Chapter 47

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On the first day of the year, when the shift ended, everyone went to their homes to rest. Andy went home with her father, but only to take a shower and get ready to go meet Robert. As the day was quite cold, she decided to take an extra coat to leave at her and Robert's house. Even though she had a lot of clothes there, she had never taken anything to wear in the snow. So, she took a bigger bag to put the clothes in and decided that at another time she would go to the mall to buy some clothes to leave there.

When she finished getting ready, she went downstairs with her bag and went to say goodbye to her father, who was in the living room watching television.

Pruit: Are you going to come out hija? Especially with a bag as big as this...

With no option for an answer, Andy had to tell a lie again.

Andy: I'm going to Maya's house. We'll have our girls' night and I'll sleep over. I'll see you at the station next shift.

Pruit: All right. Have fun.

Andy gave her father a kiss and left the house thinking that as soon as she arrived at Robert's house she should send a message to Maya warning her of the lie she had invented for her father. Ever since her Fire Academy days, Maya had usually helped her cover up her lies by sleeping with some man out of the house.

As soon as Andy left the house, Pruit had a craving for beer and decided to go to the supermarket to get it. He parked his car and as he entered the supermarket he saw Maya and Carina shopping. He approached the women.

Pruit: Oh are you here?

Maya: Hello Captain. We are on a free day and so we are taking advantage of our time alone to date and also buy some things we need.

Pruit: Andy told me you're doing girls' night tonight. Did I get it wrong?

Carina and Maya looked at each other and realized that Andy had told her father a lie. They then tried to fix things.

Carina: Oh yes. We will do that. That's why we're doing the shopping now, so that we can be home tonight to receive it.

Pruit: But Andy has already left the house and even took sleeping clothes to your place.

Maya: Andy must have been anxious and ended up leaving early. I'm going to send her a message letting her know that we're still going to take a while to get back, but we'll be home soon.

Pruit: I see. She can wait in the car for a while until you arrive. Well, let me get my beer and go home. Good fun for you girls.

When Pruit walked away, Maya was extremely angry with Andy for putting her in such a situation without warning.

Once she got home, Andy got out of the car and went into the house. The last time she was there was Christmas Eve, and even if it was only a week away, it felt like an eternity to her. Robert was in the room and when he saw her enter, he ran to her to give her a kiss. A hot kiss from someone who was very much in love with that woman.

Andy: That's the best way to be received.

Robert: And where those kisses came from, there's still a lot more to come.

Saying that, Robert kissed her again. Andy noticed her cell phone ringing and at first he intended to ignore it, as she didn't want to stop what she was doing, but when she realized that the person was insisting, she decided to answer it. While she went through her purse, Robert continued to please her with kisses around her neck and saying sensual words that he was capable of making her give up looking for her cell phone. But she kept looking until she pulled out her cell phone and saw that Maya was calling you. She was going to call Maya when she entered the house, but when she was startled by Robert's fire, she had completely forgotten to do that.

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