want to be given Squirt after the birth. She also wants something to try up her milk. "That all sounds possible. I'll be delivering Squirt if that's okay with you and I feel like that is possible. As soon as I deliver the baby, Squirt as you call them, I'll wrap them up cut the cord and then one of you can take them out the room. It should work unless there's a complication which I highly doubt there will be" Nurse Wallace tells me. "Okay that sounds good!" I tell her. She smiles at me "You and Lizzie are going to be great mothers. You know how I can tell?" she asks me. "No? How can you tell?" I ask her. "You've taken in a stranger and cared for her so well. She's very calm about this birth, calmer than normal, and that's all thanks to you" she tells me. I smile crazily at her and hug her. "I'm so scared but I feel like me and Liz are ready" I say to her. Nurse Wallace agrees and then we go to Lu's room to make sure everything is in order.


It's now half past eleven and poor Luisa is trying so hard. She's just been checked and is ten cm dilated so has been told she's allowed to push. I cant believe me and Flo are about to become mummies again! I know we have Rox but we never got to see her the second after she was born and now Flo is literally cutting Squirts cord once they're born! "Okay so if one of you are ready to take Squirt to another room when they're born" Nurse Wallace says prepping everything. I grab Lu's hand and help her as she pushes for the first time.

"Okay that's it.... One more nice big push like that and I'll bet you'll have this baby out!" Nurse Wallace says. I hold Lu's hand as tightly as I can as she pushes one last time. We wait a moment before hearing the cutest little cry break the silence in the room. "Do you want to know what Squirts gender is?" Flo asks Lu. "Yeah" she mumbles. "It's a little girl!" Flo says as Nurse Wallace wraps her up. She hands Squirt to me and I take her rocking her gently. "The room opposite has been kept free. You can take her in there. Nurse Bells is in there and she'll clean baby girl up" Nurse Wallace says to me. "Thank you" I whisper walking out to the room opposite. "Oh my goodness she has the cutest face ever" Nurse Bells says as I walk into the room. "I cant take any credit for that" I say to her as she takes Squirtette off me. "How's Luisa doing?" she asks starting to clean my baby girl up. "She's okay I think. Flo's with her so she'll be okay" I tell her. We chat more whilst cleaning and then getting her dressed. I put her in a tiny diaper with the grey Marvel vest Rox bought for her. We put a tiny pink hat on her and then wrap her up in a thin yellow blanket. "And here you go" Nurse Bells says placing Squirtette in my arms as Flo comes in. "Hey there" Flo whispers walking over to the bed I'm sitting on. "How is she?" Flo asks stroking Squirtettes face. "How's Lu?" I ask. "She's fine I think. She's asleep but she said she wants to see you before we leave." Flo tells me sitting next to me on the bed. "We can do that. When are we going to tell Rox?" I ask. "I thought about it and what if we say something like Squirt isn't meant to come for another week so she can come home and then ask her to grab something from Squirts room and Squirt is lying in the crib?" Flo says getting more excited as she tells me the idea. "I think that's a perfect idea!" I say kissing Flo. Squirtette gurgles a little as we kiss and Flo laughs pulling away. "God she's like her big sister all ready!" Flo teases as I rock Squirtette gently. "God we've had her for like ten minutes and I love her so much already!" I say staring at my little girls face. "She has such a cute button nose" Flo says booping it. "Rox is going to love her" I say and Flo agrees before resting her head on my shoulder. We cuddle each other, me holding Squirtette and Flo hugging me. Flo also puts her finger in Squirtettes hand which is adorable. We take a photo ready to upload to Flo's Instagram after Rox finds out about her. I cant wait for the cast to meet her and my family and Flo's family!!


Word count- 1651 

Quite a long one today but i feel like this was the right way to write it 😂


Hope you're all doing okay! Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it 

I love you all 3000 ❤

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