Chapter 3

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Andy took Jack's call. She tried to pull away a little, but still Robert could hear what she was saying.

Jack: Hi Andy. How is everything? Do I interfere with your training?
Andy: Hi Jack. Yes it's okay. It doesn't bother me at all. Training ended early today.
Jack: We're in need of your briefcase with reports.
Andy: They're kept in my closet, in that drawer that you know I always kept. You have my dorm key. Take it there, please.
Jack: I miss you.
Andy: I'll be back next week. See you later Jack.

While Andy was on the phone, Robert was caught in his thoughts: "So she is dating? No Robert, you can't be jealous. You barely know each other. But there's something about this woman that catches my eye. From the first day I saw her, I was attracted to her. I haven't cared about any woman in years. The only person who made me feel that way was Claire, my wife. And ever since Claire passed away, my head is only focused on work. But if Andy is compromised, I need to turn off those thoughts of mine. In a few days, everyone will return to their city and we will never see each other again."
Andy had already hung up the phone and was calling for Robert, but he hadn't noticed.

Andy: Hey! Robert! It's all right?
Robert: Sorry, I was just thinking about a few things. Shall we continue the photos?

Robert chose not to ask anything about Jack.
Andy handed him his cell phone so they could take the pictures. Andy also wanted to take a photo together with Robert as a souvenir.
They continued the tour for a few more hours and then each returned to their hotel room.

On the third day, they would have intense hands-on training, which would require a lot of physical effort. Early in the morning, Robert knocked on Andy's bedroom door, taking some bandages in his hands.

Robert: I was worried about your foot. I think it's important that we bandage on it, so that you feels your footing firmly during the tasks.
Andy: Wow... I don't even know how to thank you. I hadn't thought of that myself. Thank you.
Robert: I'm just following the rule of taking care of my buddy

He said with a look that somehow made her shiver.
Robert sat down on the floor and propped Andy's foot on his thigh. She was sitting on the bed and looking over at him. She noticed how affectionate he was as he took care of her feet. First he gave her a little massage and then he bandaged her up and helped her into her shoes.
They went to the cafeteria together, where they had breakfast while talking about their careers. Andy was happy to have found a good pair. At least this way, the event was more pleasant than she thought it would be.
The first stage of practical training took place in a mountainous region. They would need to go down a mountain, rescue the doll and return. Andy was getting her seat belt ready when Robert saw that she had tied a simple knot. Then he offered to teach her a tighter knot.
He looped the rope around her waist and prepared the knot so Andy could descend more safely. As he wrapped his hand around her waist, Andy felt the touch of his fingers and felt her heart speed up slightly. She didn't know what was going on, but she knew that Robert's presence was messing with her.
Once the knot was done, Andy went down the mountain, prepared the puppet to be rescued, and then gave the command for Robert to pull it up. Shortly after, she also reached the top, after climbing.
Robert was waiting for her with a bottle of water.

Robert: You'd better hydrate yourself. These trainings demand a lot from our physical fitness. I have seen in previous years many firefighters get sick.

Andy thanked him and drank some water. While she rested, it would be Robert's turn to perform the same procedure. But before going down, he still said:

Robert: It's still a while before I need your help. As I go down, place your foot on a support to keep it elevated and prevent swelling.

Andy had always been independent, but she was enjoying this feeling of being taken care of. She couldn't explain it, but something about Robert made her feel unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Not even Jack had shown her that much concern and care over the months they'd been together. Jack had always been affectionate and respected her a lot, but she had never noticed him being as considerate of her as Robert was being.
Andy was getting intrigued by these thoughts. She thought about why Robert was treating her so fondly. Although he said he was just following the rules of taking care of his partner, she believed that wasn't the only reason. That something else motivated him to do so.

They continued training for another 3 days. Despite having known each other for less than a week, they felt as if they had been friends for many years. They were pleasant company for each other. Especially at meal times, when they could talk about any topic, and they could see that they had many interests in common.
On the penultimate day, they were having lunch together when a woman recognized Robert. She was Mary, Captain of Montana Station 14.

Mary: Captain Robert Sullivan, it's been a long time since we spoke.
Robert: Hi Mary.
Mary: Mind if I join you? I'm sure we have a lot of news to share.

Andy felt a little uncomfortable with Mary's presence, but politely accepted her joining them at the table.

Andy: Sure, sit down.

Robert wasn't enjoying the company either. He had known Mary for a few years and had always known that she was interested in Robert, but he was never interested in her.
Mary told Andy some stories from when her and Robert's team worked together in Montana. She told how Robert was a hero and how they made an amazing team at work.

Mary: Oh Robert! If I had seen you the first day, I would have asked the commander to let us pair up for this training. We would certainly remember the old days and it would be very pleasant.
Robert didn't know how to dismiss Mary, but he was already angry about the situation as there was never anything between him and Mary. Besides, he never liked working with her.
Andy was also increasingly uncomfortable with this woman. So she chose to withdraw from the table.

Andy: Excuse me, I need to get back to the auditorium. I have to finish reading some protocols that will be needed for the afternoon training.

Robert realized that Andy was upset and held her hand as she was getting out of her chair. Andy looked at Robert and in that instant she felt something different. A sensation she had never felt before.

Robert: I'll go with you. I also need to read these protocols.

Then he turned to Mary:

Robert: Excuse me Mary, but we need to go.

Robert rose and Mary remained in her chair. She then suspected that Andy and Robert had some involvement beyond the training partnership.
Andy and Robert walked towards the auditorium without saying anything, but Andy was glad they were going together. She realized that she had become jealous and liked that Robert chose to accompany her rather than continue talking to Mary.
They stayed together for the rest of the day. After training, they sat in a square in front of the hotel, where they talked some more. But they had to return to their rooms early, as the next day would be the last day of training and this would take place early in the morning, since at night they would have the Closing Ball.

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