Chapter 23

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We get back to the house and I go to the sofa whilst Scarlett and Lizzie put Rose and Marley to bed as they fell asleep in the car. I go in and sit on the sofa just lost in my thoughts. Am I being selfish that I don't want Marley to go? I grab a blanket and cushion and lie down on the sofa staring up at the ceiling. Surely those people wont want her if they'll be nasty right? She wont get hurt like I was. She'll actually be safe and not afraid. I glance at the clock and see it's half two. I go back to looking at the ceiling when I feel a body next to mine. "Hey big girl. What you thinking about?" Lizzie asks rubbing my leg. "Marley" I say and she nods. "I want her to... I want her to go to the home in Australia" I say and she smiles. "That is such a brave decision! I was just about to come and ask you what you wanted to do" she tells me and I nod and smile even though my heart breaks. I love Marley so much and because she's so little she wont remember me like the other ones do. "If you want maybe we could babysit Rose so Scar can spend some her time?" Lizzie suggests but I shake me head. "Rose doesn't like me" I say just as Scarlett comes in. "What? Of course she likes you!" Scarlett says sitting down. Great. Of course she had to head me saying that. "She just doesn't really know you yet that's all. She does like you" Scarlett says and I nod even though I don't believe her. "What do you want to do?" Lizzie asks and I shrug. I don't feel like doing anything. "Don't really care" I mumble. Lately I haven't wanted to do much but I don't know why. It's probably just my parents. I get up and walk into the kitchen to get some water. I open the cupboard as Rose comes into the kitchen. "I want a drink" she says. I continue pouring my water not answering her as she obviously wants Scarlett. "I said I want a drink!" She says louder stomping her foot. "Give me a minute Rose!" I snap without meaning to. She looks at me for a second before her bottom lip starts to tremble and she runs off crying to Scarlett.


We watch as Rox goes to get a drink from the kitchen and I sit next to Liz on the sofa. "So Scar... how's things?" Liz asks me laughing. "Things are great. It's so much fun having Rose with me. She does shadow me but I'd rather have it that way then have her hating me!" I say and Liz nods. "And Rox? You two getting along? She seems a bit distant lately" I say and I can see Liz's brain working away. "I thought that too... she's just so... not herself. I've only known her for like four weeks but I know her so well!" Liz says and I nod. Those two girls know each other so well. It's like they've been friends for years. I'm just about to answer when I see Rose running up to me crying. She runs up to me and Lizzie and I immediately pull her onto my lap so she's facing me. She burries her face and just cries. "Rose baby? What's wrong?" I ask but she doesn't answer me. "Are you hurt?" I feel her shake her head and I feel myself relaxing a little. I lift her up so she's not got her face buried. "Tell mummy what's wrong" I say and she mumbles "Roxie was mean." I hear Lizzie sigh and Rose cuddles back into me. "Why was she mean? What did she do?" I ask her and Rose whispers "She shout at me" and puts her thumb in her mouth. I know it's not great for a three year old to suck their thumb but I hate seeing my little Rose baby crying so I let her. We wait a moment and Roxie walks through, glances at me and Rose and then walks away to her room.

I see Roxie look at us and then walk off. I get up and follow her and sit on her bed. "You know Rose isn't really...." I start but Roxie cuts me off. "I'm jealous okay? I'm so jealous it's making me sick!" She stands up from the bed and starts pacing the corner of her room. I don't speak so she can continue. I like that she's opening up to me even though I dread what she's going to say next. "I hate that Rose has Scarlett who loves her and gives her hugs. It's not fair! When I was her age I was all alone and being hit! That isn't fair! Why does Rose get Scarlett and you and Chris and everyone and I get no one!?" She shouts and she has a point. Rose's life is full of people who love her and Roxie hasn't had that before. I grab her hand and pull her onto the bed so she's cuddling me. I wrap my arms around her. "Is that why you've been so isolated lately?" I ask but she shakes her head. No? "I don't know what it is" she mumbles and I nod. "I just hate everything at the moment" she says and I nod. "So this is a very bad time to ask about school then, right?" I say and I feel Roxie laugh a little which makes me smile. "Unless you want me to explode then yes it's a bad time!" Roxie teases and I laugh. I really do love this girl I just need to know why she isn't herself.

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