Chapter 90

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When Robert asked Andy how her appointment with Carina had been, she sat next to her husband and, still not sure how to say it, she began to respond:
Andy: Robert, after Carina examined me, she gave me some news that I need to talk to you.
Robert started to get worried, but waited for his wife to say what she wanted.
Andy: Carina said everything is fine with me and my health. My recovery is much better than she imagined.
Andy was saying something good, but her expression wasn't compatible. She had a worried face and Robert noticed.
Robert: That's wonderful, but I know there's something else going on or you wouldn't have that apprehensive expression on your face.
Andy took her husband's hands and, looking into his eyes, she said:
Andy: I could lie to you, but I don't want to and I won't. We recently talked about the importance of being honest with each other. Our marriage is built without secrets and I want to keep it that way.
Robert felt embarrassed because he was keeping a very important secret that he hadn't yet felt Andy was well enough to discover. However, at that moment, he managed to divert his guilty conscience to listen to what Andy was going to say, as he was worried about what she was going to reveal, especially when it was news after a doctor's appointment.
Robert: Andy, you know you can tell me anything. I don't want you to feel worried about what you have to tell me.
Andy: Robert, today Carina said that I am now free to have sex again, but I need to avoid pregnancy for some time, until my uterus is really recovered for a new pregnancy.
Robert: Okay. This won't be a problem between us. You know it. It's too early to think about a new baby. But I still feel like you have something more to tell me.
She stopped for a moment to think about what she wanted to say and then continued:
Andy: Look, I still think you're the most beautiful and sexiest man in the world. I am in love with you and I only have wonderful memories of all our moments of love. But I can't go back to having sex now. I won't be able to give you pleasure and feel pleasure while my mind is still so focused on motherhood. I won't be able to relax while I still constantly relive my fear of Jade's prematurity. I have totally no libido now.
Robert: Hey... calm down... I already expected this to happen and it's okay. We won't do anything until you want us to. I will always respect you. Never forget that.
Andy: But I know that my body is going through hormonal transitions that yours isn't. I don't know how long this will last... If I'll still be without libido for weeks or months. I can't promise you a deadline for us to get back to normal.
Andy looked into her husband's eyes again and continued:
Andy: Robert, I understand that all of this is only happening in my body and not yours, but I wouldn't want you to indulge your desires with another woman. I won't bear knowing that another woman gave you the pleasure that I can't give you now.
Robert: Hey... do you really think I would be capable of cheating on you? I will never do that, especially now, when we are living in the most beautiful moment in our history. Can't you realize how important you are in my life? I would never risk doing anything to hurt you. I would never risk losing the love of my life for an adventure.
Andy felt embarrassed for having thought about this possibility, but at the same time, she felt insecure because she couldn't predict when she would have sex with her husband again.
Andy: I'm sorry for thinking that... I'm just afraid of losing you.
Robert: I love you so much and don't ever think that I'm with you for sex. I promise you that what you imagined will not happen. I don't care how much time you need, I'll be waiting for you. I don't desire any other woman other than you.
He hugged her, calming her.
Robert: Everything I want I have here, in our house, with you. You make me a very happy man and I just want to repay you for how good you make me.
Andy: You give me back a lot. I am also a very happy woman to have you as my husband, life partner and best friend.
She snuggled into her husband's arms and kissed him passionately.
Robert: Do you know what would make me very happy right now?
Andy: What?
Robert: Having my wife by my side watching a movie with me, while our baby is sleeping peacefully in her crib.
Andy: Your wish will be granted, my love.
Andy snuggled even closer into her husband's arms to watch the movie with him. However, before they even decided which movie they were going to watch, a baby crying interrupted them.
Andy: I think we'll have company to watch the movie.
Andy picked up her daughter from her room, while Robert went to make popcorn. When Andy returned with the baby, she left her daughter in her stroller next to the couple. They were then able to calmly watch the film and enjoy a moment of relaxation that they hadn't experienced in several weeks.

Jade's first week at home had been tiring, but at the same time very pleasurable. The baby was calm and little by little, Andy and Robert were adapting to their daughter's routine.
Robert was free from work in those first few days to support his wife, but he soon had to return. He was able to do part of his work remotely, from his home, communicating with the teams via the internet and cell phone, however, he always needed to be aware of the need to accompany a team on a call. With this facility, he was able to go to work in person only during part of the shift. Every morning, Elena went to their house to help Andy, while Robert went to work. At lunch time, Robert returned home and continued his home office.
It had been 3 days since Robert had returned to work and that morning, he had to pay a visit to Station 19. He told Andy that he was going to 19 and she decided that she would go with him. The 19 team had not yet met the baby, as Jade was a premature baby, everyone thought it would be better to wait a few days for her to strengthen a little more. So, Andy decided to surprise her friends and take Jade with her.
It was the first time they were going out with their daughter and it was only right that they chose a place that was special to them. As soon as they arrived at the station, everyone on the team immediately went to them.
Maya: Oh! Our little recruit is here. I was looking forward to meeting her.
Ben: She is very beautiful!
Travis: I want to be the first to carry her.
Travis took Jade out of Andy's arms and she allowed her friend to carry her daughter.
Andy: Well, no one noticed, but Robert and I are here too. And even though you didn't ask, we're fine.
She said mockingly, as clearly everyone was just worried about Jade.
Dean: Well, you know when you have a baby, the parents always take a backseat.
Robert: And I'm not going to disagree with you. She's such a cute baby, it's only natural that all the attention goes exclusively to her.
Andy: Okay. I agree with you and since my presence here is irrelevant, I will go to Jack's office to see how the station is doing in my absence.
Robert: Hey honey, you're on maternity leave. You will stay here with your friends and our daughter, having fun, while I will go to Jack to do my work.
Andy: I miss work.
Robert: I know, but right now, Jack is the captain and it's not right for you to get involved in his work. He received my trust to take over the station in your absence, and this mission of supervising him is mine alone, as battalion chief.
Andy didn't like being prevented from working, but agreed with what Robert said. It was only fair that Jack had privacy and a vote of confidence in his work.
As soon as Robert finished his conversation with Jack, he took Andy and Jade home, before heading to the Department to complete his workday.

