Chapter 88

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As Andy saw Robert carrying their daughter in his arms for the first time, she tried to find the courage to do the same as her husband. The feeling of peace that existed between them was something that moved her and even made her forget that they were inside a hospital. They were the family she never dreamed of having before meeting Robert, but at that moment she only knew how to be grateful for living this experience of building a family with love as its base.
During the entire time she was in her father's arms, Jade remained very calm and only returned to the incubator when the nurse deemed it necessary for the adaptation period. The nurse informed that the couple could go out for a meal and later they would repeat the procedure.
They had lunch at the hospital restaurant, and as they ate, Andy said something that she was thinking that day.
Andy: Robert, how did you feel carrying her?
Robert: I can't explain the feeling. It's something that doesn't translate into words.
Andy: I'd like to try. I was weak when the pediatrician talked to us, but seeing her so calm in your arms encouraged me to try too.
Robert: Hey... You weren't weak. We didn't prepare to receive a premature baby. Everything we were studying was about babies who are born at normal gestation time and can go home. We were training how to give a bath, change a diaper and create a sleep routine. We never thought about what it would be like to carry such a small and fragile baby. So look at me.
Andy looked into Robert's eyes because she knew that in him she would find the strength and courage she so needed.
Robert: Don't blame yourself for anything. Don't feel weak. You are doing everything you can for our daughter and your love for her is indescribable. If you really want to carry our daughter, don't be afraid. Can you do that. I will be by your side all the time. And if you can't, that's okay too. I'm sure Jade won't feel any less loved by this.
Andy was moved by her husband's words and hugged him.
Andy: Thank you. You are the best life partner I could have.
Keeping Andy's head resting on her shoulder, he stroked her hair because he knew that that non-verbal language would convey more of a message than any word, just as that gesture of hugging her and touching her hair always strengthened her.
After having lunch, they went for a walk in the park near the hospital, while waiting for the time to enter the neonatal ICU again. They were walking hand in hand and enjoying the scenery, when Robert's cell phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw that it was the same person from his past who had looked for him days before. So he canceled the call because he couldn't have that conversation with Andy around, especially when his wife was being encouraged to carry their baby for the first time.
Andy: Aren't you going to answer?
Robert: It's nothing I need to pay attention to right now. I will return this call later.
Andy: But it could be something important. Maybe you should answer...
Robert: Nothing is more important than this moment with you.
Andy liked feeling prioritized, but at the same time she was confused as to why Robert didn't want to answer that call, since the couple wasn't doing anything serious that would prevent him from answering. However, as she was preparing emotionally to carry her daughter soon, she preferred to use that free time to calm her mind and not question her husband.
When they returned to the hospital, Andy still felt insecure, but at the same time really wanted to have her daughter in her arms. She sanitized herself and waited for the nurse to pick up the baby from the incubator. Unlike what happened with Robert, Jade didn't cry when leaving the incubator or even in Andy's arms. It was as if Jade already knew that she would go to a nice place again. When Andy felt the baby's skin touch hers, her eyes watered. She had never felt a love as strong as that. The nurse was amazed to see how calm Jade was and breathing without difficulty, so she decided to call the pediatrician so he could assess the baby's clinical condition.
Pediatrician: She is adapting very well to leaving the incubator. She's not getting tired. Her breathing is very good.
Andy was happy with what she heard. And then the pediatrician continued.
Pediatrician: Furthermore, she has been eating very well through the syringe and has gained weight within the normal range. I would like to take advantage of her good acceptance on your lap so we can try her first breast feeding.
The pediatrician gave Andy all the guidance on what it would be like and informed her that it would be normal for the baby not to be able to suckle at first, but little by little she would learn. The nurse helped Andy and then everything went as planned. The suction still hadn't been effective, but Jade had endured the attempt well and hadn't gotten tired.
When Andy and Robert returned home, they were both so happy with what had happened that day, that they decided to video call Pruit and Elena to tell them the news.
Elena: What a thrill to know that my granddaughter is managing to stay out of the incubator. Send me photos please.
Robert: We can't take photos of her yet, but she's the most beautiful baby in that entire hospital.
Elena: I have no doubt that she is beautiful, having parents as beautiful as you. It's a shame I can't take photos, but I want you to do what's safest for her. I can't wait to be able to hold her too.
Robert: As soon as other people are allowed to carry her, you will be the first, Elena.
Elena: This will be an honor for me.
Andy told her parents how emotional she had been every moment of that day seeing the baby first with Robert, then in her lap and finally trying to breastfeed. There were many emotions, as the baby was not expected to endure so many stimuli in a single day.
Pruit: She's a Herrera. I'm not surprised she's so strong.
Andy laughed at her father's words. Pruit was always proud to carry his family's surname and whenever something good happened he took the opportunity to reinforce how strong and fearless the Herreras are. It was something Andy had heard since she was a child.
Andy: Yes, she is a very strong little girl and she is trying hard to get out of that hospital. I'm sure she will love meeting her grandparents and she will also love being a Herrera like us.
Pruit: The swing for her to play on is already hanging on the tree.
Andy laughed again. Jade was so small that many of her could fit on a single swing.
Andy: Calm down, Papi... we'll still have to wait a long time to see her playing on that swing.
Pruit: You think that. You have no idea how quickly children grow up. It seems like yesterday you were playing on that swing until late at night and I had to fight with you to stop playing and go to sleep. Good times.
Andy felt nostalgic about this memory of Pruit. Despite everything she experienced with Elena's absence and the need to go to the station with her father frequently, she couldn't complain about her childhood. She had been happy and had played a lot in that yard that soon her daughter would also be able to play.

