Chapter 46

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Since the Christmas party at Andy and Robert's house, the team at 19 had grown closer to Robert and he was feeling good getting to know each member of the team as people and not just co-workers. He felt a great affinity with Ben and many times the two used their free moments at the station to talk. It was also not unusual to see him talking to Dean and Vic, as they were always concerned about the racial problems that society faces and because of that, they had a lot in common. With Maya and Travis, he spoke little, but whenever there was a need, he felt comfortable being able to approach them. Even with Jack he was getting along well. Gradually, the friendships were strengthening and, contrary to what he imagined, this was doing a lot of good for teamwork.

Also since that Christmas night, Pruit decided he wanted to make some changes to his house. He was delighted with Robert's house and thought that his house was also in need of some renovations. As soon as he got home he said to Andy:

Pruit: This year I cured cancer and now I want a new life. So for the new year I want a new house too. I will endeavor to make some changes to our house to make it more beautiful and cozy.

Andy: That's a great idea, Dad. You can count on my help.

Andy spent the days after Christmas helping her father with whatever changes he wanted to make. As they only needed to do this when they weren't working at the station, Andy was unable to go to Robert's house at any time. At the station it was also impossible for them to have a moment alone since Robert had a lot of work in the office and the team had a lot of calls.

Andy and Robert saw each other every day, but they didn't touch, they didn't kiss. This was making the two miss each other very much. The last kiss they had exchanged was on Christmas night and it was the last day of the year and they needed a moment alone. So they decided that that day they would go to the station earlier and at least they could do their physical exercises together and alone before the shift started.

Robert proposed to Andy an intense round of abdominal exercises. She was lying on the floor performing the exercises, while Robert was kneeling in front of her, holding her legs. After the first round of exercises was over, Andy lay down exhausted. Robert lay down beside her and said, mocking her tiredness:

Robert: You want to go again?

Andy: No way. I can't.

Robert: Come on Herrera. Ten more and you get to pick what we do next.

Andy's imagination was running over some possibilities for collecting the bounty Robert was proposing. In a sensual way she said:

Andy: I have some good ideas for charging what you're proposing, but you won't know until we can be in a more private location.

Robert: I'm curious to find out what's going through your mind.

Andy: So make this round of exercises more enjoyable and I can show you before the shift starts what's on my mind.

Since the B team was on a call and there was still a long way to go before the A team arrived, Robert found a way to make those exercises a little more enjoyable. Every time she moved up her torso to strengthen her abdomen, he stole a kiss from her. So they were having fun. At one point, Andy climbed up her body hoping to get one more kiss, but Robert tricked her and turned his face away to play with her.

Andy: Why are you torturing me? You are in need of other friends for the gym.

Robert: I got you. You're my friend and that's big for me.

He said this by stealing one more kiss from Andy. She was already itching to collect her bounty, so she got up and said:

Andy: Come on.

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