In the following days, Robert continued working some days at home and other days at the department. Whenever he needed to leave the house for a long period of time, Pruit and Elena would help Andy with baby care and household chores.
Ever since Robert had received an important email, a person from his past called him frequently and he never answered the calls when he was close to Andy. So, he arranged with this person the times they would make their video calls, as he wanted to make sure that he would not be at home so that Andy would not eavesdrop on them under any circumstances. The conversations were becoming more and more enjoyable for Robert and he was looking forward to going to Montana to meet this person. This was a meeting much desired by both of them and it could no longer be postponed.
Jade had already been born for 3 months and had been at home for just over 1 month, but even so, Andy still needed a lot of help. Even though Robert was aware of this, he had no other choice. He wanted to go to Montana, even though to do so he needed to lie to Andy once again.
Robert tried to think of a way to lessen the weight of his absence, but the only option that came to mind was to ask Pruit and Elena for help. As he didn't think it was right to talk to his in-laws before talking to his wife, he knew the time had come to reveal part of his problem to her. He could no longer sleep properly or concentrate on work because of his anxiety about going to Montana and also because of the conversation he would have with Andy.
Robert: Andy, I don't know how to tell you this, but I need to tell you.
Andy: You're making me worry. Say it soon.
Robert: I wouldn't want to move away from you and Jade right now, but I need to go to Montana this weekend.
Andy: What happened? Since you moved to Seattle, you've never returned to Montana. If you need to go, at a time as important as our daughter's first days at home, it's because there is something very important happening.
Robert: Andy, I won't be able to explain it to you now, but I ask you to trust me and as soon as possible, I will explain to you what is happening.
Andy: I'm getting even more worried.
Robert tried not to lie, but Andy's questions gave him no alternative, as he couldn't tell the truth but he also didn't want to make Andy worry.
Robert: There are things about the season that are pending and I need to go to Montana to resolve them.
Andy: But after all this time, right now they need you?
Robert: Unfortunately, problems don't choose the right time to arrive.
He then approached his wife and, still upset about being lied to, he gave her a kiss.
Robert: Look, I wouldn't take time off now if it wasn't really necessary. I love you and I don't want you to think that I'm abandoning you when you need me.
She took her husband's hand, giving him the confidence she needed.
Andy: I'm not thinking you're abandoning me. I'm just finding this all very strange. But I know your love for me and our daughter and I trust you. If you really need to go to Montana, that's fine. We are firefighters and I know that our work may need us when we least expect it.
Robert: I'll ask your parents to be here with you while I'm gone. You may need help with Jade and it's good to have someone around.
Andy: I'm sure they'll do it even if you don't ask them to.
They laughed.

