Chapter 55

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The next morning, Andy woke up early and started getting ready for the station. She was so happy that she was singing and dancing while she got ready. Pruit, who was in his room, could hear his daughter's joy and so he went to meet her in the kitchen, where she was preparing breakfast.

Pruit: Good morning hija!! It's so good to see you happy like this.

Andy: Good morning, Daddy. I'm very happy and I'm happy that I don't have to hide it from you anymore.

Andy gave her dad a hug.

Pruit: Today I still want to choose my suit for your wedding.

Andy: I'm going to the station to work and I can't join you today, but I'm sure you'll make an excellent choice.

Pruit: For my little girl's wedding, I want the best.

Andy: Dad, what about the trip to Puerto Rico? Have you already set the new date? You had put it off because of Ryan, but now he's fine...

Pruit: Yes, I postponed the trip and will only go when my daughter and son-in-law are married and with their well-deserved promotions.

Andy: But we still don't have dates for the promotions and we don't even know if I'm going to be promoted.

Pruit: My sources tell me that day is near.

Andy was curious to know more details about this date, but Pruit didn't know more about it. So Andy just finished getting ready and went to the station. She wasn't wearing her engagement ring so as not to arouse suspicion, but the smile on her face was impossible to hide and it didn't go unnoticed by her friends as they changed clothes.

Maya: Did something happen this weekend that you're smiling that much?

Andy: Nothing happened. I'm just in a good mood.

Vic: A very good humor that we are not used to.

Andy: That's not true. I'm always in a good mood. But if you want the reason for my good mood, I'll tell you. After many days of intense work, I had a free weekend and was able to rest a lot. That's why I'm like this... just relaxed.

Vic: I know... You want to try to convince us that just a weekend break made you like this.

Maya: I smell a man in that rest of yours.

Andy: Well, you're both very wrong. There was absolutely nothing different about my weekend.

Maya: It's okay. If you're saying there's nothing, we believe it.

The two friends laughed.

Vic: Then let's hurry before the captain arrives and we're not ready yet.

They finished getting ready and went to the kitchen, where the rest of the team was already having breakfast.

A few minutes later, Robert arrived at the station. He also tried to remain serious, but he was calm and just said:

Robert: Good morning 19.

All: Good morning Captain.

Robert: Keep eating your breakfasts and as soon as you're done, you can go down for inspection.

Robert took a cup of coffee and went to his office. When he left, Dean commented:

Dean: Was it just me or is the captain in a good mood too?

Travis: I noticed that too.

Maya: It seems like we were the only ones not hit by the "good mood ray" this weekend.

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