Chapter 27

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As soon as Robert ended the call with Andy, he finally released all the stress he was feeling from seeing her in pain and not being able to be around her. He paced around trying to think of a way to help Andy, but he didn't know what to do. He needed to be close to her, to take care of her. And all that distance was being cruel to them.

Robert didn't think long and soon made the decision he needed. He picked up the phone and called Lucas.

Lucas: Sully? Is everything OK? You calling me at this time of night... did something happen?

Robert: Luke, I need to get back to Seattle.

Lucas: Wow. I never imagined that one day you would say that.

Robert: Neither do I... Look Luke, I know we're not at our best yet, but if I can ask you a favor, get me a job in Seattle. I don't care if I need to lower my patent, I just need a spot.

Lucas: If you had told me earlier, I could have signed you up to replace Captain Herrera from Season 19, who is retiring. But now the candidates are already being evaluated and we are almost completing the selection process. Probably, Captain Herrera's daughter, Lieutenant Herrera, will replace him. She is without a doubt the best candidate.

Robert was happy with what he heard. He knew how hard Andy was trying to get that spot while taking care of her father. She deserved the job and was competent to do so.

Robert: I understand. But if there is another vacancy, please let me know. I have an urgent need for my return.

Lucas: Any special reason?

Robert was silent.

Lucas: Sully I know you. There's a woman involved in this story and for you to be wanting to return to Seattle, I see it's not an adventure. You are in love.

Robert: Okay. I can't lie to you. But it's not something I can talk about yet.

Luke: All right. I will not insist. But know that I was happy to hear that you are finally opening your heart to love. I know you suffered a lot with Claire's death and it's good to know that you're slowly getting your life back on track.

Robert: I never thought I could feel for someone the way I felt for Claire, but I found someone who made me feel alive again and yes, I fell in love with that person. That's why I need to get back to Seattle. To be close to her.

Lucas: At the moment I don't have any vacancies to offer you, but I will do everything to help you get back to Seattle.

Robert: Thank you.

Robert ended the call and tried to sleep, but his head was thinking about Andy. How bad it was to know she needed him and he couldn't do anything for her. But at least now he was hopeful that Lucas would help him get a position in Seattle and finally he could be available to Andy whenever she needed him.

The next day, Andy woke up a little calmer. She needed to get ready to go to the hospital, but her heart was asking her to call Robert, as she was feeling selfish asking him such a sacrifice.

Then, still lying in her bed, she called Robert.

Andy: Good morning, did I wake you up?

Robert: Good morning my love. I was already awake, but even if I was sleeping, I would wake up to talk to you. Are you a little calmer?

Andy: Yes.

She replied a little sad and at the same time thoughtful, as she wanted to choose the right words.

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