Chapter 39

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Andy: Robert, wait.

Robert looked back and saw that Andy was following him, so he whispered:

Robert: You called me by my name.

Andy: It doesn't matter now.

They then quickened their pace and went to the captain's office.

Andy: I'm sorry my friends treated you like that.

Robert: Andy, you don't need to apologize. They are right. I always told you that the captain cannot be a friend of the team. And that's what the team wants. They want me to get away again. They want to have fun on Thanksgiving and if I'm there, they won't enjoy the party.

Andy: They're wrong. And you are wrong to think so. It's Thanksgiving. Family reunion day and you're part of the family 19. They can't exclude you.

Robert: Andy, don't worry about it. I'm not upset.

Andy: They're treating you that way because they don't know you yet. And all this is the fault of our secret. I hate our secret.

Robert: I know you hate it. I hate it too. But that has nothing to do with our secret. Regardless of our relationship, I am the captain of the station and they will always see me differently.

Andy: I'm still going to prove you wrong for thinking that way.

Andy stopped talking and wondered what her Thanksgiving would be like. She was always with the team and she was sure her dad would be too. But she wanted to be with Robert. She refused to consider the possibility of leaving him alone on a day like this.

Andy: If you're not going then I'm not going to Dean's either.

Robert: Andy, this has nothing to do with your friendship with them. They are like brothers to you and I know they all want you there.

Andy: But I want to be with you. You are my family. You are my best company.

Robert: As much as I really want to be with you, we can't. If you don't show up to this party, our secret will be threatened again.

Robert knew Andy very well and knew that she would risk everything to not leave him alone. So he decided:

Robert: Look, Thanksgiving always has a lot of accidents. People act recklessly and end up getting hurt. I will need to work that day to support team B. So you can spend the night before with me, we have our breakfast together and then I come to work and you go to the party with your friends.

Andy: Are you sure you want it to be like this?

Robert: I'm sure. You will celebrate a little with me and a little with your friends and your father.

He then wanted to lighten the mood. Aware that the curtains and door were closed, he approached her, hugged her letting her rest her head on his chest.

Robert: You are so special that everyone is vying for your presence for Thanksgiving.

Andy: Stop being silly. There's no disputing when you know you've got me easily.

She lifted her head and gave him a light kiss.

Andy: Ready. Now I need to go back and fix the fact that I went after you while everyone else was watching, before they start to suspect us again.

Robert agreed. He then released Andy from his arms and let her out of his room.

While Andy was in the office with Robert, the team stayed in the kitchen and everyone was silent for a while, reflecting on what had just happened. After some time, Jack decided to speak:

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