Chapter 1

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It was spring and the long-awaited month of May had arrived. Along with it also came the traditional Annual Meeting of the United States Fire Department. It was an important event not only for celebrating the International Day of Firefighters, on the 4th, but also for being an event where there would be lectures and training for captains and lieutenants from all over the country.
That year, the host city was New York. Station 19 of the city of Seattle would send as representatives Captain Pruit Herrera, accompanied by his daughter and also lieutenant, Andrea Herrera, known to all as Andy.
Ever since her mother died, when she was still a child, Andy felt responsible for taking care of her father. She made a point of getting her clothes wash and preparing her meals. They have always been very close and Andy grew up attending that station which is now her workplace. Station 19 was her second home and the entire team became her family.
The day before the trip was no different. Andy got up early, made breakfast, and went to organize her and her father's suitcases. She needed to get everything ready, as they were going to travel right after a 24-hour workday.
Once they arrived at the station, Captain Herrera gave the team directions on how they would work during his absence. Lieutenant Jack Gibson would assume the post of Captain temporarily and the entire team was expected to respect his decisions.
This was an exhausting day at work. There was a fire in a building and with great difficulty they managed to contain the fire and remove all the residents alive. They were all tired when they returned to the station.
At the end of the day, Captain Herrera had not appeared at the mess hall to have dinner with the others. Andy found her father's behavior strange, as he always valued the importance of everyone eating together. Worried, she went to his office and found him lying on his bed.

Andy: Papi, is everything okay?
Pruit: I'm feeling a little dizzy and a little nauseous too. I think something I ate earlier is not doing me any good.

Andy was worried. She wanted to take him to the hospital, but Pruit didn't want.
Pruit: It's no big deal. I'll be better soon. Go to your room and rest because tomorrow we have to travel.

Andy: All right. Anything you need, call me.

Andy went to his dorm. As soon as he arrived, he found Jack sitting on his bed.
It was no surprise to anyone that Andy and Jack were in a relationship. They never took it on as dating, but they always slept together during work shifts. Captain Herrera knew of their involvement and never objected. Jack was a good man and had the same patent as Andy, so it wouldn't be a problem if, in the future, they decided to make their relationship serious.
Andy joined Jack and they started kissing. But she was still worried about her father and wasn't in the mood for anything other than kissing and cuddling.

Andy: My dad is sick. I'm worried about him. Can we just sleep cuddled today?
Jack: All right. Your father is strong. Tomorrow he will be great.

They lay down. Jack hugged Andy and within minutes he was asleep. Andy however could not sleep thinking about her father.
An hour had passed and Andy was still awake. She decided to go to her father's dorm to see if he was better.
When she entered the room, Andy saw her father shivering and wrapped in a blanket, which was strange as it was a pleasant temperature in this day. Andy touched her father and realized he had a fever.

Andy: Why didn't you call me?
Pruit: I was about to call you. I was just hoping to get a little stronger so I could get to your room.
Andy: We're going to the hospital now to find out what's going on. You cannot travel like this.
Pruit: There's nothing to worry about. I'll be fine before our trip.

Andy didn't accept her father's excuse and took him to the hospital. The doctor informed him that he had contracted a virus. It was nothing serious, but it would be necessary to rest in the next few days and he was instructed to suspend the trip.
They returned to the station and Captain Herrera requested a meeting with Andy and Jack.

Pruit: As per medical advice, I will no longer be able to travel. Andy will go alone representing our station.
Andy: Papi, you can send Jack in my place and I'll stay to take care of you.
Pruit: Andy, you have to go anyway. You've been attending these events with me since you were a kid. You already have the necessary experience to represent me.

Andy didn't like the idea of ​​going alone. These events used to be boring for her. Most of the participants were men and she knew she would be bored without a companion. It would be nice for Andy if Jack could accompany her on the trip.

Andy: What if Jack replaced you on the trip? We would both go.
Jack: I don't think it's a good idea. Your father is not feeling well and I am acting Captain. I need to stay to tend the station.
Pruit: Jack is right. He'll be in charge even if I don't travel anymore.

Andy tried not to show it, but she was upset that Jack had left her alone. No other firefighter from 19 could go with her, as only lieutenants and captains were allowed in this event, titles that the other colleagues still didn't have.

Later, Jack went to bed in Andy's room, as he did every night they were on duty. However, this time she had locked the door. She didn't want his presence.

Jack: Andy, can we talk?
She opened the door:
Andy: If you really wanted my company, you wouldn't leave me alone at a boring event like this.
Jack: Andy, I did this for your father.
Andy: You didn't do it for my dad. You did it because you're enjoying the idea of ​​being Captain for a week.

Jack couldn't hide it. Andy was right. It was the opportunity he had to show good work and when he had a new promotion, he could move up his rank.

Andy: And so Jack? I'm waiting for you to deny what I said.

*Sorry for any error. English is not our first language.

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