Chapter 29

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As Robert entered the station, his gaze went straight to Andy. She had a completely startled expression, as if she was in shock. In Andy's mind, there were several options for who would be the new captain, based on the candidates she'd seen during the tests, but at no time could she have imagined that Robert would be her new captain.

Several questions began to arise in her mind: "Is Robert my new captain? Will Robert live in Seattle? Why didn't he say anything to me?" Andy was missing him so much too, she just thought about when they would have some alone time so she could hug him, kiss him and obviously clear all the doubts that were going through her head.

Andy was still paralyzed when she felt an elbow tightening next to her ribs. It was Maya.

Maya: Andy, what's that reaction? At least mask your indignation at not being the captain or do you intend to get in trouble with the new captain on day one?

Andy pulled herself together and tried to hide it.

Robert: Good morning 19.

All: Good morning.

Robert: I appreciate Chief Ripley's words and feel honored to be called upon to lead such an important team as the 19. Replacing Captain Pruit Herrera is a very big responsibility and I hope to live up to his job.

Pruit smiled upon hearing this. He was pleased with the Chief's choice. He didn't know much about Robert, but he could see in the way he stood and acted that he was someone with experience and the strength necessary for such a mission.

Pruit: Welcome Captain Sullivan. I'm sure Chief Ripley made an excellent choice in bringing you to this station. I wish you to be happy here, as I have been for many years.

Robert: Thank you Captain Herrera. It will be an honor to continue your work.

Robert squeezed Pruit's hand and Andy's heart couldn't help but race. She was increasingly tense and more in need of answers about everything that was going on. Seeing her father and her boyfriend interacting like this opened up even more questions in her head.

Robert let go of Pruit's hand and went to meet the rest of the team.

Each said his name and when he approached Andy he said:

Robert: Lieutenant Herrera, correct?

Andy nodded her head not understanding why he said her name.

Robert: I remember you. You kept me company once I was at the station a few months ago, accompanying Chief Ripley.

He flashed a smile at Andy and that smile was enough to make her feel weak in her legs and want to kiss him. She smiled back.

Lucas: Well, now that the presentations are done, everyone can go back to their work. Captain Herrera and Captain Sullivan, I'd like to meet with you at the office to work out all the details of the captaincy transition.

The three headed towards the office, while the others spread out around the station to do their chores.

Andy had never liked table service, but this time, she was grateful to have been cast in such a role. That way, she would be alone, without having to talk to the rest of the team about her opinion of the new captain. In addition, she could also follow up when the meeting was over.

The meeting had been going on for over an hour and she was curious to know what they were talking about so much, but as the curtains were closed, she couldn't see what was going on inside the room.

About three hours later, the office door opened. It was Pruit.

Pruit: Andy, please come here.

Andy was even more nervous about this call. She wondered why her father would call her to a meeting like this. She entered the room and then Pruit said:

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