Chapter 36

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The next day, Andy and Robert knew they needed to get rid of any suspicious signs they'd left the night at the bar.

As with most shifts, they were separated for work. When Andy arrived at the station, Vic was already there. The two women were having breakfast in the kitchen when Robert entered and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge. Andy continued talking to Vic, but keeping her gaze on Robert, she noted that once again he wasn't going to eat properly while he was at the station.

Vic took the opportunity to whisper in Andy's ear:

Vic: You can deny it, but you two were very convincing in that scene at the bar. He defended you like he was your boyfriend. Wasn't Captain Sullivan jealous?

Andy, who was a little scattered, was startled by her friend's comment.

Andy: Where did you get that idea from? We can't stand each other.

Vic didn't know, but Robert was able to hear their conversation.

Vic: Um... I thought you guys were a cute couple. You two would have my support.

Andy wanted to laugh, but she couldn't.

Andy: Vic, stop it. What you saw at the bar meant nothing to either me or him. It is useless for you to insist on it. We can't get along together even as co-workers.

Vic: Okay. I may believe you are not interested in a relationship with the captain, but I still think the way he acted at the bar makes me believe he might have feelings for you.

Andy began to worry about Vic's suspicions. Robert, who was still in the kitchen, was also worried.

Andy: The only feeling I know he has for me is anger. And enough of that. Let's get ready for the inspection.

The two women left the kitchen leaving Robert alone.

He was left thinking that he needed to act to change Vic's thoughts before she spread her opinion to the rest of the team.

During the inspection line, Robert kept his expression more serious than usual.

Robert: Our station is a landmark in the city of Seattle, but that doesn't mean we can't improve. I want my team to be more and more efficient.

Robert walked among the team and gave them a stern look.

Robert: So today I will be with the team on all calls. I want to keep a close eye on even the easiest calls.

He stopped in front of Andy and said:

Robert: They're all dismissed except Lieutenant Herrera. Herrera, in my living room.

Everyone went to their activities, while Andy and Robert went to the office.

Andy: Did something happen?

Robert: I'm concerned about Hughes' suspicions. We're going to need to be even more cautious around them, and also, don't be alarmed if I...

Andy interrupted him.

Andy: I ​​know. Today is going to be one of those days where you yell at me.

Robert: You know I hate to do this, don't you?

Andy: I ​​know. Don't worry. Let's be convincing.

Andy turned to leave the room, but first she whispered very quietly:

Andy: I ​​love you.

Robert: Me too.

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