Chapter 14

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In the captain's office, the time Andy had dreaded had arrived: justifying herself to her father and captain.

Pruit: Andrea Herrera, you owe me an explanation of what happened this morning.

Andy: Sorry daddy.

Pruit: Now I'm not your father, I'm your captain.

Andy: Okay. I'm sorry. Yesterday was a very exhausting day and when we got back to the station, I had a really bad headache. I couldn't sleep from the pain. I took a medicine to relieve the pain and another to sleep. I believe that's why I didn't hear the call.

Pruit: And why did you lock the door?

Andy: I ​​always lock my bedroom door. You never noticed, because I'm always ready for any call. But this time, I didn't hear you knocking on my door.

Pruit: Andy, I understand that you had your reasons and that this has never happened before, but I need to punish you or I will lose the respect of my team.

Andy: All right. I get it.

Pruit: On your next shift, you'll spend the day at the desk.

Andy didn't like to stay at the table, but that was a punishment she'd take without any problem, as she'd already been rewarded for having managed to spend the night with her love..

Andy: All right. I think it's fair. This will not be repeated.

Pruit: Andy, now as your father, how are you? Did you even manage to relieve the headache?

Andy didn't like lies. She and her father had always been good friends and lying to him was something that bothered her. However, this was a necessary lie.

Andy: Yes. I am better.

She gave her father a kiss and left the office.

As soon as she left, she realized that Jack was at the door looking at her.

Andy ignored him and walked towards the kitchen. Jack followed, which made Andy furious. Then she stopped on the steps of the stairs and asked:

Andy: What's up Jack? Why are you following me?

Jack: Where did you spend the night, Andy?

Andy: In my room.

Jack: I know you don't lock your bedroom door. You were not there. Where were you?

Andy: I ​​don't need to answer that question for you. The only people who need to know where I was are my father and my captain, and as I've told you before, they're the same person. My captain already knows what happened to me during working hours. So stop wanting to come into my life. We don't have and won't have anything else.

Andy turned and continued walking to the kitchen, where the rest of the group was. No one else questioned what had happened. They just ended their shift and returned to their homes.

Since Andy left, Robert hadn't been able to sleep anymore. He was worried that she hadn't made it back to the station in time. He felt guilty for not paying attention while she rested.

As soon as the shift ended, Andy returned to the hotel. She entered the room and found him sitting on the bed.

Robert: I was worried. What happened when you arrived at the station?

Andy: The team had been called in for an accident, but since I didn't leave the room, they went without me. When I arrived at the station, only Vic was there. She is my friend and helped me hide the truth.

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