chapter 30

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That morning, everyone, including Andy, was already in the kitchen when Robert arrived.
Robert: Good morning 19
All: Good morning Captain.
Robert: Herrera, as soon as you finish drinking your coffee, I want you to go to my office, please. And to the others, I'm waiting for you for the inspection in 15 minutes
He left the kitchen and everyone looked at each other wondering why the captain had called Andy into his office.

Vic: What does the captain want with you, Andy?
Andy: Probably some help with the documents.
Jack: Strange that I was also acting captain and I'm a lieutenant of this station, but so far he hasn't asked me a single question.
Andy: How many times do I need to tell you that I've been in that room since I was a kid? I know where each paper is. My father suggested to Captain Sullivan that he ask for my help. He still doesn't know us and is just following my father's recommendations.

Andy was already tired of the way Jack was acting, so she left the kitchen, even though her cup was still full of coffee.
She went to Robert's office.

Andy: Did you call me captain?
Robert: Yes. I need the folder where the files of each one of the 19 are and I don't know where it is kept. Do you know where is it?

Andy locked the door and walked over to him seductively.

Andy: Um… I thought it was something more interesting that my captain wanted with me.
Robert: Your captain wants a lot more from you, but not right now. Not here. We're at work.
Andy: They're all upstairs and I think it's only fair that I get at least one kiss so I can get the briefcase.

Robert checked that all the curtains were closed and moved closer to Andy. He gave her a kiss on the lips and then he opened the top button of Andy's shirt to kiss her neck as well.

Andy: Robert, you know that's my weakness.

If we're not going to do anything, we better stop here.

Robert: You're right. Later we finish what I started.

Andy took the folder Robert asked for, left the room, and joined the others in line for inspection.
Shortly after, Robert also left the room and went to the team that was already waiting for him.
He paced back and forth checking the uniforms. He had unbuttoned Andy's shirt and took the opportunity to create a scene of confrontation between the two. Thus, the team would believe that they did not have a good relationship.

Robert: Herrera, a button on your shirt is open.
Andy: Sorry sir.
Robert: The least I expect from my team is that all you at least know how to wear the uniform. That's discipline. It shows if you are attentive.
Andy: That won't happen again, captain.
Robert: You're no probie Herrera. This shouldn't have happened even today, so I need to punish you. You will be on table service.
Andy: But I was at table service last shift.
Robert: I don't care. You will stay again.

He finished checking the uniforms and distributed the tasks to the rest of the team.
Then he finished and went to his room.
Jack came close to Andy and spoke in a tone that everyone could hear.

Jack: Go Andy... Make small talk with this captain. You there playing charm for him and he humiliating you in front of everyone.
Andy: I'm not playing charm on anyone. And you know what? Forget me Jack.

Noticing the heavy atmosphere that had built up between Andy and Jack, Travis tried to lighten up the situation.

Travis: The captain got tough with Andy.
Andy: He doesn't like me. I noticed it.
Yesterday I helped him with the documents and he treated me coldly. Now this unnecessary punishment.
Maya: But today you gave him a fair reason to punish you. In all these years, I've never seen you in a poorly dressed uniform. Just now that we have a new captain, you do such a thing.
Andy: It wasn't intentional. But it was also nothing serious for him to punish me like that.

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