Chapter 19

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Andy and Robert's vacation was proving quite fruitful. The days in Bahia were very pleasant and the rest by the sea was doing them a lot of good.

Every day Andy called her father to reassure him and also to get news. Despite loving these days with Robert, her head was always thinking about her father. The connection between them was very strong and she was very concerned about his health.

Andy: Hi papi, how are you?

Pruit: I miss you.

Andy: I ​​miss you too. But I'm also enjoying these rest days. I will send you pictures for you.

Pruit: I'll be happy to receive them.

As she talked with her father, Andy sensed that something was off in his voice. Maybe a little tired.

Andy: Papi, are you really okay? Have you been eating right?

Pruit: Of course I do. I am strong as a bull.

Andy: But in my last days there, you only remembered to eat when I gave you something to eat.

Pruit: You're far away and you left Maya replacing you. I can assure you that she is more boring than you are. Want me to eat all the time.

Andy: That's why she's my best friend.

Andy said laughing, but as soon as they hung up the phone, Andy had a worried expression.

Robert: Did something happen?

Andy: No. I was talking to my father, but I had a bad feeling.

Robert: It must be nothing. You're just not used to being away from him for so many days.

Andy: I ​​don't know. I thought his voice was different.

Robert approached Andy. He sensed that she was apprehensive and wanted to calm her down. Then, he hugged her and caressing her locks of hair, he said:

Robert: Maybe his voice was a little sad from missing you, or maybe it's just that he's worried about you. I don't think you have any reason to worry. And I believe that if something was happening, your friends would let you know.

Andy: Yes. You're right. I have no reason to be concerned. Let's enjoy the beach because today is our last day in Bahia, before going to Minas Gerais. Certainly everything is fine with my father.

Robert: Try not to think about it. Let's have fun.

They then went to the beach and had a pleasant day.

The next day, they left early in the morning for the state of Minas Gerais. They chose to do a circuit that tells part of the country's history, also known as Estrada Real (Royal Road). On those days, they would visit several historic cities. So they decided to rent a car and calmly enjoy every moment.

Along the way, they would visit centuries-old mansions, museums, historic churches and also enjoy the sunset, as the region was mountainous, so there were several spots to admire in the late afternoon and evening.

On the very first day, Robert and Andy decided that they wanted to get in touch with nature and watch the sunset. So, they prepare a snack and also take a blanket so they can be more comfortable. They wrapped themselves in the deck and stood admiring the landscape.

Andy: There are places that give us peace. And today I'm feeling like this. Just the two of us, enjoying the sunset, gives me the feeling that nothing bad can happen.

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