Chapter 46

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Okay so i just wanted to say i'm not sure if i'll post tomorrow as it's new years eve and all and we have plans so if not then i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read/commented/voted on my book. I never ever thought i'd get 20 reads let alone 26.8k! It's crazy!! I really hope you all enjoy new years eve!  Thank you all so so much! 

I've just bought Rox some gifts as well as a new phone which I'm sure she'll reject at first but I don't care I want to get her something to make her excited. I check the time and see that it's already lunch time! Today's gone so fast already I cant believe it. I decide to grab a salad and water from a little café I saw. I sit down and eat whilst reading a few work emails. Afterwards I get up to leave but someone crashes into me. I look up and see this man who looks very apologetic. "Oh my goodness I am so sorry. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" he asks coming up to me. "No no I'm fine" I say grabbing my purse that fell on the floor. "Are you sure?" he checks. "Yeah I'm fine" I say. He smiles at me "I'm Elizabeth" I say holding out my hand. "Robbie" he says shaking it. We chat for about five minutes, exchange numbers and then I'm off to buy some more gifts for everyone.

I walk into Lush thinking maybe I'll grab Rox a bath bomb as I know she's been having a few baths recently. Admittedly it's mostly because of her broken leg but still. I buy three cute bath-bombs before thinking about where to go to next. I walk around the mall and see Pandora. I see a lovely little necklace in the window and I know it's prefect for her. I go inside and it turns out it even opens up so you can put a mini picture in it. I know what I'm going to use. The first time Rox met the cast we had a massive group photo so I'll print that off and put it inside I hope she likes it! "Thank you so much" I say to the woman as she hands over the bag. "Have a nice day" she says and smiles as I leave. I keep walking around thinking about Robbie. He looked so nice and friendly. I'm very glad I got his number as I really do want to see him again.


"Here you go. Be careful it's very hot" Chris tells me placing a cushion on my lap and then passing my pot noodle. "Thanks" I say as he sits next to me with his own pot noodle. He puts on Home alone and we watch it whilst we eat. I'm about half way through my lunch when Chris gets a phone call. "Oh it's Joe. I'll be back in a second Rox" he says standing up and walking out. As soon as he leaves I pat the sofa seat and Sparky jumps up. I grab a little bit of noddle and Sparky licks it out my hand. I laugh a little and rub behind his ears as Chris comes back. Sparky jumps off the sofa as if nothing happened and Chris sits down. "Okay Rox I'm really sorry but they need me to do a re-shoot of a scene and they need me on set in forty minutes. I texted Scar and she said she can come get you. You can stay here if you want or go to hers I don't mind" he says looking disappointed. "Oh it's fine me and Sparky can go to her place if she doesn't mind" I say and he nods. "Can you phone Liz and tell her so she knows where to fetch you from?" he asks me and I nod. I press on the contact named 'Mum❤' and click phone. It rings a few times before she answers sounding worried.

Lizzie- "Roxie what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Roxie- "Don't worry I'm fine. Chris has to re-shoot or something so I'm going to go to Scarlett's. He told me to phone you so you knew where to pick me up"

Lizzie- "Oh. Okay well I wont be much longer honey. I'll fetch you soon"

Roxie- "Okay love you"

Lizzie- "Love you too honey"

I hang up and Chris and I finish our lunch before he helps me get Sparky on the leash. "You take him as long as he doesn't pull whilst I get this wheelchair of yours in the boot" Chris says as I stand leaning against my crutches outside. Sparky is just sniffing in the snow so isn't being too hard to hold. "And it's in. Come on and I'll get you in the front" he says. He helps me in the front and then places Sparky in my lap and then we drive to Scarlett's house.

We get to the front door and I knock. "Okay Rox I really have to go. I'll promise to make up the missed time" Chris says hugging me and passing me Sparky's leash. "Bye" I say and he goes and gets in the car, waving bye to me. "Hey honey!" Scarlett says. "Hi" I say trying not to sound too disappointed. "Come here" she says pulling me into a hug. "How about I make you a hot chocolate and we can cuddle" she offers and I nod. She wraps an arm around my waist as I go over to the sofa. I tell her I don't need help but she does it anyways. "Okay here's the remote. You can watch whatever you want" she tells me putting a blanket on me and going into the kitchen. I pat my lap and Sparky jumps up and cuddles into me licking my arm with his tail wagging happily. I don't even turn the Tv on I just stroke Sparky and watch as he gets excited and runs but then realises he doesn't get fussed as I cant reach him so he runs back. I laugh a little as he does it for the fifth time. I pat the sofa again and he comes but lies down with his head in my lap. Scarlett comes in and hands me a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. "Have you eaten honey?" she asks sitting on the other side of me. "Mhm" I mumble patting Sparky's head. "I know you're disappointed that Chris had to go but I'm sure you'll be able to hang out again another time" Scarlett tells me. "I know I know it's just whenever I have a good time everyone leaves me" I say.


Word count- 1060 

Hope you all have a good day tomorrow! Remember to drink/eat and to get some sleep! Love you all so so much and thanks again for all the reads and love my book has had ❤

Love you all 3000 

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