B2- Chapter 4

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(Hear me out on this one okay 😂 so I'm gonna make this at the very beginning of the pandemic because I've just had some good ideas. I'm not sure if that's a trigger warning or not so if it is I'm really sorry but it's gonna be a big theme in this second book. I hope this isn't terrible! It's still gonna be carrying on from the previous chapter I just thought I'd mention it at the top where people are most likely to read it :))

Roxie's pov:
Lottie is in a bit of a bad mood now. I think its because she has to go in her car-seat and she doesn't like that too much. After about five minutes of driving she starts pulling on the straps of the seat. "Lottie honey you cant do that okay?" momma says to her but she keeps doing it. "Lottie stop that" momma says turning around to Lottie. "I wan out" she says kicking around. "I know and we're almost there but you cant pull on the straps like that" momma tells her. "Charly if you don't stop pulling we'll have to take you home" mum says to her. She whines but stops pulling on the straps. Mum is definitely the 'stricter' parent when it comes to Lottie and me to a point. She always gets to the point with Lottie and if she doesn't listen to mum she gets told off where as momma is like a teddy bear. She cant say no to Lottie. I'm not saying she's a bad parent because she isn't but she's the more fluffy parent.

After a tantrum from Lottie and a small traffic jam we arrive at Scarlett's house. I cant wait to see Cosmo! And the others but mostly the little cutie! I get out the car and go to the front door followed by mum. Momma gets Lottie out the car and joins us as Aunt Scarlett opens the door. "Hey honey!" she says hugging me. "Where's Cosmo!?" I ask shoving my shoes onto the shoe rack and heading into the living room. "Nice to see you too Rox" she teases. "There you are!" I say walking over to Cosmo on his little mat. I lift him up and he wiggles his legs and gurgles. "Hey there" I coo at him. Lottie runs in and dives onto the sofa. Momma and mum walk in with Aunt Scarlett. Mum comes over to me and coos at Cosmo whilst momma chats with Colin and Rose. I've missed seeing them all! "So! How's little Lott doing?" Scarlett asks mum. They start having a conversation but I don't listen as it doesn't concern me. Instead I play with Cosmo whilst momma and Colin play with Rose and Lottie.

Lizzie's pov:
"Charly's doing well. She's heading more into the terrible twos each day but I love her so much" I say and Scar nods. "Yeah Rose's terrible twos was pretty good but she had her moments" she says. "Yeah Charly has her moments but she's so much fun. Especially when Rox plays too, not that that's often anymore, but it's such a good time" I say. "Rox doesn't play?" Scar asks. "She does. She takes great care of Charly it's just she isn't herself at the moment. She's grumpy and has a short temper. I think it's school pressures and things but I'm gonna talk to her if it keeps going" I tell her and Scar nods. "Yeah it might help her to go and speak to a therapist. I know we've mentioned it to her before but she's matured a little more now so she might agree" Scar says. She has a point. Rox doesn't like talking to us about her problems as she doesn't want to be a burden, she isn't at all a burden, but having her talk to someone who's paid to listen to her might help. "Yeah I'll speak to her about it" I say. We keep chatting about random things such as baby clothes. Flo goes to the bathroom leaving Colin playing with the girls and Rox still playing with Cosmo. Rox is so good with babies! She's like a baby whisperer I swear! She was amazing with Charly as a baby and with Cosmo now. He's six months so he's doing more and more and she's loving it. "Give it!" Charly shouts at Rose grabbing the doll from her hand. "Hey that's mine" Rose says taking it back. "We share!" Charly says snatching it back. "Hey" I say getting her attention. "Come here honey" I say to Charly who stomps over to me. "If Rose doesn't want you to have the dolly then you cant take it from her okay?" I tell her gently. She stomps her foot and crosses her arm. "Someone's tired" Scar says brushing some of Charly's hair back. "No I not" she mumbles. I pull her onto my lap and she cuddles into me. "I love you, you know that right?" I say kissing her head. She nods and puts her thumb into her mouth. Yeah she's definitely tired!

"Right it's half eight already so we better be heading back home" I say checking the time. It's gone so fast! Cosmo's asleep in Rox's arms and she's on her phone. Rose is still playing with Flo and Colin and Charly is asleep lightly in my arms snuggled up to me. "Yeah it's Rose's bed time now" Scar says standing up and lifting Rose up. "Aww do we have to go?" Rox asks looking down sadly at Cosmo. "Yeah we do" I tell her kissing her head. "Aw" she whines handing Cosmo to Colin. "I'll take little man to bed. I'll see you guys soon hopefully" he says smiling at us and heading up the stairs. Flo holds Charly whilst I put my shoes and coat on and then she hands her back. I kiss Rose and Scar goodbye and head out to the car to clip Charly in.

Flo's pov:
"Bye Rose-bud" I say kissing Rose's head. "Hope filming goes well!" Scar says to me hugging me. "It is so far" I say putting my arm around Rox's shoulder. "Love you" Scar says to Rox. "You too. Bye" Rox says heading out to the car. "Is she okay to you?" I ask Scar. "How do you mean?" she asks me. "Does she seem.... Distant to you? I cant help but feel like she's going through some sort of.... Trauma or something and it's killing me seeing her like that" I ask Scar. "You and Liz should talk tonight. She thinks the same thing" I tell her. "I didn't want to ask in case nothings wrong and I worried Liz" I tell her. "You miss Pugh are so cute!" Scar says hugging me again. "Now I have to put Rose to bed so I'm gonna have to kick you out" she says. I laugh and head over to the car. I get in the front and Liz drives us all home. I take Lott upstairs and get her changed and put her to bed whilst Rox and Liz talk about something downstairs. I'm gonna talk to Liz when we go to bed. "Night Lott" I whisper kissing her head and tucking her teddy under her arm. I shut the light out and make sure her night-light is on before pulling the door shut a little leaving a gap and then head downstairs. As I get close to the living room I hear Rox and Liz talking about wedding dresses. I cant help but laugh. We haven't even thought about the wedding yet, at least I haven't, as we only got engaged about two months ago! "You two are way to excited about this wedding" I say walking into the living room. "Who even says we're having a wedding!" I say teasing them. "Oh we're having a wedding or you'll sleep on the street after I kick you out!" Liz says sitting on my lap. "Oh yeah? Well then you better get me another baby because I want them in a baby bow-tie!" I say to her. "Hey why cant Sparky be the one in the tiny bow-tie?" Rox asks. "Because dogs cant go to wedding venues" Liz says to her. "I'm not having another sibling!" Rox says grabbing her phone. She hugs us quickly and says goodnight before heading upstairs. "We need to talk about Rox" me and Liz say at the same time. "Right you go first I'll follow up" I tell her and she nods before sitting opposite me on the sofa with Sparky on her lap. 


Word count- 1445

Hope you're all okay and understood the thingy at the top of this chapter!

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it

I love you all 3000! ❤

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