The days went by and Jade was getting better and better. Her adaptation outside the incubator was surprising and it didn't take long for her to learn to suck milk straight from her mother's breasts. Each achievement was celebrated with great joy by the couple and they dreamed of the day when all this stress of spending their days in the hospital would end.
One day, the pediatrician called the couple to talk at the end of visiting hours.
Pediatrician: I have good news. Jade is in excellent health and has already reached the weight necessary to leave the hospital. Tomorrow she can go home.
Contrary to what she imagined, Andy didn't react well to the news. In the last few days she was always very calm and calm, but when she found out about the possibility of taking the baby home, insecurity tormented her again.
Andy: But isn't she still too little for that? Maybe it's better to wait for her to grow a little more.
Robert thought Andy would be happy with the news and was surprised by his wife's response. But he knew her so well, he knew how to calm her down.
Robert: My love, look how she is always doing so well with us and has been out of the incubator for a few days now. If the doctor thinks she is ready, it will be good for her to finally go home.
Andy: What if we don't know how to take care of her? The hospital has doctors and nurses ready to help at any time.
Robert: Andy, she is healthy and it is not fair to her that we leave her in this hospital when she can now go to the comfort of our home and be with her family. We have already done several trainings. I'm not guaranteeing we'll do everything right, but I know we'll do our best for her.
Pediatrician: Your husband is right. No matter the size, weight or age of the baby, the first days with it at home will always be challenging because it is a new world for you and for the baby too.
Robert looked into his wife's eyes, giving her confidence.
Robert: Together, we will overcome this phase too.
Andy agreed to take her daughter home the next day, even though her heart was still scared.
As they drove home, alone in the car, Andy vented her feelings to her husband.
Andy: Isn't it strange that I'm so brave to face fire, climb high mountains, go into deep rivers and even sewer drains, but when it comes to our daughter I feel so insecure? I've already brought some babies into the world, delivering them in places with no resources and now I'm afraid to take my daughter home.
Robert: That's one of the secrets of love. Jade is the most important thing we have. She is so small, but she is already capable of showing that she has arrived to change our lives. We have been new people since she was born. We are living new experiences and feelings that only through it we are able to feel.
Andy agreed with her husband. Even though she was scared, she was very happy.
Andy: You know tomorrow will be a special day. Yes, I am insecure, but I am very happy to know that our daughter will be able to be with us all the time. She will finally have her own room and also meet so many people who love her. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow.
Robert continued driving as something crossed his mind.
Robert: I have an idea. When we get home, we'll get ready to go out.
Andy: Really? I'm so tired of this routine of going to the hospital. I'm not in the mood to go out. We need to go to bed early so we can be ready when we pick up Jade.
Robert: I promise we won't be late and I'm sure you'll like it. Just come with me.
The couple arrived home and prepared to leave, as Robert had proposed. Andy didn't know where they would go, but she trusted her husband.
Robert took Andy to dinner at a romantic restaurant. The place was lit in candlelight and soft music was played by a violinist and a pianist. It was a very pleasant and beautiful place. Andy liked the place, as it had a calm and cozy atmosphere.
Andy: This place is really nice. You did well to convince me to come.
Robert: We have many reasons to celebrate today. Firstly, we need to celebrate our daughter's achievement. She fought to survive and now we know for sure that everything is really fine. We also need to celebrate our achievements as parents. Everything we studied and prepared to experience when Jade was born happened differently than we expected and our love strengthened us to overcome these unimaginable days together.
Andy: You're right. We need to be grateful for this completed stage. Not easy, but knowing that I could not only count on her help, but mainly on your love, everything became less heavy.
Robert: You can always count on my love.
Andy smiled at her husband as he intertwined his fingers with his wife's, who was sitting across from her.
Robert: This will be the last night just the two of us for a long time. I wanted to bring you to a special place to celebrate the strength of our love, which materialized in a beautiful girl.
Andy: You're always so careful with me and our story. I can't say a single special day since I met you, because everything with you becomes special. That night will forever remain in my memory. I love you.
Robert: I love you too and I want us to have many more special memories, together and now, also with our daughter.
He caressed his wife's hands on the table and they both smiled happily at experiencing such a beautiful and true love.
Andy: So, here's to our love multiplying and bringing our beautiful little girl into our lives.
They both raised their glasses of juice and toasted.
That night, they decided they wouldn't talk about anything that worried them. They wanted a light and peaceful night. They remembered the first times they were together, when they still lived in different states.
While waiting for dinner to be prepared, they went dancing. It was just soft music and, hugging each other, they were moving slowly, also respecting the fact that Andy had recently had surgery. At all times, they looked at each other and smiled. No words needed to be said for them to feel the sincerity and love that was in their relationship. It was clear to see their partner's eyes shining.
At the end of that night, they returned home happy and with a different feeling than they had before. That dinner was like a magic that had transformed them. They were more confident that everything would be fine when Jade was home.

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