Chapter 69

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After about five minutes of making jokes and things we all go into the kitchen. "So what do you want to eat?" mum asks me. "I said nothing" I say. Even though everyone comforted me I cant help but still feel mad at myself. I'm trying to contain it unlike earlier and just take the anger out on myself rather than anyone else because they're only trying to help me. "Honey you have to eat something" mum tells me. "No I don't and you cant force me to" I snap at her. I hear mum sigh as she grabs a bowl out the cupboard. "I'm not eating" I say crossing my arms. "Okay" mum sighs pouring a bowl of my favourite Oreo cereal. She adds some milk and leaves it on the side before coming and sitting on the left side of me with Flo on the right. Scar sits opposite me on at the dining table. "So what are you gonna do today?" Scarlett asks mum. "I'm not too sure. I know I need to do some shopping now we have an extra member of the household for now" mum says smiling at Flo. Her and Flo have decided that instead of her staying in a hotel she'll stay with us until she has to go back to the UK. I've never been there before so I'm kinda hoping that mum will not want to leave Flo and we can stay with her a little longer so I can explore the UK a little. "And I need to do some clothes shopping for a little someone" she adds smiling at me. "I dont need anything" I tell her. "You sure?" she asks. "Yes" I say opening my phone. I scroll through Instagram whilst the others talk. Mum keeps glancing over at me to see if I eat but I'm not eating today I've said. I can feel her staring at me "What?" I snap at her. "Nothing honey just checking you're okay" she says. "Well you don't have to stare at me" I say standing up and going off to my room. I hear someone follow me so yell "Go away" before walking into my room. "Why?" Rose asks climbing onto my bed with me. "Oh sorry Rose. I thought you were Aunty Lizzie" I say to her. "Oh well I'm not" she says smiling at me. Her smile is exactly the same as Scarletts. She's so cute. "What did you want?" I ask her. "I want someone to play with" she says crossing her arms. "Who do you want to play with?" I ask her. "You silly!" she says crawling onto my lap. "Oh yeah? What do you wanna play then?" I ask her. "Hmmm mummies?" she asks. "Yeah we can play that except what's that noise?" I ask her. "What noise?" she asks. "Shh you have to listen" I whisper. She goes quiet trying really hard to hear it. "It's the tickle monster!" I shout pulling her onto her back and tickling her. She giggles and squeals and wiggles around whilst I tickler her.

After about five minutes after Rox leaves we hear giggling and squealing coming from her room. Me and Scar get up to investigate leaving Flo to clean up. We sneak down the hall and peek through the gap in Rox's bedroom door and see her tickling Rose who's giggling and wiggling around. She stops allowing Rose to catch her breath before tickling her again. It's so cute to watch I don't want to ruin the moment. "Lets leave them" I say to Scar. "No I wanna join my baby" Scar says. I laugh a little and take her hand "She's fine with Rox" I tell her as I drag her away from the door.

For about half an hour we hear Rox and Rose playing and it's so cute. It would be nicer if Rox had eaten something because it's concerning me how little she's eating recently. I feel like I should uninstall social media on her phone but then again she's a teenager who wants to be able to communicate with people. I just hate the fact that no matter where she goes someone is horrible to her. She goes online, people are horrible. She goes to school, she gets beaten up. She gets put in care and is beaten every day. The poor girl never gets a break and to make things worse she doesn't sleep because of it. I wish I could just take it all away from her. Remove her past so she can be a normal teenage girl who only has to worry about who she's dating rather then being the scared girl that people have made her become. No thirteen year old girl should care for eight kids on her own whilst being beaten and then be expected to be fine when she gets adopted. It's ridiculous what this world wants of my baby girl. "Elizabeth Olsen!!" Flo says shaking me. "Woah what the hell?" I say. "You've been zoned out for like ten minutes. Are you okay?" she asks me. "Yeah I guess. Is everything okay?" I ask. "Well kinda.... I mean.... I don't know. Rox just got a phone call and she's so mad she punched the wall and I think she might have broken her knuckle. Scar's with her now" she rushes. Great my baby is hurt. Again! I get up and run to her room. Rose is asleep in the chair next to Rox's bed, the tickling must have worn her out, and Rox is sitting on Scar's lap crying and holding her left hand. "Oh baby" I say sitting next to her. "What happened?" I ask her. "It was him.... He..... urgh I don't want to talk about it" she says obviously furious. My first thought is Mr Richards has found her number and has phoned her from jail but that isn't possible. Who would have told him Rox's number? "Who is he?" I ask her. "The kid that beat me up" she mumbles. "And why did he make you mad?" I ask her. "Just saying stupid things that aren't fucking true" she snaps and I can hear anger in her voice. "Okay well have you blocked him?" I ask her. "No I punched a wall" she says to me. "Right.... Well Flo you block the number and I'll take you to h...." "Don't say hospital!" Rox says all the anger draining from her voice. "Honey look at your knuckles" I say to her calmly. "They're a state you cant just leave it" I tell he. "No. I'm not going and you cant make me" she says. "You can drop this attitude missy" I say to her. "Attitude isn't going to fix your knuckles. The doctors are so get changed and then we can sort out the hospital" I tell her. "No I'm not going!" she says crossing her arms. "Roxie" I start. "What you gonna carry me?" she snaps. "Honey what's wrong? You're so angry today" I ask her. "It doesn't matter. If you take me to hospital they'll think you're abusing me and then they'll take me away. Do you want to send me back? Is that why you're taking me there?" she asks me. "Of course not Roxie don't be silly" I say calmly to her. "I'm silly now am I!?" she questions and I sigh. "Honey you need to calm down please" I whisper to her as I pull her onto my lap. She fights against me refusing the comfort but eventually gives in and cries onto my shoulder. I feel her fall asleep so I guess we'll sort out another hospital trip later.


Word count- 1290 

Who just bought the Wanda Maximoff build-a-bear..... This Bitch Right Here! 😂😂 

Hope you're all doing okay! I'm struggling with bad anxiety at the moment so i'm sorry if these updates are rubbish! 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep. If you're going through a tough time or just want to chat then drop me a message. 

I love you all 3000! 

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