Chapter 84

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All: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

When Andy and Robert activated the toy fire extinguisher, pink smoke began to billow into the air. Andy immediately hugged her husband in celebration.

Andy: A little girl.

Robert: I'm sure she'll be a beautiful girl like her mother.

He then kissed his wife. Everyone was celebrating the answer, even those who had gotten it wrong.

Elena immediately put on lively music to celebrate. Everyone started dancing.

Andy and Robert didn't have a preference between a boy or a girl. They were happy just to be waiting for their baby. But that night, they were so happy with the surprise party and the news that the baby was a girl that they didn't want to end the day when they got home.

While Andy was near the dressing table, removing her earrings, Robert was sitting on the edge of the bed, admiring his wife.

Robert: You are aware that from now on, you will not be the only woman in my life, right?

Andy noticed her husband's irony and decided to join in on the joke.

Andy: Never thought I'd say that. Yes, I accept sharing you with another woman, but only with this little girl who is about to arrive.

Robert: Our little princess will have a lot of love from her daddy, but there will always be a lot of love for her mommy too.

Andy was excited by what he said. She approached her husband and started kissing him.

Andy: You know that when she arrives I will be hampered by this division of your affections. I'm sure you will devote less time to showing your love for me.

In those days she was having a lot of libido and wanted her husband more often than usual. Robert was always in desire too, but he was afraid that he could hurt the baby or harm the pregnancy, so he never asked his wife for sex, he always let her desire to love each other come from her. Andy was kissing her husband's neck and teasing him as he said:

Robert: Are you sure we still can? Your belly is growing and I don't want to hurt you or the baby.

Andy: You're not going to hurt either of us. Rest assured. Let's enjoy our last few months together a little more. I want you so much.

Andy never stopped kissing him as she said her words sensually. Robert was already feeling his body responding to his wife's stimuli and he really wanted that woman. He then started kissing her with more passion and Andy quickly removed her husband's shirt. She always liked to look at his chest, which did justice to his physical exercises. He looked even sexier without a shirt and her desire increased even more when she saw him like that. Andy sat on her husband's lap, letting the heat between them increase with his kisses and whispers of desire. Robert had his hands around his wife and reveled in the feeling of having her on her lap. He let his hand wander over Andy's dress, but always wanting to get closer to her skin. Then, he lifted his wife's dress to touch her. He started massaging her from her thigh, passing his hands around her waist until he reached her breasts. He tried to restrain himself for a while by just massaging her under her dress, but soon he regretted it and removed her clothes so he could feel her completely. Andy's belly was already showing, but it was still small and didn't interfere with them having their bodies pressed together.

Little by little they removed the few pieces of clothing they still wore and also allowed their hands to begin to touch the most intimate parts of their bodies. With care, Robert laid his wife on his bed and without stopping pleasing her with kisses and caresses, he began connecting his body to his wife's, making her feel great pleasure.

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