Chapter 66

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Andy walked to the entrance of the building, stopped in front of the entrance and took a deep breath before following. Trembling, she rang the doorbell.

When the door opened, Elena appeared in front of her. Her appearance was still the same, despite the more than 20 years that had passed since the last time they were together. At the sight of her, Andy's breath quickened. She started to run towards the elevator, not wanting to face reality. She triggered the elevator, but it was on a distant floor. Elena ran after Andy.

Elena: Hija, wait.

Andy, scared, decided to run for the emergency exit stairs. Elena followed, insisting that Andy give her the opportunity to explain.

Elena: Hija, wait... I can explain... Andrea, please.

Andy went down a few steps, but soon sat down on the floor to cry. Elena then caught up with her and sat down next to her.

Elena: I know you're scared, afraid. I'm too. I've waited for this moment for years, but I wasn't prepared to receive you like this... By surprise. Let's go to my apartment. Give me a chance to explain what happened.

Silently, Andy got up and followed her mother, wiping the tears from her face.

They entered the apartment. Andy sat on the couch, head in her hands, trying to compose herself.

Elena: I'll get you a glass of water. Is pineapple juice still your favorite?

Andy was surprised that she remembered that. So, she just nodded her head in confirmation.

Elena: I'll make it for you.

When Elena returned to the living room carrying a glass of water and another of juice, and because this, it was as if Andy had stepped into a time warp. She had had pineapple juice several times before, but Elena's had something different. Some special touch that made it unique and Andy's favorite.

Elena sat in the armchair across from Andy.

Elena: In order for you to understand me, I need to tell you everything from the beginning.

Andy agreed to hear everything she had to say.

Elena: I met your father when I was at the Fire Academy. From the moment I met him I knew he was the man I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. He has always been my one true love. In a few months we were married and also managed to enter the same station. Some time later I was promoted to lieutenant and it seemed like I had the perfect life. The career of my dreams and the love of my life.

She then lowered her gaze, thinking of how to say something so delicate so as not to hurt Andy even more.

Elena: I didn't plan to get pregnant and when I found out I was pregnant I loved you and dreamed of your birth. Yourr father was beaming with joy. But as my belly began to show, my captain put me on table duty. At that time they already didn't like having women in the group, and being pregnant, they saw it as a serious problem. I felt frustrated to see the whole team coming back from calls full of stories to tell when I had had boring days. I asked to stay in the ambulance, helping the victims in the calls, but the captain didn't agree and your father also thought that the best thing for both of us was to stay at the station.

Andy: I wasn't even born and I was already a problem in your life.

Elena: Andrea, you weren't a problem in my life. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I loved you from the first moment, but I also won't lie saying that I was happy to see my dreams crumble in front of me. I was frustrated yes. My last call had been before I found out I was pregnant, and after that I got further and further away from the profession of my dreams.

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