Chapter 92

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While Robert was in the office with Andy, Vic was outside, preventing anyone from entering the room and interrupting the couple's conversation. Maya and Travis wanted to go into the room to see Jade, and Jack, who worked as acting captain, needed to go into the room, but Vic convinced them to wait.

When Robert left the room crying, Jack looked at Vic questioningly because he was sure she knew what had happened in that room, or she wouldn't be so committed to preventing him from entering there.

Jack: So Vic? What does Andy do here at the station while he is on maternity leave? And Sullivan left crying. What is happening?

Vic: I can't say anything.

Travis: So you know what's going on?

Vic picked up her cup of coffee and started drinking, trying to keep her mouth busy so as not to say anything.

Maya: Speak soon Vic. We're Andy's friends and we need to know what's going on.

Vic: I can't talk. I promised Sullivan that I wouldn't say anything.

Jack: Do you know what's going on because Sullivan told you? Just tell me why he left crying.

Vic: They had a fight last night. Andy wanted to leave the house and go to her parents' house, but as it was too late, Robert left and went to sleep at my house.

Jack: For Andy to have made such a radical decision, he must have done something very serious. I always said this man would still hurt Andy. You never saw the seriousness of this relationship, but I always did.

Travis: I can't imagine the chief doing anything that would hurt Andy.

Vic again went back to drinking her coffee because she didn't want to share the rest of the gossip, but it was difficult for her to hold back the information she knew while her friends made their own judgments.

Being the most observant of the 3, Maya knew that Vic was keeping information and insisted on knowing details.

Maya: Vic, you know the reason for the fight. If Robert hurt Andy, we need to help our friend.

Vic: He didn't hurt Andy. Not in the way you are thinking.

Jack: But did he hurt her in any way?

Travis: Did he cheat on Andy? Did he commit a crime? He did something to Jade that Andy didn't agree with.

Vic was tired of holding back the information and ended up revealing the secret.

Vic: Okay. Okay.... Robert didn't do any of that. He is an excellent husband and an even better father. But he has a son out of wedlock and Andy found out last night.

Jack: A child out of wedlock. Betrayal. I knew. My nose doesn't fail.

Vic: No... he didn't cheat her. He discovered this child while Jade was in the hospital, but it is a child who was born before Robert met Andy and only now has he learned of this child's existence.

Maya: Wow. Now that's good gossip. I'm going in to talk to Andy.

Vic: No. You're not going to say anything to her. You shouldn't even know about this. I'll go in to talk to her.

Vic left the conversation with her friends and entered Andy's office. She saw her friend with her head down, crying, while Jade was quiet, in her baby carriage looking at her mother. Vic took the baby out of the stroller and picked her up. She sat across from Andy and tried to give her friend some support.

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