Chapter 61

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Before showing the photos, Johnson thought it wise to explain why he called the meeting.

Johnson: Before I show you the contents of the envelope, I would like to say that this meeting has been arranged in response to an announcement made yesterday by Captain Robert Sullivan of Station 19.

Lucas, who had already been part of the team for a few weeks, soon understood that Robert had revealed his marriage and was apprehensive about the future of his best friend.

Johnson: Captain Sullivan revealed yesterday that he and Lieutenant Andrea Herrera were recently married and had been in a secret relationship for several months. According to the facts he presented to me, the relationship started before he took over the captaincy of the 19. And the contents of that envelope are photos anonymously denouncing the relationship between the two.

Johnson then decided to pass the photos between all of them so that each could make their own conclusions from the situation. Dixon was infuriated that Robert had already made the announcement before his photos reached the department. He was still angry at the way Robert had spoken to him the night before and so he decided that this was the time to act.

Dixon: So we're looking at two liars who've been breaking fire department rules for months. This is a disgrace to the corporation and needs severe punishment. I believe it is a case of downgrading their ranks or even expelling both.

Johnson: I agree that they acted against the rules, but it's a solid relationship that evolved into a marriage and that's in line with the rules.

Dixon: Regardless, we are dealing with the fact that the captain was involved with a female subordinate and it shows how unprepared they are for any position of trust.

Martha, the only woman present at that meeting, expected that at any moment she would need to take a stand to help Andy not lose her promotion.

Martha: In view of the facts presented at this meeting, I propose that everyone present here analyze the situation from the opposite point of view. Sullivan and Herrera were such competent professionals that we never suspected such a relationship. At no time did they let their personal lives interfere with their attitudes during the workday. I myself have analyzed in detail their entire careers and I can't find a single fault.

Everyone was attentive to what she said.

Martha: Robert Sullivan did an exemplary job with the 19 team and that would not be an easy mission as the last captain was the legendary Captain Herrera. If Sullivan is promoted to battalion chief, we have the opportunity for more stations to do jobs as efficiently as 19.

Dixon: This is ridiculous. They are liars and you are defending them. That's why I've always been against having women in our meetings and in any other leadership position. Martha is proving that I'm right and that women support romance and don't act right. The reason here is one. They made a mistake and deserve to be punished.

Johnson: Dixon, please let Martha finish her reasoning.

Martha: Thanks Chief Johnson. Concluding what I was saying, in addition to Robert Sullivan's already proven competence, I would like everyone to remember what the period was like when Andrea Herrera took over Station 19 as interim captain. All of her callings were successful, including the calling where she lost her captain seat. There were no deaths and the entire team was safe thanks to her commands.

Johnson: Thank you for your words. I propose that each one reflect on the situation and write on a piece of paper if it is against or in favor of punishment for both of them. I will count the votes and depending on the result, we will analyze later what the punishment would be.

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