Chapter 52

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When the day dawned, Andy was woken up by her father, who entered her room very early.

Pruit: Andrea, wake up. The hospital called and we have to go right away.

Andy woke up with a start. The way her father entered the room terrified gave her the certainty that Ryan was worse or even dead. Then, Pruit realized that he had scared his daughter and added:

Pruit: Ryan is awake and is calling for you. Let's go. Let's go to the hospital.

Andy breathed a sigh of relief and quickly got ready. She took a mug of coffee and drank it on the way while her father drove.

When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor reported that, miraculously, Ryan was doing much better. He could only have one visitor at a time. So Andy was the first to enter the room. As soon as she walked in, she saw Ryan awake and because of that, her eyes had tears of joy.

She ran to her friend and, carefully, she hugged him. A hug strong enough that Ryan understood how much she had been worried and hurting for him. He felt her face wet with tears and to relax, he commented ironically:

Ryan: Andrea Herrera crying because of me.

Andy: You scared me you know? I thought you weren't going to survive.

Ryan: I wouldn't break the promise that we'll be best friends forever would I? I never break promises.

Andy: Yes. You never break promises.

Andy sat down next to him and, taking his hand, she continued to hold him tightly and stroke his arm.

Andy: You have no idea how bad I felt because of you. You can't scare me like that. I really thought you were going to die. I thought I would no longer have my best friend by my side.

Ryan: Sorry for making you suffer. I did not do it on purpose.

Andy: I'm grateful for your life.

She hugged him again.

Ryan: Hey, if you keep hugging me like that, you're going to make your boyfriend jealous, and right now I'm not in the best position to defend myself against that tall man. I think you better get rid of me.

He said laughing and that elicited smiles from Andy as well.

Andy: No you silly. He is not jealous of you and he knows how important you are in my life.

Ryan: So I was right. Captain Sullivan is the mystery boyfriend.

Andy: Did you hear what I told you while you were in a coma?

Ryan: Of course I did. You haven't stopped talking for a minute. Even when I'm in a coma you don't stop bothering me.

Ryan said in a mocking way to relax his friend who was still a little tense. Andy laughed. She was happy to be able to have this moment with Ryan.

Andy: I didn't want you to die without knowing it. But if I'd known you weren't going to die, I wouldn't have told you.

Ryan: Too late. Now I already know everything. Maybe I should charge a bounty to keep this secret.

Andy: You wouldn't have the heart to reveal it.

Ryan: Don't doubt me.

Andy knew that Ryan was just joking and so she was reassured that he knew her secret.

Ryan: I'm happy to see you happy with a nice man like him.

Andy: We are very happy together. Robert makes me feel things I've never felt before.

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