Chapter 93

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After meeting with Ashley we play with some dolls, colour and then she giggles at us making funny noises and things. "Okay Ashley times up!" the woman says opening the door. "Say bye to Lizzie, Flo and Roxie" she adds on. "No! I don't want them to go!!" Ashley starts crying and climbs across the bench and sits on my lap. "Oh no. No tears!" I say stroking her hair. "Now now Ashley if you cry they wont want to keep you will they now?" the woman says pulling Ashley away from me. "No no!! I wan Wizzie!!" Ashley cries as she gets carried out the room. "There was no need for that!" I say getting up. I go to follow the woman but Flo grabs my hand. "Liz don't bother. We can chat about Ashley later and then come back if and when we make a decision" she tells me. "I agree" Rox mumbles standing up with Flo and walking with me outside back to the car. Flo drives us back and Rox and I sit on the sofa whilst Flo goes to do an interview in the bedroom. "So what did you think of Ashley?" I ask her. "I liked her. She was cute but... yeah" she says. "But what honey?" I ask her. "Its just when she was whining and stuff I... it kinda annoyed me." Rox says. "I understand that and it wasn't the best thing but she stopped once she got the doll she wanted" I tell her. "Well if you and Flo got the baby from that woman we can teach he not to do that" she tells me. "Would you like that? To have the baby?" I ask her. She thinks for a moment and whilst she thinks I hear Flo's amazing laugh come from the bedroom and it makes me smile. "I think I wouldn't hate it you know.... Having a baby around might be nice... what about your filming though?" she asks sitting up a little.

"No I want to take a break. They wont need me now I've wrapped Wandavision" she tells me. "Okay well yeah I want a baby then" I tell mum who pulls me into a massive hug. "You promise you wont forget all about me though?" I ask. I do remember what happened with Rose you know the whole forgetting about me thing well I don't really want to repeat that. "Oh honey I'd never forget about you" she says. "Yeah but I'm all messed up the baby would be perfect" I mumble to her. "No honey you aren't all messed up" she says. "Mhhm yeah sure" I say rolling my eyes. "Anything else you wanna ask me baby?" mum asks me. "Where would it go?" I ask. "Well they'd have their own bedroom but they'd be around the house with us and maybe with their big sis too!" she says nudging me slightly. "Yeah I mean I would like to have a sibling sure!" I say standing up. "You wanna come with me? I'm walking Spark" I say grabbing his leash. "Sure let me just leave a note for Flo" she tells me. She goes off to write a note whist I sort Spark out. "We could stop by the adoption place and take Ashley to the park if you want Rox" mum suggests. "Why? We aren't adopting her so why give her hope?" I ask her. "Oh yeah that's a good point" mum says grabbing her coat. We head out the door with Spark barking loudly. As we walk I think about what it would be like having a baby brother or sister with me. Someone I could teach to climb trees and take to the beach and annoy mum and Flo with!


Word count- 633 

Hope you're all okay! 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep. Have a great weekend! 

I love you all 3000 ❤

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