Chapter 48

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(Time-skip to xmas day- It' s 9:00am)


I'm sitting reading in bed. I know Rox wasn't excited for today as she hates getting things bought for her but I also didn't expect her to get up this late. I thought she seemed a little excited last night before we both went to bed but maybe she wasn't. I offered for her to go to sleep in my bed last night as she hasn't slept in her bed since her nightmare the other night but she didn't want to and went to her own bed. I was half awake all night listening out in case she woke up crying but I didn't hear anything so maybe she had a good night finally.

I continue reading thinking I'll give her a little longer and see if she comes in to my room. It's now half past and I'm going to go and see if she's okay. Normally she sleeps in longer if she hasn't had a good night. She's usually up by about half eight on a goodnight so I really hope she didn't have a bad night last night. I stand outside her bedroom door for a moment to try and hear if she's moving around but I don't hear anything. I slowly open the door and see Rox asleep with the covers on the floor and her head buried deeply in the pillows. Her leg is no longer being supported by anything and is just lying still whilst the rest of her body is sprawled everywhere. It's quite a funny sight to be honest. She looks like a baby laying everywhere. I smile to myself as I walk over and kneels down next to Rox's bed. "Honey" I whisper gently rubbing her back that is exposed from her top riding up a bit. As soon as I touch her skin I feel it's a little sweaty. Maybe she got hot in the night which is why she kicked her covers off. "Baby it's time to wake up" I say stroking her hair that also feels a little damp. She groans and moves a little but doesn't wake up. "Roxie" I sing in a whisper. "Mm?" she mumbles. "Honey are you okay?" I ask and she moves her head and looks at me. She looks tired and her face is a little sweaty. "Baby are you feeling okay?" I ask sitting next to her on her bed. She nods and yawns. "Are you sure?" I question. "I erm... I kinda had a nightmare" she mumbles picking at the skin around her fingers. "You did?" I say and she nods sadly. "Was it bad? I didn't hear you wake up" I say pulling her into me. "No I know it wasn't as bad as usual I guess" she says snuggling into me. "Do you want to go back to sleep or come and open some gifts?" I ask her. She frowns at me and says "It isn't my birthday Lizzie" "I know that. It is Christmas though!" I say jumping on her bed. She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Oh come on don't be such a teenager" I say shoving her playfully. She sighs before jumping too but I stop her. "Nuh uh you don't get to jump" I say. "Why not?" she asks me and I just point to her leg. "Urgh I forgot about that" she says. I smile a little and kiss her. "Okay lets get you out of these gross sweaty clothes and then we can see what you and Sparky got!" I say helping her out of bed.

I just told Lizzie that I had a nightmare last night. It wasn't bad bad as in it was about my parents which is good but now I'll be thinking about them all day which is not gonna be fun as I want today to be a good day. Lizzie seems really excited for it to be Christmas but I'm not. I don't understand why you have to spend money to be able to celebrate something like why cant you just sit around a fire and chat all day? Why do you actually have to spend lots of money on things? I think it's pointless to be honest. It's probably because that's what I was told growing up but I cant see Christmas any other way other than adults getting pissed, beating kids up and then get mad at mario cart. I haven't had a Christmas since I was two so hopefully this is a good one!

Lizzie helps me change into some joggers and after some persuasion one of her jumpers. It's a really comfy Wanda Maximoff one and I love it so much! I might just have to steal it! "Okay you ready?" Lizzie asks me. "I guess" I say. She wraps her arm around my waist and I go to grab my crutches. We go down to the living room and Lizzie sits me on the sofa before going to the kitchen and opening the door. "Why was he locked in there?" I ask Lizzie as she comes back in. "I didn't want him to ruin the wrapping" she said patting the sofa. Sparky jumped up and barked loudly wagging his tail happily. "Okay Rox your pile is the purple and Sparky has the red pile" she tells me. I look over at the tree and see a large pile of gifts. "Lizzie you really didn't have to. I don't normally....." I start but she laughs and covers my mouth with her hand. "My daughter hasn't had a Christmas since she was two I think it's fair to make sure this is a good one" she tells me. I roll my eyes and we open some gifts.

(TIME SKIP TO THE AFTERNOON- You all had lunch at Scarlett's with just you, Scarlett and Lizzie and now are all opening gifts)

I hand Rox her first present. It's a little something I remember her mentioning after the first time she slept at mine. "Here you are" I say and she frowns when she takes it. "It's squishy" she says and I laugh. She opens it slowly and then when she sees it her eyes fill with tears. "Lizzie... you really didn't have to" she tells me. "What is it?" Rose asks trying to look over the wrapping paper. Rox holds up a build-a-bear dressed in a little love-heart top and skirt with some blue trainers. "Honey squeeze the bears paw" I tell her. She frowns at me before clicking it. We sit in silence so she can hear what it says. A woman's voice fills the room. 'Hey there my baby. Oh you're so cute! You like tummy tickles? Huh? You like that? I love you so so much! Yes I do!' the little recording ends and Rox bursts into floods of tears. She jumps into my arms holding the bear tightly. Scar looks a little confused so I ask Rox if I can explain. She nods whilst sobbing onto me. "The woman's voice is Rox's mum. Chris asked if Rox was on social media and I say she was. He then messaged me a day later with her mothers old Facebook account. I had a little look through it and found a recording of Rox's mother playing with her. She's about six months in the video and as soon as I found it I knew I wanted to do the bear thing." I explained to Scar who looked so happy for Rox. "You are a very cute baby" I added making Rox laugh a little. "Why are you crying?" Rose asked coming up and hugging Rox's back. "It's because the bear means a lot to her" Scar answered. Rose nodded and took the bear from Rox. "She's pretty.... Just like you!" Rose says to Roxie. Rox sniffles a little, wipes her eyes and then smiles at Rose. "Well I think she looks just like you!" Rox says tickling Rose a little. "Thanks so much for the bear" Rox whispers to me and I kiss her head. That's not the reaction I was expecting but it was perfect.


Word count- 1356 

I've always wanted a build-a-bear but never actually gotten one. I've seen they do a Wanda build-a-bear so i might treat myself 😂 

Hope you're all doing okay. HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2022 is the prefect year for all of you! Remember to eat/drink and get a good amount of sleep! 

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