Chapter 43

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When Andy got to Robert's room, he was sitting on the edge of the bed with both legs hanging over the side. When Andy went over to kiss him, he placed his hand between their lips, interrupting her.

Robert: Wait. I don't want you to kiss me.

Andy didn't understand what happened. She found his behavior strange, but soon she saw him rest one hand on a cane and the other on the edge of the bed and struggled to get up. He got to his feet. For the first time since the accident, Andy saw him standing and it thrilled her.

Robert: I want to kiss you like this. Standing.

He continued with one hand leaning on the cane and with the other he brought Andy's face up to his. He kissed her slowly, but as he still couldn't stand for long, he had to sit down again.

Andy: My love, I'm so happy about this. I was so afraid that you would never move your leg again.

Robert: I was also very scared. I still have a long way to go before I fully recover, but now I can hope that I will walk again.

Andy: You're going to walk again. I believe in it.

Andy started to caress his face, while she couldn't contain her tears of joy.

Robert: Hey, no need to cry.

Andy: They're tears of joy. Seeing you like this, standing up, is being a dream come true.

She sat on the bed next to Robert, rested her head on his shoulder and continued saying:

Andy: It's so weird to think of the Andy I was before I met you and the Andy I've become. I never understood how people could donate so much to each other just by being in love. But now, I feel each of your pains and achievements as if they were mine too. It's like we're one person.

Robert: That's the effect of love. When we were on that cliff I was more afraid for you than I was for myself. I don't know how to explain how I could feel it either, but the whole time I just wanted you to save yourself.

Andy: And I just wanted to find a way to get you out of there.

Robert placed a kiss on the top of her head and began to stroke her arm. Andy then remembered to comment to Robert about the conversation she had earlier with her father.

Andy: Robert, today I told my dad that I'm coming to visit you in the hospital.

Robert: He wasn't suspicious about what's between us?

Andy: I don't think so. I said that you must be feeling very lonely and that it would be nice to have some company. My dad knows I would do that for anyone on the team.

Robert feigned jealousy.

Robert: Oh! And even? I thought you were doing this because you were in love with me.

Andy: You know I'm madly in love with you and you don't have to be jealous. But yes, I would come visit the other friends too if they were in the same situation as you are.

Robert: I know you would. You are a very generous person and do not measure efforts to help everyone in need. Your friends are lucky to have you around, and I am even luckier.

Andy: And speaking of friends, I was wondering if we can stop faking our fights in front of them. After everything we're going through, I don't even want to fight anymore. I want you to be more a part of my life when I'm with my dad and my friends. May they see us at least as friends.

Robert: You're right. No more fights. The lie we need to keep is enough. And I also want to find a solution so that we can announce to everyone how much we love each other.

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