Chapter 91

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"Sully, Anthony loved spending this special weekend with his father. We have many beautiful photos and they are all attached to this email. We look forward to seeing you next month. With affection, Tash"

Andy felt her heart sink. She wanted to think it was all a misunderstanding, but soon she opened the photos and had confirmation of what she feared. There were photos of Robert and a boy about 7 years old. The two were happy playing in a park and eating ice cream. In other photos, she saw that the child celebrated his seventh birthday, with Robert and a woman next to the boy, in front of the birthday cake.

She was in shock and felt her hands shaking. She stared at the screen without knowing how to react.

A few minutes later, Robert came out of the couple's bedroom bathroom and saw Andy looking at the computer screen as if she was hypnotized. Quickly he also looked at the screen and saw what he never imagined would be there. He never imagined there were photos of him and Anthony on his computer. He never imagined that Andy would find out this way what he was waiting for the right moment to tell her. He didn't know what to do to reverse the situation, but he needed to try.

Robert: Andy, that's not what you're thinking at all.

Still looking at the screen and with a harsh voice, Andy replied:

Andy: That's the cliché phrase of every man who's cheating on his wife. I expected to hear anything but that.

Robert: Andy I'm not cheating on you. I swear to you.

Still in shock and trying not to freak out, she asked:

Andy: So that boy in the photo isn't your son? So, this weekend in Montana was actually for work and I got it all wrong when I saw these photos? Is that it Robert?

Robert: No. You didn't get it wrong, but I can explain.

For the first time, Andy turned to face her husband head on. Looking into his eyes, she demonstrated that within her there was fury and disappointment.

Andy: Wow... you have a child outside of our marriage and I find out from photos in a mysterious email. And this boy's mother? I have no doubt that you are maintaining two families.

Robert: I would never do that to you. I would never be able to have two women at the same time.

Outraged, Andy began to change her tone of voice.

Andy: Well, that's not what it looks like. You've never been back to Montana since you came to Seattle... And then I open my heart to you explaining why I haven't been feeling the desire to have sex for the last few weeks and you look for someone who will satisfy you. I feel dirty for having sex with you yesterday when you were returning from your lust with this woman.

Robert interrupted what Andy was saying. He held her firmly by the arms and said looking into her eyes.

Robert: Andy, I love you and you know it. I would never be able to betray anyone, especially you. I would never do what you think I did while you were in pain worrying about our daughter. You need to believe me.

Andy: After what I just found out, I don't believe you anymore. I don't believe in this love you say you feel for me.

Andy was so angry and hurt that she didn't know how to control her feelings and her impulsiveness. All she wanted was to get away from Robert. She couldn't bear to look at him for another minute. She let go of his arms, went to her closet and grabbed a backpack and some clothes.

Robert: What are you doing?

Andy: I can't stand being around someone who betrays me. I'm going to my parents' house.

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