In the days that Robert was away, Andy was missing him not just for his company. She began to feel sexual desire that she had not felt for a long time. She began to remember some moments of pleasure with Robert from which she was drawing her libido back. She was eager for his arrival, as only he would put out the fire that was burning her.
On the day Robert would return, Andy asked her parents to look after Jade while she went out. Andy went to the mall and chose some special lingerie for when her husband arrived and for the rest of the day, she looked forward to his arrival.
The day had already fallen when Robert arrived home. As soon as he entered, he saw Andy playing with Jade on the living room couch, while Elena and Pruit were in the kitchen preparing dinner. Approaching his wife and daughter, Robert said:
Robert: How are the women in my life?
Andy: We missed you so much.
She said as she stood up with her daughter in her arms to give her husband a kiss. She gave him a kiss and then in a childish voice, she said:
Andy: Hey Dad! I want a lap.
Robert took his daughter in his arms and said:
Robert: I missed you two too.
The cute moment was interrupted when Elena called them to dinner. Robert went to her room, put away her suitcase and then joined the family for dinner.
After dinner, Elena and Pruit returned to their house, Andy went to breastfeed Jade and Robert went to take a shower. Whenever Robert was home, he made Jade sleep. It was a special moment of connection between father and daughter. Andy left the two alone and went to her room to change into the lingerie she had bought earlier.
As soon as Jade fell asleep, Robert went to his room to rest, but was surprised to see his wife waiting for him. Andy wore a semi-sheer black lace nightgown, matching her underwear in the same color. He had no reaction to seeing her so sexy, but at the same time he was afraid that he was interpreting her in the wrong way.
Robert: You know that seeing you dressed like that is torture for me, right?! I won't be able to sleep next to you if you're wearing this.
Andy: Um… I don't want to torture you. And I don't even plan to be wearing it when we go to sleep. I just want to make you happy tonight.
She said approaching her husband to give him a kiss, however, before she finished what she was going to do, Robert interrupted her.
Robert: Are you sure you want it?
Andy: I missed you a lot, but not just in the way you were imagining. Your absence made my sexual desire ignite. Your smell on our bed was driving me crazy.
She interrupted her words by starting to kiss her husband around her neck and face. Robert was enjoying the atmosphere between them, but he still wanted to make sure that Andy wasn't acting like this just to please him.
Robert: Andy, I love you and I want you so much, but I don't want you to do this just to please me.
Andy: I was honest with you when I said I had no libido and I'm being honest with you now too. I was looking forward to the time when it would be just the two of us. I'm more relaxed with Jade's routine and she already sleeps longer during the night, so I think we have some free time for both of us.
She kissed him again and this time he finally responded with passion. Robert was already shirtless, wearing just shorts, which made him even more sexy and increased Andy's desire even more. She then began trailing her kisses down his chest, while she dug her nails into his back. Robert felt her body responding to the stimuli that Andy gave him and then he began to rush to take off Andy's nightgown.
Andy: Wait. Turn off the light.
Robert found Andy's request strange, as lighting had never been a problem for them.
Robert: Is everything okay? I like seeing you sexy like this.
Andy: My body isn't the same anymore. Now I have a scar and my belly still has more volume than it had before pregnancy. I don't want you to lose attraction for me when you see me naked.
Robert: I will never stop being attracted to you. You are the woman that I love and that I desire at all times. I'm not just attracted to your body, but mainly to who you are. The changes in your body record the best thing that happened in our history. I will never stop finding you beautiful for that reason.
With one hand, Robert began to caress her face, while his other hand slid over the strap of her nightgown, letting it fall to the floor. Andy was then wearing just a pair of panties. Robert hugged her from behind and turned Andy to face the mirror. He looked admiringly at his wife's body reflected in the mirror, while he let his hands slide, caressing her breasts, her belly, her waist...
Robert: You're still beautiful and sexy. You continue to be the woman capable of taking my breath away and driving me crazy. I love you exactly as you are.
He then turned her back to him and kissed her passionately. This time, more confident, Andy didn't care about the lighting or her exposed body. She gave herself completely to the passion she felt for that man in front of her and which she knew was reciprocated in equal measure.

The next day, Robert was at the Department all day. Long meetings were held to define new projects for the Seattle firefighters. At night, when he returned home, Andy had already put Jade in her crib to sleep and Robert hadn't even spent a moment with his daughter.
Even though he was very tired, he was eager to tell Andy something new about the Department.
Robert: The department has a project to increase the number of women on the teams and, even though you are away from work, I can't imagine anyone better than you to be involved in this project. We are still in the project creation phase and I believe it will not be structured until before you return to work.
Andy: That's wonderful. I would love to be part of that.
Robert: I imagine you will have incredible ideas for us to add to the project.
Andy: I can start structuring some activities. I can do this by being here at home, when Jade is sleeping.
Robert: Do you think you can do it? If you really want, I can help you too. I take more time to look after Jade when I'm not at work, so you have more time to study the project.
Andy: I want to try.
Robert: I'm going to take a shower, but you can turn on my laptop and check my email for the project. The agenda for today's meeting is saved in my email and you know the password.
Robert handed over his laptop, kissed his wife and went to the bathroom.
Andy turned on the computer and accessed his email as Robert had instructed him. She was excited about the possibility of getting involved in new work.
As soon as Robert's email screen opened, Andy noticed that a new email had arrived 10 minutes ago, which Robert had not yet viewed.
“Daddy, look at the photos from our weekend”
Andy looked at the name of whoever had sent it to him and saw the name “Natasha Ross”.
She found what she was seeing strange, but thought it best not to invade her husband's privacy. She then opened the email below, which was what she was wanting. However, she couldn't concentrate on reading the file when her mind insisted that she open the mysterious email.
When she opened the email, she was startled by what she read:
“Sully, Anthony loved spending this special weekend with his father. We have many beautiful photos and they are all attached to this email. We look forward to seeing you next month. With affection, Tash”
Andy felt her heart sink. She wanted to think it was all a misunderstanding, but soon she opened the photos and had confirmation of what she feared. There were photos of Robert and a boy about 7 years old. The two were happy playing in a park and eating ice cream. In other photos, she saw that the child celebrated his seventh birthday, with Robert and a woman next to the boy, in front of the birthday cake.
She was in shock and felt her hands shaking. She stared at the screen without knowing how to react.

Authors' note: Did you imagine something similar? How will Andy act after her discovery? What will be the future of Surrera?

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