Chapter 40

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The 19 crew was having an intense day of work that Thanksgiving. The strong wind that hit the city had left several damages in the neighborhood. Many fallen trees, houses with endangered structures and car accidents were the main calls of the day. All day they were outside the station. It was early evening when they were able to return.

Pruit: Glad you're back. Come on guys, take your showers, dinner will be ready soon and we can celebrate Thanksgiving.

As he said that, Pruit looked attentively at everyone who was arriving and said:

Pruit: Andy and Captain Sullivan weren't with you?

Maya: No. They went to that call earlier and we haven't seen them since.

Dean: I didn't hear any other calls for the ambulance. They must be in the same calling by now.

Hearing this, Lucas looked at Pruit and they both had very worried expressions.

Lucas: They're taking too long for an ambulance call.

Pruit began to feel anxious.

Pruit: Something happened to them. Let's go get them now.

They all hurriedly left.

Meanwhile, the ambulance that Robert, Andy and their patient were in had fallen off the cliff. When the car stopped rolling, Robert and Andy were unconscious, but a few moments later, Robert opened his eyes and realized what had happened.

When he saw Andy unconscious, he worried about her and all he wanted was to see her awake and make sure she wasn't seriously injured.

Robert: Andy, Andy, wake up.

Andy heard Robert's voice like a distant sound. Unconscious of her understood that she needed to wake up, but she just couldn't. Robert was more and more worried and kept calling her until she finally woke up.

Andy: What happened?

Robert: We had an accident. Are you okay?

Andy: I ​​have a bit of a headache. How long have I been out?

Robert: About 1 or 2 minutes longer than me.

Andy remembered there was a patient in the back of the ambulance. She asked the patient how she was feeling and from the response she received she knew the patient was stable.

Robert tried to move, but he felt trapped.

Robert: Andy, I don't know what's going on, but my legs feel trapped.

Andy: I'll help you.

Andy tried to help Robert free his leg that was trapped in the vehicle, but she couldn't.

Andy: Okay. I'm going to get out of the car and I'm going to get tools to remove whatever's blocking your leg.

Andy did as she was told and with great difficulty she managed to remove the entire structure. Robert, however, began to worry, because even so he could not feel one of her legs or move them. He didn't want to worry Andy, but he didn't see any choice but to tell her the truth.

Robert: Andy, I don't feel one of my legs.

Andy got scared when she heard that and, without wanting to despair, she tried to act coldly in order to reason.

Andy: I'll get a stretcher and carry you to the back so I can take care of you both.

Once she was able to transport Robert and verify that they were both stable, she started looking for flares. But then she noticed that most of them had been damaged in the accident and only 1 was left.

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