Chapter 85

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Carina: Robert, I don't bring good news.

Robert stood up immediately to hear what Carina had to say.

Carina: Andy was medicated to inhibit the pain and stop the bleeding. She and the baby are fine. Luckily she lost little blood and apparently the baby was not affected, but we have no choice but to remove the baby today.

Robert: But it's still very early. She's still so little.

Carina: It will really be a premature birth, but at her gestational age, it is possible to continue her development in the neonatal ICU.

Robert: But isn't that dangerous?

Carina: I can't lie. There may be neurological sequelae and even the possibility of not surviving, but this happens in a small percentage of cases at this gestational age. Previous tests did not show this possibility, but given the clinical picture, Andy is unable to carry this pregnancy forward. We need to deliver the baby today.

Lucas: Sully, let's have positive thinking. Many children are born prematurely.

Robert: I just want what's safest for both of them.

Carina: That's the best option. I would never give birth so early if it wasn't really necessary.

Robert: Can I see Andy?

Carina: Yes, you can and you can accompany the birth too. She is in a room awaiting release from the surgical suite.

Robert: Does she already know about the birth?

Carina: Yes. And just like you, she's scared. But I'm confident that everything will be fine. I've done this type of procedure several times. I'll do what's best for both of them.

Robert: We trust you.

Carina and Robert went to the room where Andy was and Lucas returned to work. Robert approached his wife and gave her a light kiss. Andy was tense, trying to control her emotions, but seeing Robert made her feel a little better.

Andy: Robert, I'm really scared.

Robert: I'm not going to lie to you. I'm scared too. But I'll be by your side the whole time and we'll live this fear together, okay?

Andy nodded.

Robert: We can't lose hope. Our daughter is doing well and she will fight to continue developing well, out here.

Andy: Robert, will you promise me that if at some point Carina has to choose between my life and our daughter's, you will choose our daughter?

Robert felt a lump form in his throat. He could never imagine having to make such a choice.

Robert: Please don't make me promise you something like that. You two are all I have in life.

Andy quickly understood how cruel he had been in her request, so she changed:

Andy: At least promise me that if something bad happens to me, you will never leave our daughter helpless.

Robert: I promise you that, no matter what happens, I will be the best father I can be to our daughter. But I know I'll do it with you by my side.

He kissed Andy's hand.

At that moment, the hospital team entered the room to take Andy to the surgical suite.

Nurse: Mr Sullivan, can you go clean yourself and change into sterile clothing in the next room while we prepare the patient.

Robert did as he was asked and as soon as he was ready, he positioned himself next to his wife. As the birth was cesarean, Andy was anesthetized and couldn't feel what was happening. Carina, always very careful, notified Andy and Robert of the entire situation.

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