Chapter 56

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When Travis took a closer look at the ring on Andy's finger and noticed that it was a typical engagement ring, everyone turned their eyes towards Andy in surprise. Startled, Jack intervened:

Jack: What? Engagement Ring?

Andy quickly removed her hand from Travis's, trying to hide the ring, but it was too late. Everyone had seen it.

Maya: Wow!! It's not just an engagement ring. It's a very expensive ring.

Jack: Come on Andy, explain yourself. There's no use hiding the ring because we've all seen it and we're waiting for you to explain to us what that ring is. I gave you an engagement ring and you didn't even want to take it. And now you're parading around with an engagement ring when we don't even know you're in a relationship.

Robert was nearby and he was furious to hear Jack talking like that, but he preferred to wait a few moments to see if his intervention as captain of the team would be necessary, since he could not intervene as a fiance. However, before he could say anything, Dean defended Andy.

Dean: Calm down Jack. She owes us no explanation. If she doesn't want to talk about the ring, that's her right.

Vic: That's right. She doesn't need to tell us anything, but I confess I'm quite curious. And so Andy, are you going to tell us who gave you that ring?

With the intervention of his friends, Jack ended up calming down, but he was still very suspicious of everything that was happening.

Travis: Oh Andy, satisfy our curiosity. Please. Such a beautiful ring could only have come from a rich groom.

Robert at that moment was already calmer, since Jack had calmed down. So he decided to tease Andy.

Robert: Let me see that ring up close.

Robert took her hand to look at the ring and that left Andy even more speechless in front of the team.

Robert: It really is one of the most beautiful rings I've ever seen Herrera. Only a very passionate man would make such a choice.

Everyone was so focused on the ring that they didn't notice the smile that Robert gave when he said that. He knew how to seduce Andy and it was driving her crazy.

Andy still had no idea to justify herself and at that moment she was angry that Robert had further worsened any argument she might have. But Pruit, who was watching everything, decided to help his daughter.

Pruit: Yes Captain Sullivan. This ring was bought by a very passionate man. I bought it myself many years ago when I asked Elena to marry me.

Everyone looked at Pruit in surprise, including Andy.

Pruit: I found this ring in storage a few days ago and I thought it was right that it stay with Andy, who is the fruit of the great love that existed between Elena and me.

Andy was happy with what her father said.

Andy: It's just that guys. This ring belonged to my mother and I am wearing it.

Jack: You never had that ring on the station.

Andy: Jack, I don't owe you an explanation. But for you to stop bothering me, I'll tell you why you never saw me with that ring.

Andy was out of patience and it showed in her tone.

Andy: I'm not crazy about wearing an important ring like this while at work. I don't want to run the risk of ever losing it. Today it stayed on my finger because I came quickly to the call when I received the alarm and ended up forgetting. But I'm going to put it in my closet right now.

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