Chapter 57

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The sun hadn't even risen when Andy woke up. She dreamed so much about this day that she wanted to calmly get ready and make sure everything went smoothly. So, she got up, took a shower and went to the kitchen to have her breakfast.

A short time later, a woman arrived at her home who she had hired to do her hair and makeup. She opted to tie her hair in a half-up bun, which gave her a sophisticated look. She also chose to wear makeup in muted tones. Then she put on her dress, her sandals and also some accessories. She didn't want to wear traditional wedding dresses. She didn't feel comfortable in any of the dresses she had tried on with her long train, veil and crown. So, she had chosen a tea rose dress, which was a length just below her knee. It wasn't a tight dress, so it moved and had a really nice effect on her body.

When Andy was completely ready, she went downstairs to her house and found her father, who was also ready and waiting for her in the living room.

Seeing his daughter coming down the stairs, Pruit was moved. He knew that this marriage was something that would do her good, but at the same time he still felt that emptiness in his chest when he remembered that his daughter was no longer a little girl and that from that day on she would be married and would live in another home.

Pruit: Hija, you look so beautiful.

Andy: Thank you, Daddy.

Andy was very happy, but something was bothering her. For many years she no longer felt the pain of her mother's death, but on that day, she was missing her.

Andy: I so wish mommy was here. I wanted her to see me dressed as a bride and getting married.

Pruit: Wherever she is, she knows you're living your special day and she'll be proud of the daughter she had.

Andy hugged her father tightly. They stayed like that for a few seconds, but were interrupted when they heard the doorbell ring. It was Ryan who was coming to take them to the village.

Ryan: Wow!! You're so beautiful, you don't even look like my friend. I'm not used to seeing you so elegant like this.

Andy gave Ryan a light slap for making fun of her.

Andy: Of course you've never seen me like this. I've never been married before.

They laughed.

Pruit: Stop fooling around, you two. Let's go, it is no longer fashionable for the bride to be late at the wedding.

The three got into the car and drove towards the village.

Unlike Andy, Robert preferred to get ready at the cottage. He was so excited that the night before he had already made the short trip to the village. So, as soon as he woke up, he took his shower, ate his breakfast and got ready. He was wearing an elegant black suit with a white shirt. Robert was trying to tie a knot in his tie, but he was shaky and couldn't complete the knot.

Lucas had arrived at the cottage in the morning and helped Robert tie his tie. While they were getting ready, friends chatted.

Robert: Do you remember that you were the one who tied my tie when I married Claire?

Lucas: Of course.

Robert: Is it weird that I'm more anxious today than I was that day? I mean, I loved Claire and I got married in love. But with Andy it's all different. It is a stronger and uncontrollable feeling.

Lucas: My friend, you and Claire were the perfect couple. You never had a single problem. You never had to fight for your relationship. It was all easy and simple. But with Andy it was the opposite. You know how much you fought to get to this day. You've gone through a lot to be together and each new day you prove to each other that you choose to be together. You fight together for the love you feel and that makes everything different. Only a love as strong as yours could withstand everything you've faced.

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