Chapter 22

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Andy was surprised by the number of call attempts on her cell phone. Call attempts from the cell phone of Maya, Vic, Travis, and a person she didn't expect: Ryan Tanner.

Ryan had been her best friend since childhood. He was the person Andy trusted most in her life. He was a police officer and a few years ago he was working in San Diego.

Despite the distance, Andy always counted on his friendship and it was not uncommon for them to spend hours talking on the phone. But in recent months, these calls had reduced in frequency. It had been a few months since Ryan and Andy had spoken, not since last Christmas, when he went to Seattle to celebrate with his mother. That was the last time the friends met.

Not only had Ryan tried to call Andy several times, he'd also left a message asking her to call him urgently on his cell. That message worried Andy. She knew Ryan so deeply, she knew he wouldn't leave a message like that if the matter wasn't extremely serious.

So Andy got off the plane, got her bags and still inside the airport called Ryan.

Andy: Ryan, how are you? What was there?

Ryan: Andy, I was on a call with the 19 team when your dad got sick and...

Andy: What do you mean, are you in Seattle? What happened to my father? Where is he?

Ryan: Yes. I returned to live here in Seattle. Our teams were working together and... your father... Well, he went into cardiac arrest inside a burning house. Firefighters at 19 had a hard time resuscitating him and getting him out. Now he's at Gray Sloan. He's sedated, but he's fine. I have him in the room.

Andy was apprehensive at the news that her father was hospitalized. She had a feeling that something bad was coming and at that moment, all she wanted was to go to the hospital and see the real situation of her father. However, she would take a taxi and it was impossible to go straight to the hospital with the amount of bags she had.

Andy: I'll leave my bags at home and go straight to the hospital. Please Ryan, don't leave my father alone.

Ryan: Of course I won't leave him alone. You know Pruit is like a father to me too.

Ryan's father has always been a terrible father. So Ryan grew up hanging out at Pruit's house and playing at the station with Andy. Because of this, he had a special affection for Pruit and felt like a member of the family.

While waiting for Andy to arrive, Ryan remained by his neighbor's side the entire time.

Ryan: Come on Pruit, you can get through this. You are our hero. You always come out of the worst situations alive. Andy and I need you.

Andy got to the bedroom and heard what her friend was saying. She was startled to see her father intubated. The sight of Pruit in bed gave her tachycardia and increased her breathing rate. She was panicked by what she saw.

Ryan realized she had arrived and tried to control her.

Ryan: Andy, calm down. He is fine. He's just recovering. He looks at me and breathes with me, okay? Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

Andy calmed down and then approached her father.

Andy: Papi, I'm here with you. It's gonna be okay.

She sat in the chair and held hands with her father, while Ryan stood next to her, giving her some comfort.

A few minutes later, Dr. Bailey entered the room.

Bailey: Hi Andy. Unfortunately I don't have good news.

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