B2- Chapter 7

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Roxie's pov:
"Well what I was going to say and you having mentioned all this....." mum starts. "You're pulling me out of school!?" I ask her. "No honey I'm not. You are about to start your GCSEs you need to be in school" she says. "I wanted to talk to you about therapists" she says. "No" I say immediately. "I'm not going to a therapist" I shout at her. I don't mean to shout but it just comes out loudly. "Honey let me explain first....." she starts but I cut her off. "I don't care. I'm not going to therapy" I say. "Let me talk-" she starts but yet again I cut her off. "Nope! I'm not listening! I wont go to therapy!" I yell. "Let me speak Roxie!" mum says over my yelling. "I don't want to hear it! I'm not going to therapy and if you keep going I'll stop talking to you about my problems!!" I yell before getting up and walking out the room. "Roxie!" mum calls after me. "I'm going out" I say grabbing my phone. "Nuh uh not now missy" momma says stopping me from grabbing my shoes. "Why not?" I ask her with sass. "Roxie what's wrong?" she asks me. "I am fed up of that question. Nothing is wrong with me okay? Can you not just lay off me for a minute!?" I yell at momma this time before storming off to my room and slamming the door. I've been so short tempered lately and I'm not sure why. I think it's just hormones but either way I'm being a real bitch and I cant stop myself. The words just fly out my mouth and I don't even get to think about it first. It's annoying and rude I know but I feel like I'm really saying how I feel for once and if I stop I'll stop talking about my issues all together and that would annoy momma and mum. They say I should 'always be open' with them and that 'no problem is too bad for them to deal with'.

I pace around my room and try to calm down before sitting down at my desk and grabbing out my drawing pad. I think about what to draw and choose to draw a photo of Sparky I have on my phone. I haven't drawn in forever so it feels good to do it again.

Florence's pov:

After Rox storms upstairs Lott comes up to me with the toys she said she wanted to play with. "Okay come on missy" I say sitting on the floor next to Lott. She hands me three barbie dolls and she has the rest. We dress them up for a party. "Now dey have be der by ten!" Lott tells me passing me the shoes my doll has to wear. "Okay I'll see if she's ready for ten" I tell her. I make my doll walk around crazily pretending to get ready. This makes Lott laugh a lot. It's so cute so I take a video and put it on my Instagram story. "Now we go" Lott says. I make my doll follow hers and they go to the party. She makes her doll kiss my doll when she makes the 'dings' for midnight. "Momma?" she asks sitting down on my lap. "Yes beautiful?" I ask brushing her soft hair back. "Why are you and mummy both my mummies?" she asks. "Because we love each other honey" I say. "But Lola no have two mummies" she says. Lola is one of her friends from a birthday part she was invited to a while go. They have play dates every once in a while and unlike me and Liz, she has a mum and dad. Ever since then she keeps asking why me and Liz are both girls. "That's because mummy loves momma more than she loves men" I say. She looks at me confused before shrugging and crawling back to her dolls. "Help" she says passing me a doll and dress. I put it on and we go back to playing until we hear a loud bang coming from upstairs. I get up and grab Lott before heading up the stairs to see what it was. As I go upstairs Liz comes out our room so it's Roxie that could be hurt. "Take Lott I'll check on her" I say to Liz who nods before taking Lott from me. I head down to Roxie's bedroom and knock on the door. "Rox honey? Everything okay in there?" I ask through the door. "No!" she shouts. I open the door and see her sat on her bed looking very very angry. "Honey? Goodness what's wrong?" I ask sitting next to her on her bed. "I'm so mad right now. I messed up the fucking drawing!" she says throwing the pad in her hand to the floor. "I'm sure you didn't" I say picking up the drawing. "There's only a little mark here why cant you erase it?" I ask her. "Because I tried and rubbed out part of the god damn eye!" she snaps at me before bursting into tears. "Oh baby" I say pulling her onto my lap. I rub her back as she cries into my shoulder. "I'm not even upset about it only mad so I don't know why I'm crying" she says. "It's probably getting close to your period" I tell her and she shrugs. "Maybe but like I've never felt this.... Strange before" she says pulling away and wiping her nose and eyes. "No but no two period is ever the same" I say. "I just want ice cream but I cant have it" she says. "Why not?" I ask. "I'm on a diet......" she starts. "Now isn't the time for diets!" I say pulling her off her bed and down the hallway to where Liz is playing with Lott.

Lizzie's pov:

"Time for ice cream!" Flo says walking towards us with Rox who looks like she's been crying. "Did she get hurt?" I whisper to Flo as I pass Lott to her. "Nope just emotional" she says. "Okay well then! Ice cream it is. You two girls put your shoes on, Flo grab the dog and his leash and I'll grab the stroller" I say as we all head down the stairs.

"Lottie please calm down" I say as Lott is screaming and kicking around. "Let mummy clip you in" I say to her. "NO!" She screams. "Okay then do you want to walk?" I ask her trying to stay calm. "NO!" she screams again. "Well you need to choose stroller or walking?" I ask her. She drops to the floor and keeps crying. "Okay well we can go for ice cream then" I say standing up and heading to the door. "Twoller!!" Charly shouts running after me. "You'll go in the stroller?" I ask her. She nods and allows me to put her in the stroller. "Good girl" I say. "Do you want a blankey? It's chilly outside" I ask her. "Mhm and paci" she says. "You don't need a paci! You'll be eating ice cream" I say but she shakes her head. "Wan it pwease" she says. "Hmm well when we get the ice cream you'll have to take it out" I say and she nods. I put a pacifier into her mouth and hand her an elephant teddy before finally pushing the stroller out the door.

We chat all the way to the ice cream store and it's a really nice walk. I'm very glad I gave Charly the blanket because there's a cold wind today. I'm not too sure why Flo said we're having ice cream at like ten in the morning but it's the weekend so why not!? "I'll stay out here with the dog and the buggy you and Rox go inside" I say to Flo as we arrive at the store. "Yeah that sounds good. What do you want?" she asks. "I'll just have one cookie dough scoop in a pot. Charly do you want chocolate?" I ask her. "Yeah!!" she says bouncing in her stroller. "And get her a small scoop in a pot too please baby" I say kissing Flo quickly before she heads inside with Rox. I sit on a bench with the stroller next to me and Sparky sat by my feet. I'm scrolling through my phone when I hear some people come up to me. "Hi Ms Olsen. Erm I'm Izzy and I am a really big fan. Can I have a photo please?" this girl asks me. I look up and smile at her "Of course" I say. We take a quick photo before she hugs me and then runs back to what I assume are her parents. I go back to scrolling on my phone when I hear footsteps again. I think it's just another fan but when I look up I see.... The paparazzi. Great. I pull the hood on the stroller as far down as it goes to try prevent too many pictures of Charly being taken. I try not to pay them any attention but obviously they don't go away. I just pray they go before Rox comes out because I know they stress her out.


Word count- 1550 

Hope everybody is okay! It's almost my bdayyyy! 😂 It's my dogs bday on Saturday and then mine on Sunday so I probably wont be posting over the weekend but i'll be back at it on Monday! 

Hope you're all doing okay and remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep as you all deserve it! 

I love you all 3000 ❤

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